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Arrested for assault - Mecklenburg County, North Carolina


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Terrell Charles Boddie
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Arrest Age 27
Charlotte, Mecklenburg, NC
Arrested Dec 03, 2019
• assault by strangulation
• assault on a female
• break/enter terrorize/injure
• interfere emerg communication
• second degree kidnapping
Terrell Charles Boddie
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Arrest Age 36
Charlotte, Mecklenburg, NC
Arrested Jan 02, 2018
• assault on a female
• injury to personal property
Terrell Charles Boddie
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Bond: $20000
Arrest Age 36
Charlotte, Mecklenburg, NC
Arrested Aug 06, 2017
• possession of firearm by felon
• assault on a female
• communicating threats
• interfere emerg communication
Justin Demetrius Boddie-Kelly
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Bond: $20000
Charlotte, Mecklenburg, NC
Arrested Mar 23, 2022
• assault on a female
• communicating threats
• go armed to terror of people
• injury to personal property
Justin Demetrius Boddie-Kelly
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Arrest Age 18
Charlotte, Mecklenburg, NC
Arrested Mar 24, 2020
• assault on a female
• communicating threats
Christina Marvette Boderick
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Arrest Age 37
Charlotte, Mecklenburg, NC
Arrested Feb 12, 2011
• assault or simple assault and battery - agg.phys.force
Roger Lee Boderick
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Bond: $250
Arrest Age 28
Charlotte, Mecklenburg, NC
Arrested Jan 01, 2021
• assault by strangulation
• assault on a female
• break/enter terrorize/injure
• driving while impaired
• second degree kidnapping
Todd Boderick
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Bond: $500
Arrest Age 21
Charlotte, Mecklenburg, NC
Arrested Apr 30, 2011
• assault and battery/ affray - other
Adrian Taylor Bodford
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Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 41
Charlotte, Mecklenburg, NC
Arrested May 23, 2020
• assault with a deadly weapon
• felony possession sch ii cs
Shawn Clayton Boe
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Bond: $500
Arrest Age 36
Charlotte, Mecklenburg, NC
Arrested Jun 17, 2014
• assault on a female
• injury to real property
Michael John Boehm
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Bond: $1500
Arrest Age 20
Charlotte, Mecklenburg, NC
Arrested Jan 15, 2020
• assault on a female
Craig William Boemper
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Arrest Age 36
Charlotte, Mecklenburg, NC
Arrested May 05, 2010
• kidnapping - first degree
• kidnapping - first degree
• sex offense - 2nd degree by force against will of victim
• sex offense - 2nd degree by force against will of victim
• burglary - first degree
• communicating threats
• sexual battery - by force/against will
• assault on a female - agg.phys.force
• interfere emergency communication
Chandler Eshawn Boetius
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Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 47
Charlotte, Mecklenburg, NC
Arrested May 01, 2021
• misdemeanor larceny theft
• simple assault
• unauthorized use of motor veh
Shanelle Elease Boetius
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Arrest Age 23
Charlotte, Mecklenburg, NC
Arrested Nov 01, 2015
• simple assault
Elizabeth Rose Boettcher
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Arrest Age 24
Charlotte, Mecklenburg, NC
Arrested Apr 11, 2013
• assault govt official/emply
• intoxicated and disruptive
Kendall Isaiah Bogans
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Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 33
Thomasville, Mecklenburg, NC
Arrested Apr 26, 2019
• assault and battery
• assault by strangulation
• assault by strangulation
• first degree force sex offense
• first degree force sex offense
• first degree force sex offense
• first degree forcible rape
• first degree forcible rape
• first degree kidnapping
• first degree kidnapping
• misdemeanor larceny theft
• possession of firearm by felon
Mister Jonlindsay Bogans
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Bond: $500
Arrest Age 43
Charlotte, Mecklenburg, NC
Arrested Apr 26, 2013
• assault on a female
• interfere emerg communication
Mister J Bogans
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Bond: $3500
Arrest Age 50
Charlotte, Mecklenburg, NC
Arrested May 27, 2013
• assault on a female
Mister Jon Bogans
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Bond: $800
Arrest Age 34
Charlotte, Mecklenburg, NC
Arrested Oct 28, 2009
• assault on a female - non.agg.phys.force
• interfere emergency communication
Shanquellia Shari Bogans
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Bond: $2500
Arrest Age 22
Charlotte, Mecklenburg, NC
Arrested Jun 22, 2012
• assault or simple assault and battery - agg.phys.force
Daniel R Bogart
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Arrest Age 41
Charlotte, Mecklenburg, NC
Arrested May 10, 2012
• assault on a female - agg.phys.force
• assault or simple assault and battery - agg.phys.force
Ronald Kent Bogen
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Bond: $700
Arrest Age 46
Charlotte, Mecklenburg, NC
Arrested Jan 07, 2010
• resisting public officer
• drug paraphernalia - possession of
• intimidation of a witness-deterring appearance
• communicating threats
• assault with a deadly weapon - other
Angela Boger
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Bond: $1500
Arrest Age 21
Charlotte, Mecklenburg, NC
Arrested Aug 06, 2009
• assault or simple assault and battery - non-agg.phys.
Darryl Detoine Boger
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Arrest Age 28
Charlotte, Mecklenburg, NC
Arrested Apr 19, 2011
• assault on a female - non.agg.phys.force
Darryl Boger
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Bond: $25000
Arrest Age 53
Goldsboro, Mecklenburg, NC
Arrested Oct 09, 2011
• larceny of motor vehicle (misdemeanor)
• assault or simple assault and battery - agg.phys.force
Daryl D Boger
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Bond: $1500
Arrest Age 25
Charlotte, Mecklenburg, NC
Arrested Mar 27, 2014
• assault on a female
James Tyrone Boger
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Arrest Age 42
Arrested Jun 11, 2018
• assault with a deadly weapon
Jay Devon Boger
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Arrest Age 66
Charlotte, Mecklenburg, NC
Arrested Jan 20, 2016
• assault on a female
Vanetta Boger
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Arrest Age 31
Charlotte, Mecklenburg, NC
Arrested Jan 08, 2011
• assault or simple assault and battery - non-agg.phys.
Lanaya Marie Bogert
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Bond: $3500
Arrest Age 45
Charlotte, Mecklenburg, NC
Arrested Oct 08, 2009
• assault with a deadly weapon - other
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