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Arrested for assault - Lucas County, Ohio


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Edward L Dailey
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Arrested Mar 31, 2015
• violate protection order or consent agreement approved pursuant to 2919.26 or 3113.31
• domestic violence knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to family or household
• assault knowingly attempt or cause physical harm to another or another's unborn
Nicholas Michael Dailey
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Arrested Jan 31, 2014
• inducing panic;initiate false report
• assault no person shall knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to another
• driving while under the influence of alcohol, drugs
• disorderly conduct while intoxicated engage in offensive conduct
Matthew A Dale
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Arrested Feb 15, 2014
• domestic violence knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to family or household member
• assault no person shall knowingly cause or attempt
Sterling O Daniel
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Arrested Jun 05, 2015
• burglary trespass in permanent or temporary habitation of any person when any person present
• domestic violence knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to family or household
• assault knowingly attempt or cause physical harm to another or another's unborn
Levelle A Daniels
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Arrested Jul 13, 2014
• assault no person shall knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to another
• disorderly conduct while intoxicated engage in conduct that presents risk to person or property
William Andrew Daniels
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Arrested Aug 01, 2014
• assault;knowingly/recklessly cause harm
• domestic violence
Anthony Dean Daquano
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Arrested Jul 29, 2014
• domestic violence knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to family or household member
• assault no person shall knowingly cause or attempt
• contempt of court
• criminal trespass knowingly without privilege enter or remain on land or premises of another
Christopher D Darden
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Arrested Aug 05, 2014
• aggravated assault cause serious physical harm to another or to another's unborn
• unauthorized use of a vehicle knowingly use or operate motor propelled vehicle without consent
William Kingsley Darling
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Arrested Apr 14, 2015
• open container prohibited
• domestic violence knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to family or household member
• assault no person shall knowingly cause or attempt
• drug paraphernalia;illegal use or possession
• criminal trespass knowingly without privilege enter or remain on land or premises of another
Julius R Darrington
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Arrested Jan 27, 2014
• domestic violence knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to family or household member
• assault no person shall knowingly cause or attempt
James Walter Dauter
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Arrested Dec 10, 2014
• attempt to commit an offense
• negligent assault negligently with weapon or ordinance cause harm to another
• contempt charge
Sarah Marie David
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Arrested Jan 19, 2014
• assault knowingly attempt or cause physical harm to another or another's unborn
Anthony Lou Davis
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Arrested Apr 23, 2014
• felonious assault
• criminal damaging or endangering
Carla Jane Davis
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Arrested May 15, 2014
• assault;knowingly cause physical harm
• resisting arrest;resisting/interfering
• disorderly conduct;recklessly engage in fight, threaten to harm or violent or turbulent behavior
• disorderly conduct
• obstructing justice
Christopher Parislee Davis
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Arrested Feb 16, 2015
• license required driving under suspension without priviliges
• obedience to traffic control devices;pedestrian, driver or operator disobey
• assault knowingly attempt or cause physical harm
Cleophas Davis
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Arrested Aug 28, 2014
• assault knowingly attempt or cause physical harm to another or another's unborn
Dennis Dwight Davis
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Arrested Mar 14, 2015
• license required;driving without license
• rules for driving in marked lanes;drive within single lane or change lane safely
• lighted lights;lights sunset/sunrise
• license required;driving without license
• failure to display license plates
• seat belt req;operate without
• assault no person shall knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to another
• license required driving under suspension without priviliges
• possession of drugs knowingly obtain possess or use a controlled substance
• speed:exceed lim
Elizabeth A Davis
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Arrested Aug 28, 2014
• assault no person shall knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to another
Eric R Davis
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Arrested Aug 09, 2014
• assault;knowingly/recklessly cause harm
• criminal damaging/endangering
Gordon Lewis Davis
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Arrested Oct 28, 2014
• domestic violence knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to family or household member
• assault knowingly harm victim
• aggravated menacing
Jason Paul Davis
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Arrested Mar 14, 2014
• no proof of financial responsibility
• slow speed that impede's traffic
• license required;driving during suspension pursuant to chapter 4509
• seat belt req;operate without
• drug abuse;controlled substance poss/use
• drug paraphernalia;illegal use or possession
• domestic violence knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to family or household member
• assault no person shall knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to another
• driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs
• driving while un
Jerome A Davis
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Arrested Aug 13, 2014
• felonious assault victim seriously harmed
• robbery inflict attempt to inflict or threaten serious physical harm on another
• assault no person shall knowingly cause or attempt
Marcus J Davis
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Arrested Mar 26, 2015
• domestic violence knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to family or household member
• assault knowingly attempt or cause physical harm
Mark Davis
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Arrested May 11, 2015
• license required;driving without license
• domestic violence knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to family or household member
• assault knowingly attempt or cause physical harm
Ronnie Lee Davis
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Arrested Apr 03, 2014
• assault no person shall knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to another
• petty theft with purpose to deprive knowingly obtain or exert control without consent of owner
• petty theft
Siffany Lynnita-Marie Davis
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Arrested May 19, 2015
• assault knowingly attempt or cause physical harm to another or another's unborn
Stephen Kyle Davis
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Arrested Aug 29, 2014
• unauthorized use of motor vehicle remove from state or possess more than 48 hours
• domestic violence knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to family or household
• assault no person shall knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to another
• no proof of financial responsibility
• license plate illumination;must be legible at distance of fifty(50) feet
• seat belt req;operate without
Tanieka Chaqualle Davis
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Arrested Oct 30, 2014
• domestic violence knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to family or household member
• assault knowingly harm victim
Toriano A Davis
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Arrested Jul 28, 2014
• felonious assault weapon or ordnance
Victoria May Davis
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Arrested Dec 31, 2014
• assault knowingly harm victim
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