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Arrested for assault - Lucas County, Ohio


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Crechele Catrina White
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Arrested Mar 08, 2015
• assault teacher/disrupt school activity
• assault
Jeffrey T White
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Arrested Apr 09, 2014
• domestic violence
• assault;knowingly/recklessly cause harm
• license required;driving without license
• rear-view mirror;must be equipped to allow clear
• license plate illumination;must be legible at distance of fifty(50) feet
• speed on private property;operate at speed exceeding posted limit
• license required;driving during suspension pursuant to chapter 4509
• drive under ovi suspension;when suspended under 4511.19, 4511.191 or 4511.196
Krystalynn White
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Arrested Dec 31, 2014
• possession of drugs obtain possess or use a controlled substance
• aggravated burglary offender inflicts, attempts or threatens to inflict physical harm on another
• felonious assault victim seriously harmed
• failure to display license plates
• seat belt req;operate without
• false information to a police officer
• license required;driving during suspension pursuant to chapter 4509
• drug paraphernalia;illegal use or possession
Lafoe Dewayne White
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Arrested Dec 18, 2014
• headlights on motor vehicles/cycles
• domestic violence knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to family or household member
• assault no person shall knowingly cause or attempt
• disorderly conduct
Lance Aaron White
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Arrested Nov 07, 2014
• domestic violence knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to family or household member
• assault knowingly attempt or cause physical harm
Latoya Marie White
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Arrested Mar 14, 2015
• assault no person shall knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to another
Margaret Regina White
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Arrested Jul 09, 2014
• domestic violence knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to family or household member
• assault no person shall knowingly cause or attempt
• drug paraphernalia;illegal use or possession
Margaret Regina White
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Arrested Jul 22, 2014
• criminal trespassing
• assault no person shall knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to another
• menacing
Raymond Odie White
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Arrested Jun 28, 2014
• domestic violence knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to family or household member
• assault no person shall knowingly cause or attempt
Tywone Robert White
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Arrested Nov 15, 2014
• domestic violence knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to family or household member
• assault knowingly attempt or cause physical harm
Christopher Andrew Whitehurst
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Arrested Jan 14, 2015
• assault
• domestic violence
Robert M Whiteside
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Arrested Sep 26, 2014
• drug abuse;controlled substance poss/use
• drug paraphernalia;illegal use or possession
• drug abuse;controlled substance poss/use
• bike;equipment/lights/reflectors
• assault no person shall knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to another
• obstructing official business
• criminal trespass knowingly without privilege enter or remain on land or premises of another
• drug abuse;controlled substance poss/use
Miriam M Whitfield
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Arrested Feb 05, 2015
• assault knowingly harm victim
• disorderly conduct;recklessly engage in fight, threaten to harm or violent or turbulent behavior
Mitchell M Whitfield
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Arrested Oct 31, 2014
• domestic violence knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to family or household member
• assault no person shall knowingly cause or attempt
• theft with purpose to deprive knowingly obtain or exert control without consent of owner
• unauthorized use of property or computer or telecommunication property
Anthony T Whitiker
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Arrested Dec 22, 2014
• theft
• assault
• operating vehicle or motor cycle without full attention
• license required;driving without license
• display of license plate;when expired
• seat belt req;operate without
• seat belt req;occupy as passenger unless wearing
• false information to a police officer
• petty theft with purpose to deprive knowingly obtain or exert control without consent of owner
• display of license;failure to display license when demand is properly made
• obstructing official business
• disorderly conduct reck
Tamara Lavett Whitiker
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Arrested Jun 16, 2014
• assault no person shall knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to another
• resisting arrest;resisting/interfering
• disorderly conduct while intoxicated engage in
Timothy Jerome Whitiker
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Arrested Jun 25, 2014
• domestic violence knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to family or household member
• assault no person shall knowingly cause or attempt
• walk along highway;sidewalk provided
Dylan Rendolph Whitman
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Arrested Oct 28, 2014
• assault no person shall knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to another
Brianne Whittaker
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Arrested Jul 08, 2014
• domestic violence
• domestic violence
• felonious assault
Jack A Whittaker
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Arrested Jan 26, 2015
• assault
Michael Anthony Whittington
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Arrested Oct 02, 2014
• illegal manufacture of drugs or cultivation of marijuana knowingly
• possession of drugs obtain possess or use a controlled substance
• domestic violence knowingly cause or attempt to
• assault no person shall knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to another
Muranda Marie Wideman
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Arrested May 23, 2015
• domestic violence knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to family or household member
• assault knowingly attempt or cause physical harm
Samantha M Widman
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Arrested Apr 04, 2014
• license required;driving without license
• driving n marked lanes or contin lines
• two headlights required on vehicle other than motorcycle
• license required;driving without license
• display of license plate;not registered
• license required;driving without license
• assault no person shall knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to another
• assault no person shall knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to another
• menacing
• theft with purpose to deprive knowingly obtain or exert control
Victoria Wieczorek
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Arrested Jan 21, 2014
• receiving stolen property/services
• petty theft with purpose to deprive knowingly obtain or exert control without consent of owner
• assault no person shall knowingly cause or attempt
• unauthorized use of property;knowingly use or operate without consent of owner or authorized person
• theft
• theft
• falsification
• theft
• attempt to commit an offense
Clawzelle A Wiggins
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Arrested Aug 08, 2014
• felonious assault weapon or ordnance
Daniel Wiggins
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Arrested Jun 22, 2014
• domestic violence knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to family or household member
• assault no person shall knowingly cause or attempt
Dawn M Wilder
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Arrested Feb 01, 2014
• assault no person shall knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to another
• assault no person shall knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to another
• assault
Sherod Lamar Wilder
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Arrested Mar 13, 2015
• right of way when turning left
• petty theft with purpose to deprive knowingly obtain or exert control without consent of owner
• domestic violence knowingly cause or attempt to
• domestic violence knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to family or household member
• assault no person shall knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to another
• assault no person shall knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to another
• license required driving under suspension without priviliges
• driving u
Patrick Allen Wiley
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Arrested Mar 21, 2014
• assault;knowingly cause physical harm
• domestic violence knowingly cause belief of imminent physical harm by threat or force
• menacing
• obstructing official business
• resisting arrest;resisting/interfering
William Cecil Wiley
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Arrested Oct 23, 2014
• assault knowingly harm victim
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