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Arrested for assault - Erie County, Ohio


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Allison J Nagel
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Arrest Age 26
Bellevue, Erie, OH
Arrested Feb 13, 2013
• assault/ovi/traff lanes fines
• assault warrant
• ovi jail commitment
Edward H Nagel
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Bond: $142000
Arrest Age 69
Vermilion, Erie, OH
Arrested Sep 11, 2017
• felonious assault/agg menacing/retaliation/domestic violence $142000 notes: cash, property, surety
Daniel Nagy
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Bond: $30000
Arrest Age 39
Sandusky, Erie, OH
Arrested Apr 24, 2016
• felonious assault $30000 notes: cash, property, surety
• agg menacing
• first name
Holly Nagy
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Arrest Age 28
Sandusky, Erie, OH
Arrested Jan 15, 2020
• complicity to fel. assault
• hold / adult parole
• first name
Stanford B Neal
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Arrest Age 31
Sandusky, Erie, OH
Arrested Mar 20, 2007
• felonious assault/prison
Dale Nederveld
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Arrest Age 55
Sandusky, Erie, OH
Arrested Oct 13, 2013
• obstructing official business
• disorderly conduct w / intox
• assault **8 months prison**
Mabel D Nedham
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Bond: $3000
Arrest Age 26
Sandusky, Erie, OH
Arrested Jan 18, 2019
• domestic violence $3000 notes: 10%
• assault $3000 notes: or bond
• bench warrant $3500 notes: 10%
• hold - vermilion pd (lorain county)
Dustin L Neeley
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Arrest Age 33
Sandusky, Erie, OH
Arrested Jan 14, 2020
• felonious assault x2
• weapons under disability
• parole violation***direct return***
Dustin J Neeley
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Arrest Age 19
Sandusky, Erie, OH
Arrested Nov 19, 2012
• felony assault
Dustin L Neeley
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Arrest Age 40
Sandusky, Erie, OH
Arrested Feb 25, 2015
• felonious assault
• richland correctional
• first name
Howard M Neely
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Arrest Age 24
Fremont, Erie, OH
Arrested Mar 14, 2011
• vandalism
• assault
Bryan D Neiding
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Arrest Age 22
Sandusky, Erie, OH
Arrested Jul 04, 2012
• weapon under disability
• ccw
• assault
• breaking and entering
• resisting arrest
• probation violation*****prison*****
• back fine warrant
• hold atf
Ronald Dee Neidler
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Bond: $3000
Arrest Age 40
Sandusky, Erie, OH
Arrested Oct 13, 2018
• assault $3000 notes: or bond
• domestic violence $3000 notes: 10%
• possession of marijuana $1300 notes: or bond
• possession of drug paraphernalia $1300 notes: or bond
• first name
Ronald Dee Neidler
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Arrest Age 20
Sandusky, Erie, OH
Arrested Sep 22, 2015
• domestic violence
• agg menacing
• assault
• first name
Scottie J Neill
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Arrest Age 26
Sandusky, Erie, OH
Arrested Sep 10, 2009
• assault
• domestic violence
Alvie A Nelson
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Arrest Age 22
Sandusky, Erie, OH
Arrested Jan 01, 2012
• assault
Deborah Nelson
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Arrest Age 58
Sandusky, Erie, OH
Arrested Dec 09, 2014
• att fel assault ***prison***
• passing bad checks****prison****
• first name
Gerald F Nelson
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Arrest Age 22
Vermilion, Erie, OH
Arrested Nov 29, 2007
• domestic violence
• assault
Jerel X Nelson
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Bond: $70000
Arrest Age 32
Sandusky, Erie, OH
Arrested Mar 16, 2019
• aggravated robbery $70000 notes: cash, property, surety
• felonious assault
Robin L Nelson
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Arrest Age 28
Sandusky, Erie, OH
Arrested May 17, 2021
• att murder/felony assault
Alexander Michael Nemitz
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Arrest Age 34
Sandusky, Erie, OH
Arrested Aug 30, 2018
• domestic violence
• assault
Derick M Nemitz
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Arrest Age 24
Sandusky, Erie, OH
Arrested Jun 27, 2013
• domestic violence
• assault
Jennifer C Netherland
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Arrest Age 19
Vermilion, Erie, OH
Arrested Apr 17, 2009
• domestic violence
• assault on police officer
• probation violation
• obstructing
• resisting
Scot A Neufer
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Bond: $20000
Arrest Age 19
Sandusky, Erie, OH
Arrested Jun 24, 2019
• felonious assault $20000 notes: cash, property, surety
David R Newby
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Arrest Age 26
Sandusky, Erie, OH
Arrested Sep 04, 2012
• domestic violence
• assault
• obstructing official business
Eddy W Newell
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Bond: $1220
Arrest Age 54
Arrested Jun 19, 2014
• disorderly conduct while intoxicated $1220 notes: or bond
• domestic violence $10000 notes: cash, property, surety
• assault $2870 notes: or bond
Aaron Austin Newman
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Arrest Age 28
Sandusky, Erie, OH
Arrested Nov 10, 2017
• domestic violence
• assault
• endangering children
• disrupting public service
Landon Ash Newton
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Bond: $2870
Arrest Age 32
Sandusky, Erie, OH
Arrested Nov 16, 2014
• domestic violence $2870 notes: 10%
• assault $2870 notes: or bond
• first name
Garland L Nichols
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Arrest Age 58
Sandusky, Erie, OH
Arrested Dec 16, 2019
• domestic violence
• assault
• aggravated burglary
• menacing by stalking
Glen A Nicholson
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Arrest Age 22
Arrested Dec 06, 2011
• comp felony assault
• back fines warrant
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