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Arrested for assault - Salem County, New Jersey


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Wayne T Haley-Mayo
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Arrest Age 32
Arrested Jan 25, 2021
• contempt-judicial order
• contempt-violate dv order by crime or dp offense
• burglary-enter
• simple assault disorderly
• threatens violence
Brandon L Hall
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Arrest Age 37
Arrested Apr 11, 2021
• sex assault-force or coercion w/no serious injury
• crim sex contact per 2c:14-2c
Cherine K Hamilton
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Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 46
Arrested Jun 02, 2021
• agg assault-simple assault-leo $5000
Deszarae M Hannah
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Arrest Age 37
Arrested Sep 05, 2020
• simple assault
Tahjanae J Hardison
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Arrest Age 21
Arrested Sep 30, 2020
• agg assault w/dw-bi
Justin J Hargrave
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Arrest Age 31
Arrested Dec 12, 2020
• att cause purp knowly bodliy injury to another
• agg assault-serious body injury
• agg assault-on domestic violence victim
• poss of weapon for unlawful purpose-firearm-anyone
• unlawful poss weapon-handguns without permit
• obstruct administration of law
• hinder own pros-force
• receiving stolen property-know
• agg assault w/firearm 4th
Naquan L Harmon
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Arrest Age 21
Arrested Feb 27, 2020
• obstruct administration of law
• simple assault
• resisting arrest-purposely
Abe Harold
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Arrest Age 47
Arrested Sep 25, 2021
• agg assault-bodily injury
Marcus M Harrell
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Arrest Age 41
Arrested Jul 12, 2021
• agg assault-serious body injury
Christopher J Harrison
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Arrest Age 49
Arrested Nov 04, 2020
• poss of weapon for unlawful purpose-firearm-anyone
• unlawful poss weapon-handguns without permit
• agg assault-serious body injury
• criminal attempt-conduct purposful
• murder-knowingly
Randy Haskins
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Arrested Jan 01, 2022
• agg assault-serious body injury
• agg assault-serious body injury
• agg assault w/firearm 4th
• agg assault w/firearm 4th
• burglary-enter
• burglary-enter
• poss of weapon for unlawful purpose-firearm-anyone
• unlawful poss weapon-handguns without permit
• theft by unlawful taking-move
• prohibited weapons and devices - hollow nos
Aliya Hawkins
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Arrest Age 58
Arrested Sep 17, 2021
• agg assault-simple assault-leo
Kirsten Hayes
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Arrest Age 24
Arrested Apr 16, 2020
• burglary-enter
• theft by unlawful taking-move
• conspiracy
• conspiracy
• robbery-threat of crime
• agg assault w/dw-bi
Shamal Hayward
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Arrest Age 24
Arrested Jun 24, 2020
• murder-knowingly
• agg assault-serious body injury
• agg assault-serious body injury
• agg assault w/firearm 4th
• unlawful poss weapon-handguns without permit
• threat to kill
Joshua Henkel
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Arrest Age 53
Arrested Mar 29, 2021
• criminal attempt-conduct purposful
• human trafficking- hold /etc child
• lure/entice child by various means
• criminal attempt-conduct purposful
• sex assault- > 13
Joshua E Henkel
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Arrest Age 33
Arrested Dec 29, 2021
• agg assault - strangle domestic violence victim
• att cause purp knowly bodliy injury to another
David Herbert
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Arrest Age 23
Arrested Feb 12, 2021
• att cause purp knowly bodliy injury to another
• agg assault - strangle domestic violence victim
Jeffrey K Hill
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Arrest Age 53
Arrested Dec 06, 2021
• agg assault - strangle domestic violence victim
• att cause purp knowly bodliy injury to another
Thomas J Hoff
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Arrest Age 44
Arrested Feb 03, 2020
• agg arson-danger of bi
• agg assault w/dw-bi
• weapon poss unalwful purpose-other
Thomas J Hoff
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Arrested Dec 09, 2021
• agg assault-serious body injury
• agg assault-on domestic violence victim
• assault by auto/vessel-sbi/bi
David F Hohsfield
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Arrest Age 41
Arrested Dec 04, 2020
• agg assault - strangle domestic violence victim
• att cause purp knowly bodliy injury to another
Jason R Holland
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Bond: $10340
Arrest Age 22
Arrested Jan 21, 2020
• agg assault-simple assault-leo
• theft by unlawful taking-move
• driving while revoked/suspended $10340
Raheem T Holland
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Arrest Age 42
Arrested Jul 27, 2021
• agg assault w/firearm 4th
• agg assault w/firearm 4th
• threatens violence
• threatens violence
• poss of weapon for unlawful purpose-firearm-anyone
• unlawful poss weapon-handguns without permit
• certain persons not have weapons
William L Holliday
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Arrested Nov 26, 2021
• agg assault - strangle domestic violence victim
• obstruct administration of law
• resist arrest-violence
• att cause purp knowly bodliy injury to another
Daniel E Holmes
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Bond: $600
Arrest Age 21
Arrested Jan 23, 2020
• agg assault - strangle domestic violence victim
• att cause purp knowly bodliy injury to another $600
• driving while revoked/suspended
Daniel E Holmes
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Arrest Age 36
Arrested Mar 24, 2020
• agg assault - strangle domestic violence victim
• crim mischief-damage property
Nicholas B Holmes
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Arrest Age 21
Arrested Apr 16, 2020
• robbery-threat of crime
• agg assault w/dw-bi
• agg assault w/dw-bi
• burglary-enter
• theft by unlawful taking-move
• crim mischief-damage property
• burglary-enter
• theft by unlawful taking-move
• burglary-enter
Melissa S Homan
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Arrest Age 51
Arrested Jun 09, 2020
• agg assault-simple assault-leo
• calling 911 without needing 911 services
• resist arrest-violence
• theft by unlawful taking-move
Antwan Hood
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Arrest Age 27
Arrested Sep 26, 2020
• agg assault - strangle domestic violence victim
• att cause purp knowly bodliy injury to another
• theft-between $200.00- $500.00
• robbery-bi
Quamir Houston
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Arrest Age 42
Arrested Dec 07, 2020
• conspiracy
• robbery-threat
• robbery-threat
• agg assault w/firearm 4th
• threat to kill
• crim restraint-risk of sbi
• poss of weapon for unlawful purpose-firearm-anyone
• unlawful poss weapon-handguns without permit
• certian poersons no tot have weapons
• possession of controlled substance in the 1st , 2nd, 3rd or 4th degree
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