Assault charges in Arizona (AZ)

Class 3 misdemeanor assaults involve touching another person with the intent to injure or provoke. This carries a maximum sentence of 30 days in jail, a $500 fine, and up to 12 months of probation.
Class 2 misdemeanor assaults involve the threat of inflicting physical injury. This type of misdemeanor has a maximum sentence of four months in jail, $750 in fines, and as many as two years of probation.
Class 1 misdemeanor assaults include any physical injury to another person. If convicted, a defendant could receive up to six months in jail, a $2500 fine, and three years of probation.

Arrest Records By County - Arizona (AZ)

Cochise  Maricopa  Mohave  Yuma

Arrested for assault - Yuma County, Arizona


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Jaime Joseph Tlapa
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Arrest Age 28
Arrested Feb 15, 2021
• dv criminal damage-deface
• dv disorderly conduct-fighting
• dv - agg assault-deadly weapon/dangerous
Anjelica Maria-Isabel Torres
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Arrest Age 24
Arrested Aug 14, 2020
• dv disorderly conduct-fighting
• dv criminal damage-deface
• dv assault-touched to injure
Guadalupe Torres
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Arrested Feb 12, 2022
• dv assault-intent/reckless/injure
• dv disorderly conduct-fighting
Guadalupe Torres
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Arrest Age 48
Arrested Nov 16, 2020
• dv disorderly conduct-fighting
• dv assault-intent/reckless/injure
James Torres
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Arrested Aug 28, 2019
• dv aslt-cause fear of phys inj
• dv disorderly conduct-fighting
Jose Antonio Torres
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Arrested Jul 27, 2021
• dv assault-touched to injure
• aggravated domestic violence
• prevent/interfer tele-emerg
• dv disorderly conduct-fighting
• dv agg aslt dv-impede breathing
Joshua Noel Torres
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Arrest Age 33
Arrested Aug 13, 2020
• use of or possession of drug paraphernalia
• fta-written promise to appear
• criminal damage or deface
• dv threat-intim w/inj-dmge property
• dv disorderly conduct-fighting
• dv assault-intent/reckless/injure
Joshua Torres
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Arrest Age 29
Arrested Apr 25, 2021
• fail to comply-court order
• dv - crim trespass 1st deg-residence/yard
• dv - agg assault-serious physical injury
• dv agg aslt dv-impede breathing
Juan Torres
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Arrest Age 29
Arrested Jan 06, 2021
• agg dui-passenger under 15
• agg aslt-serious phy injury
Juan Pablo Torres
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Bond: $250000
Arrested Oct 08, 2019
• attempted murder 1st degree
• agg aslt-serious phy injury
• agg aslt-deadly wpn/dang inst
• agg aslt-temp disfigurement
• kidnap-death/inj/sex/aid fel
• gang - assisting a criminal street gang by committing a felony
Ulises Gerardo Torres-Aguilar
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Arrest Age 25
Arrested Jan 27, 2021
• sexual assault
• sexual assault
Celestino Torres-Martinez
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Arrested Sep 12, 2021
• assault-touched to injure
Christopher Michael Tovarez
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Arrest Age 28
Arrested Jul 02, 2020
• prevent/interfer tele-emerg
• dv - agg assault-deadly weapon/dangerous
• dv agg aslt dv-impede breathing
• dv - agg assault-serious physical injury
Christopher Michael Tovarez
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Arrest Age 29
Arrested May 24, 2021
• aggravated harassment
• agg aslt-deadly wpn/dang inst
• dv - agg assault-deadly weapon/dangerous
• threat-intim w/inj-dmge property
• disorderly conduct-weapon/instr
• poss wpn by prohib person
• dv disorderly conduct-weapon/instr
• dv aggravated harassment
• dv - stalking-fear for safety
Huong Thi Tran
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Arrest Age 24
Arrested Jan 21, 2021
• dv criminal damage-deface
• dv disorderly conduct-fighting
• dv assault-intent/reckless/injure
Ashley Ann Treat
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Arrested Dec 14, 2021
• dv disorderly conduct-fighting
• dv assault-intent/reckless/injure
Jonathan Taj Trivett
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Arrested Dec 09, 2021
• criminal trespass - 3rd degree - real property
• threat-intim w/inj-dmge property
• criminal trespass - 2nd degree-non-residential structure
• disorderly conduct with fighting
• agg aslt-serious phy injury
Chase Aaron Troy
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Arrested Mar 23, 2022
• disorderly conduct-weapon/instr
• agg aslt-deadly wpn/dang inst
• disorderly conduct-weapon/instr
• agg aslt-deadly wpn/dang inst
Octavio Trujillo
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Arrest Age 23
Arrested May 19, 2020
• unlawful use of means of transportation - control (driver)
• dv criminal damage-deface
• dv - agg assault-deadly weapon/dangerous
Charles Garett Turner
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Arrested Nov 23, 2019
• dv disorderly conduct-fighting
• dv assault-touched to injure
Teran G Twist
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Arrested Jan 15, 2022
• dv disorderly conduct-fighting
• dv assault-touched to injure
Teran G Twist
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Arrest Age 34
Arrested Dec 31, 2020
• disorderly conduct with fighting
• aggravated assault - health care practitioner
Tyrus Nathan Twist
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Arrested Oct 31, 2019
• dv assault-intent/reckless/injure
• dv disorderly conduct-fighting
• dv criminal damage-deface
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