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Arrested for assault - Lucas County, Ohio


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Courtney Lee Saba
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Arrested Feb 17, 2015
• domestic violence knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to family or household member
• assault knowingly attempt or cause physical harm
Brian Maurice Saffold
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Arrested Jul 25, 2014
• assault no person shall knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to another
Tanya Leigh Sailstad
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Arrested Sep 17, 2014
• driving with temporary instruction permit without licensed driver
• child restraint less than four years old and less than forty pounds;child to be secure
• rear-view mirror;must be equipped to allow clear
• assault no person shall knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to another
• permit operation without license
Derrick Saleh
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Arrested Sep 03, 2014
• assault
Mohamed Lutfy Saleh
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Arrested Mar 01, 2014
• nonsupport of dependants
• walk along highway;sidewalk provided
• license required;driving without license
• starting and backing vehicles
• seat belt req;operate without
• assault no person shall knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to another
• license required;driving without license
• operation of vehicle at stop signs
• use of plates;belonging to another
• seat belt req;operate without
Montague Lee Salpietro
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Arrested Dec 31, 2014
• permit operation without valid license, multiple licenses prohibited
• assault knowingly attempt or cause physical harm to another or another's unborn
• unauthorized use of a vehicle knowingly use or
David Allen Sampsel
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Arrested Jul 05, 2015
• domestic violence knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to family or household member
• assault knowingly harm victim
Latrice Fracine Sampson
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Arrested Jun 05, 2015
• aggravated assault cause physical harm to another or their unborn by means of deadly ordnance
Jeremy Alan Samu
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Arrested Apr 14, 2015
• assault knowingly harm victim
• domestic violence knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to family or household member
Cynthia Sanchez-Meyers
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Arrested Jan 03, 2015
• domestic violence knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to family or household member
• assault knowingly attempt or cause physical harm
Heather Lynn Sancrat
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Arrested Jul 05, 2015
• assault
• disorderly conduct;intoxication
Bajuan Marquic Sanders
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Arrested Sep 16, 2014
• domestic violence knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to family or household member
• assault no person shall knowingly cause or attempt
• menacing
Dante Lamar Sanders
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Arrested Jan 15, 2015
• assault
Jerrel Sanders
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Arrested Jun 23, 2014
• assault;knowingly/recklessly cause harm
Mangle Julius Sanders
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Arrested Aug 08, 2014
• domestic violence knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to family or household member
• assault no person shall knowingly cause or attempt
Milon Jamai Sanders
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Arrested Jan 21, 2015
• assault knowingly harm victim
• domestic violence knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to family or household member
• menacing knowingly cause another to believe
• obstructing official business hamper or impede public official
• license required;driving without license
• license required;driving without license
• license required;driving without license
Nicole Michelle Sanders
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Arrested Jun 30, 2014
• seat belt req;occupy as passenger unless wearing
• domestic violence knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to family or household member
• assault no person shall knowingly cause or attempt
• seat belt req;occupy unless wearing
Nicole Michelle Sanders
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Arrested Sep 21, 2014
• unlawful sexual conduct with a minor
• assault
Nicholas Damond Sanford
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Arrested Apr 14, 2014
• domestic violence knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to family or household member
• assault no person shall knowingly cause or attempt
David Scott Sanmigual
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Arrested Dec 01, 2014
• possession of drugs
• domestic violence knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to family or household member
• assault knowingly harm victim
Robert Newton Sapp
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Arrested Mar 01, 2014
• domestic violence
• assault;knowingly/recklessly cause harm
Timothy James Sarra
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Arrested Jul 08, 2014
• tampering with evidence alter destroy conceal or remove record
• trafficking;sell/offer controlled subst
• domestic violence knowingly cause or attempt to
• assault no person shall knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to another
Timothy Jay Sarra
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Arrested May 26, 2015
• assault knowingly harm victim
• domestic violence knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to family or household member
Ameen Husam Sarsour
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Arrested Mar 03, 2015
• domestic violence knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to family or household member
• assault knowingly harm victim
Haney Husam Sarsour
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Arrested Mar 17, 2015
• aggravated assault cause serious physical harm to another or to another's unborn
Mouhamad Ashraf Sarsour
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Arrested Apr 24, 2015
• assault knowingly attempt or cause physical harm to another or another's unborn
Jacob Bh Sartor
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Arrested May 24, 2015
• assault knowingly attempt or cause physical harm to another or another's unborn
• fictitious plates
• failure to register - expired tags
Christopher Michael Sass
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Arrested Apr 12, 2015
• domestic violence knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to family or household member
• assault knowingly harm victim
Eric Deangelo Saunders
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Arrested Oct 22, 2014
• domestic violence knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to family or household member
• assault no person shall knowingly cause or attempt
Johnnie Deangelo Saunders
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Arrested Dec 27, 2014
• domestic violence knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to family or household member
• assault
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