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Arrested for assault - New Hanover County, North Carolina


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Jeremiah Ryan Brown
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Arrest Age 37
Arrested Mar 18, 2021
• assault on female
• driving while impaired
Jeremiah Ryan Brown
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Arrest Age 34
Arrested Aug 11, 2018
• assault on female
Joel Ray Brown
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Bond: $4000
Arrest Age 47
Arrested Oct 13, 2017
• assault on company/campus police officer
• larceny (m)
• larceny (m)
• disorderly conduct/defacing public building
• resist/delay/obstruct public officers
• larceny (m)
• larceny (m)
• trespass-2nd degree
Joshua Michael Brown
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Arrest Age 40
Arrested Nov 13, 2018
• robbery dangerous weapon attempt
• true bill of indictment
• assault wdwikisi
Kali Christian Brown
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Arrest Age 29
Arrested Dec 11, 2019
• assault-simple physical
Keith Terry Brown
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Arrest Age 24
Arrested Jun 14, 2016
• assault on female notes: waiting for trial
Kenneth Edward Brown
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Arrest Age 25
Arrested Oct 09, 2017
• assault on govt official/leo
• robbery dangerous weapon attempt
• robbery dangerous weapon attempt
• robbery dangerous weapon attempt
• discharge firearm occupied dwelling/moving vehicle
• assault wdw with intent to kill
• assault wdw with intent to kill
• assault wdw with intent to kill
Kenneth Edward Brown
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Bond: $500
Arrest Age 26
Arrested Nov 08, 2016
• assault by pointing a gun
• fta - fail to appear on misdemeanor
• grand jury indictment
• larceny (m)
• larceny (m)
• assault on female
• possession of firearm by felon
• interference with electronic monitoring devices.
• speeding to elude arrest with aggravating factors (f)
• driving while license revoked
• reckless driving to endanger
Lacrystal Darrielle Brown
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Bond: $100000
Arrest Age 40
Arrested Jun 10, 2016
• robbery common law
• robbery w/dangerous weapon notes: waiting for trial
• assault inflict serious injury notes: waiting for trial
• fta - fail to appear on misdemeanor
• fta - fail to appear on misdemeanor
• fta - fail to appear on misdemeanor notes: waiting for trial
Lamar Brown
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Arrest Age 18
Arrested Mar 13, 2017
• assault by strangulation
• assault on female
• assault on female
• communicating threats
• communicating threats
• false imprisonment
• probation violation (m)
Laquella Nichelle Brown
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Arrest Age 48
Arrested May 25, 2016
• assault-simple physical notes: waiting for trial
• communicating threats notes: waiting for trial
Laron Erick Brown
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Bond: $500000
Arrest Age 21
Arrested Mar 19, 2019
• assault wdwikisi
• parole violation
• true bill of indictment
• possession of firearm by felon
Larry Demarco Brown
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Arrested Jan 09, 2022
• assault on female
• parole violation
• breaking or entering (f)
Laura Myleah Brown
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Arrest Age 28
Arrested Sep 06, 2020
• assault and battery
Lavance Brown
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Arrest Age 19
Arrested Aug 03, 2018
• assault on female
Lavance Brown
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Arrest Age 29
Arrested Feb 06, 2016
• assault on female notes: waiting for trial
• battery on an unborn child
Matthew Clarence Brown
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Bond: $100
Arrest Age 28
Arrested Dec 14, 2019
• assault on female
• injury to personal property
• fta - fail to appear on misdemeanor
Michael Antwonie Brown
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Arrest Age 54
Arrested Jan 05, 2021
• assault on female
Montrell Tyrique Brown
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Bond: $500000
Arrest Age 58
Arrested Oct 21, 2018
• murder-1st degree attempt
• stalking (f)
• domestic violence protective order violation (m)
• assault wdwikisi
• domestic violence protective order violation (m)
• domestic violence protective order violation (m)
Montrell Tyrque Brown
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Arrest Age 29
Arrested Oct 22, 2015
• larceny (m) notes: waiting for trial
• assault on female notes: waiting for trial
• injury to personal property notes: waiting for trial
• trespass-2nd degree notes: waiting for trial
Montrell Tyrique Brown
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Arrest Age 21
Arrested Oct 19, 2015
• assault by pointing a gun notes: waiting for trial
• assault on female notes: waiting for trial
Nicole Louise Brown
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Arrest Age 52
Arrested Nov 23, 2019
• assault w/deadly weapon
Oscar Brown
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Bond: $2500
Arrest Age 24
Arrested Jul 22, 2020
• assault on govt official/leo
• resist/delay/obstruct public officers
• resist/delay/obstruct public officers
Ralfael Jon Brown
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Bond: $1500
Arrested Jul 11, 2021
• assault on female
• fta - fail to appear on misdemeanor
• fta - fail to appear on misdemeanor
Ralfael Jon Brown
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Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 21
Arrested Aug 10, 2016
• assault on female
Ralfael Jon Brown
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Arrest Age 19
Arrested Oct 09, 2015
• assault on female notes: waiting for trial
Reginald Antwon Brown
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Bond: $500
Arrest Age 22
Arrested Nov 28, 2016
• assault on female
• fta - fail to appear on misdemeanor
Ryan Anthony Brown
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Bond: $500
Arrest Age 19
Arrested Feb 08, 2017
• assault-simple physical
• injury to personal property
• injury to real property
Shari Nicole Brown
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Arrest Age 62
Arrested Jan 27, 2018
• assault-simple physical
Tara Lynn Brown
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Bond: $500
Arrest Age 27
Arrested Dec 24, 2015
• assault w/deadly weapon notes: waiting for trial
• communicating threats
  1   ...   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   ...   24

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