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Arrested for assault - Erie County, Ohio


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Anthony Aaron
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Arrest Age 39
Sandusky, Erie, OH
Arrested Jan 09, 2014
• jail commitment assault
• jail commitment theft
Christohper Lynn Aaron
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Bond: $3000
Arrest Age 19
Sandusky, Erie, OH
Arrested Jun 07, 2016
• bench warrant
• domestic violence $3000 notes: 10%
• assault $3000 notes: or bond
Dominic Aaron
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Arrest Age 28
Girard, Erie, OH
Arrested Oct 16, 2012
• assault
Maleek Aaron
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Arrest Age 26
Sandusky, Erie, OH
Arrested Feb 22, 2016
• domestic violence
• assault
Ronnie Aaron
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Arrest Age 28
Sandusky, Erie, OH
Arrested Sep 25, 2017
• ccw/att agg assault/**** 22 months prison***
George Louis Abdoo
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Arrest Age 20
Sandusky, Erie, OH
Arrested Aug 17, 2014
• resisting arrest
• obstructing justice
• assault
Porfirio Abel-Lopez
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Arrest Age 42
Sandusky, Erie, OH
Arrested May 22, 2009
• aggrav menacing
• disorderly conduct
• disorderly conduct
• inducing panic
• trafficing in drugs **prison**
• felony assault ***prison***
Dustin Lee Abenante
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Arrest Age 25
Sandusky, Erie, OH
Arrested Apr 09, 2019
• fel. assault/domestic violence
• hold marion correctional
Davemedrion Lee Abney
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Bond: $20000
Arrest Age 42
Sandusky, Erie, OH
Arrested Aug 11, 2020
• felonious assault $20000 notes: cash, property, surety
• domestic violence $3000 notes: 10%
• first name
Gulmara A Abysheva
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Arrest Age 39
Sandusky, Erie, OH
Arrested Oct 29, 2010
• felony assault
Juan-Perez Acosta
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Bond: $3000
Arrest Age 30
Sandusky, Erie, OH
Arrested Mar 16, 2019
• domestic violence
• assault $3000 notes: or bond
• burglary $10000 notes: cash, property, surety
• endangering children $3000 notes: or bond
Pamela F Acton
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Arrest Age 50
Sandusky, Erie, OH
Arrested May 24, 2008
• domestic violence
• disorderly conduct w/ intox
• assault
Douglass Adamic
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Arrest Age 41
Sandusky, Erie, OH
Arrested Jun 05, 2016
• domestic violence
• assault
Brian B Adams
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Arrest Age 24
Sandusky, Erie, OH
Arrested Jun 16, 2007
• violating protection order
• assault
• domestic violence
Caleb Nicholas Adams
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Arrest Age 31
Vermilion, Erie, OH
Arrested Apr 26, 2019
• domestic violence
• assault
• disrupting public service
Dennis Adams
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Arrest Age 55
Sandusky, Erie, OH
Arrested Feb 04, 2017
• assault
• attempted felonious assault
• first name
Jonathan D Adams
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Bond: $3000
Arrest Age 24
Sandusky, Erie, OH
Arrested Apr 20, 2015
• domestic violence $3000 notes: 10%
• assault $3000 notes: or bond
• first name
Jonathon M Adams
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Bond: $20000
Arrest Age 22
Sandusky, Erie, OH
Arrested Mar 11, 2019
• fel assault $20000 notes: cash, property, surety
• bench warrant $7150 notes: 10%
• bench warrant $6000 notes: 10%
• bench warrant
• criminal trespassing $1500 notes: or bond
• resisting arrest $2500 notes: or bond
• obstructing official business $2500 notes: or bond
• bench warrant
Jonathon M Adams
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Bond: $20000
Arrest Age 22
Sandusky, Erie, OH
Arrested Jan 26, 2015
• felonious assault $20000 notes: cash, property, surety
Larry G Adams
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Arrest Age 21
Cleveland, Erie, OH
Arrested Aug 12, 2007
• assault
Matthew R Adams
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Arrest Age 25
Sandusky, Erie, OH
Arrested Sep 15, 2014
• kidnapping
• felonious assault
• agg menacing
• parole violation
• first name
Melanie D Adams
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Arrest Age 21
Bedford Heights, Erie, OH
Arrested May 15, 2013
• disorderly conduct **remarks**
• criminal damaging
• assault
• domestic violence
• vandalism
• back fine warrant
Shawn Jeffery Adams
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Arrest Age 28
Sandusky, Erie, OH
Arrested Dec 16, 2017
• domestic violence
• assault
Aariona D Adcock
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Arrest Age 52
Sandusky, Erie, OH
Arrested Jul 17, 2014
• resisting arrest
• assault
• obstructing official business
• domestic violence
Trevonte D Adcock
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Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 34
Sandusky, Erie, OH
Arrested Apr 28, 2018
• agg menacing of peace officer $5000 notes: cash, property, surety
• domestic violence $3000 notes: 10%
• disorderly conduct infront of medical staff $1500 notes: or bond
• assault $3000 notes: or bond
Phillip L Adkins
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Arrest Age 56
Huron, Erie, OH
Arrested Sep 15, 2012
• aggravated vehicular assault
• negligent assault
Stephan A Adkins
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Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 34
Sandusky, Erie, OH
Arrested Dec 14, 2014
• tampering with evidence $10000 notes: cash, property, surety
• weapons under disability $10000 notes: cash, property, surety
• receiving stolen property $5000 notes: cash, property, surety
• possession of cocaine $5000 notes: cash, property, surety
• domestic violence $2870 notes: 10%
• assault $2870 notes: or bond
Stephan A Adkins
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Bond: $20000
Arrest Age 44
Sandusky, Erie, OH
Arrested Aug 08, 2016
• felonious assault $20000 notes: cash, property, surety
• first name
Tyris J Adkins
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Arrest Age 31
Sandusky, Erie, OH
Arrested Jan 14, 2020
• complicity to weapon under disability
• complicity to fel assault
Patrick Aerni
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Bond: $120000
Arrest Age 33
Sandusky, Erie, OH
Arrested Feb 26, 2020
• felonious assaultx2/improperly dis firearm/rsp/weapon under dis $120000 notes: cash, property, surety
• hold lorain correctional
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