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Arrested for assault - Essex County, New Jersey


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Frank Simolien
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Arrest Age 29
Arrested Mar 20, 2021
• agg assault - on domestic violence victim
Isaiah S Simons
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Arrest Age 51
Arrested Feb 15, 2021
• harassment-any other alarming conduct
• simple assault-purposely/knowingly cause bod. injury
• agg assault - on domestic violence victim
Lamar Simpson
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Arrest Age 30
Arrested Mar 20, 2021
• unlawful poss weap - other weapons
• unlawful poss weap - other weapons
• agg assault - on domestic violence victim
Lamar J Simpson
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Arrest Age 24
Arrested Jul 09, 2021
• robbery-inflicts bi or uses force
• agg assault-attempt/cause sbi purp/know/reckless
• unlawful poss weapon-handguns without permit
• poss of weapon for unlawful purpose-firearm-anyone
• conspiracy - agree/engage in conduct consitute a crime
Ephan Sinclair
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Arrest Age 31
Arrested Jan 29, 2021
• simple assault-purposely/knowingly cause bod. injury
• criminal mischief-damage property
• unlawful poss weap - other weapons
• poss of weapon for unlawful purpose-other weapon
• agg assault-attempt/cause sbi purp/know/reckless
• agg assault-attempt/cause sbi purp/know/reckless
Brianna Q Singleton
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Arrested Dec 25, 2021
• agg assault - on domestic violence victim
Eric Singleton
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Arrest Age 33
Arrested Feb 25, 2021
• agg assault - strangle domestic violence victim
Abdullah Slade
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Arrest Age 36
Arrested Mar 14, 2020
• att cause purr/ knowly bodily injury to another
• att cause purr/ knowly bodily injury to another
• simple assault disorderly
• simple assault disorderly
Khalil Sly
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Arrest Age 49
Arrested Feb 02, 2021
• simple assault-purposely/knowingly cause bod. injury
Jason Slyvester
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Arrest Age 54
Arrested May 06, 2021
• sexual assault-force/coercion no severe personal injury
• agg assault-attempt/cause significant bodily injury
• criminal restraint - risk of sbi to victim
Rasheem N Small
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Arrest Age 44
Arrested Feb 27, 2020
• agg asslt w/dw-bi
• agg asslt w/dw-bi
• weapon poss unlaw purpose-other
• weapon poss unlaw purpose-other
• unlaw poss weap-other
• unlaw poss weap-other
• simple assault disorderly
• simple assault disorderly
Benjamin Smith
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Arrest Age 23
Arrested Feb 09, 2021
• terroristic threats-threat of crime of violence
• burglary-entering structure etc.
• criminal mischief-damage property
• agg assault-attempt/cause sbi purp/know/reckless
• poss of weapon for unlawful purpose-firearm-anyone
• unlawful poss weap - rifles/shotguns
• poss of weapon for unlawful purpose-firearm-anyone
• unlawful poss weapon-handguns without permit
• harassment-communication in manner to cause alarm
Janeyah J Smith
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Arrest Age 29
Arrested Jan 15, 2021
• unlawful poss weap - other weapons
• poss of weapon for unlawful purpose-other weapon
• agg assault-knowingly point firearm at another
• unlawful poss weapon-handguns without permit
• agg assault - strangle domestic violence victim
Michael D Smith
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Arrest Age 20
Arrested Oct 22, 2021
• agg sex assault-during robbery/kidnap/homicide/etc.
• agg sex assault-d armed w/ & threatens use of weapon
• robbery-inflicts bi or uses force
• robbery-threat or fear of bi
• burglary-remain in structure etc.
• unlawful poss weap - other weapons
• poss of weapon for unlawful purpose-other weapon
Trevon L Smith
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Arrested Jul 19, 2021
• agg assault - strangle domestic violence victim
• criminal mischief-damage property
• unlawful poss weapon-handguns without permit
• poss of weapon for unlawful purpose-firearm-anyone
• certain persons not to have weap-convicted crime
• terroristic threats-threat of crime of violence
• simple assault-threat of sbi by physical menace
Floyd Somerville
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Arrest Age 34
Arrested Jul 26, 2021
• simple assault-purposely/knowingly cause bod. injury
• agg assault - strangle domestic violence victim
• poss cds/analog - schd i ii iii iv
• cds - manu/dist/pwid - heroin/cocaine - .5oz to
• cds/analog - distribute on/near school property/bus
• cds/analog - distribute on/near school property/bus
• cds - manu/dist/pwid - heroin/cocaine - =/ > 5oz
• cds - manu/dist/pwid - heroin/cocaine -
• poss cds/analog - schd i ii iii iv
• maintaining/operating cds production facility
• fortify cds manu/dist facility
• #12
Jaques Sparks
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Arrest Age 24
Arrested Nov 06, 2021
• agg assault - strangle domestic violence victim
• simple assault-purposely/knowingly cause bod. injury
Ulysses M Spearman
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Arrest Age 33
Arrested Jan 23, 2021
• simple assault-purposely/knowingly cause bod. injury
• resist arr/elud-prevents officer from effecting arrest
Gloria J Spencer
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Arrest Age 43
Arrested Feb 03, 2021
• criminal mischief-damage property
• simple assault-purposely/knowingly cause bod. injury
• simple assault-purposely/knowingly cause bod. injury
Yasmine S Spencer
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Arrest Age 36
Arrested Dec 21, 2021
• sexual assault-victim 13-15 y/o, actor 4+ yrs older
• sexual assault-victim 13-15 y/o, actor 4+ yrs older
• endangering-sexual conduct with child
Lamiek Spivey
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Arrest Age 20
Arrested Sep 29, 2021
• poss of weapon for unlawful purpose-firearm-anyone
• unlawful poss weapon-handguns without permit
• robbery-inflicts bi or uses force
• agg assault-knowingly point firearm at another
• conspiracy - agree/engage in conduct consitute a crime
Saad Spivey
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Arrest Age 18
Arrested Aug 16, 2021
• murder - purposely
• robbery-inflicts bi or uses force
• murder - during commission of a crime
• conspiracy - agree/engage in conduct consitute a crime
• unlawful poss weapon-handguns without permit
• poss of weapon for unlawful purpose-firearm-anyone
• poss of weapon for unlawful purpose-firearm-anyone
• poss of weapon for unlawful purpose-firearm-anyone
• agg assault-attempt/cause bodily injury w/deadly weapon
• agg assault-attempt/cause bodily injury w/deadly weapon
• agg assault-attempt/cause bodily injury
Carnell H Staats
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Arrested Nov 30, 2021
• agg assault-attempt/cause sbi purp/know/reckless
• poss of weapon for unlawful purpose-other weapon
• unlawful poss weap - other weapons
Adrian M Steele
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Arrest Age 43
Arrested Jan 29, 2021
• agg assault-on law enforcement officer
• throwing bodily fluid at law enforcement officer
• throwing bodily fluid at law enforcement officer
• obstructing the administration of law or gov function
• agg assault-on law enforcement officer
Brian K Steele
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Arrest Age 39
Arrested Jan 23, 2021
• resist arr/elud-prevents officer from effecting arrest
• agg assault-on law enforcement officer
• simple assault-purposely/knowingly cause bod. injury
• disarming law enforcement officer
• harassment-communication in manner to cause alarm
• obstructing the administration of law or gov function
Tyrone S Steele
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Arrested Nov 29, 2021
• agg assault-attempt/cause sbi purp/know/reckless
• endangering-abuse/neglect of a child
• terroristic threats-threat of crime of violence
Khalis L Sternes
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Arrested Dec 26, 2021
• simple assault-purposely/knowingly cause bod. injury
• criminal mischief-damage property
• terroristic threats-threat of crime of violence
Khalil Stewart
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Arrest Age 26
Arrested Feb 21, 2021
• terroristic threats-threat of crime of violence
• simple assault-purposely/knowingly cause bod. injury
Carlos T Stokes
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Arrest Age 27
Arrested Oct 18, 2021
• agg assault - strangle domestic violence victim
• burglary-entering structure etc.
Harry Stokley
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Arrest Age 23
Arrested Jan 07, 2021
• agg assault - strangle domestic violence victim
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