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Arrested for assault - Lucas County, Ohio


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Logan Taylor Wolfe
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Arrested May 19, 2015
• domestic violence knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to family or household member
• assault knowingly harm victim
• license required;driving without license
• one way streets & rotary traffic islands
Aaron Joseph Wolford
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Arrested Dec 21, 2014
• open container;while operating or passenger in or on a motor vehicle on public access roads
• seat belt req;operate without
• rear-view mirror must be equipped to allow clear
• license required;driving without license
• domestic violence knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to family or household member
• assault knowingly attempt or cause physical harm to another or another's unborn
Carl Williard Wolford
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Arrested Jan 23, 2014
• assault no person shall knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to another
Kenneth Michael Wolford
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Arrested Oct 20, 2014
• theft
• license required;driving without license
• failure to display license plates
• rear-view mirror;must be equipped to allow clear
• seat belt req;operate without
• license required;driving without license
• failure to display license plates
• rear-view mirror;must be equipped to allow clear and unobstructed view
• seat belt req;operate without
• assault no person shall knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to another
• certain acts prohibited
• obstructing official business
John A Womack
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Arrested Mar 13, 2014
• domestic violence knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to family or household member
• assault no person shall knowingly cause or attempt
Timothy C Womack
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Arrested Jul 05, 2015
• domestic violence
• assault
• assault
• obstructing official business hamper or impede
Melvin Lynn Woodard
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Arrested Dec 29, 2014
• assault
• aggravated robbery
Terrence L Woodard
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Arrested Jan 27, 2014
• assault no person shall knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to another
• obstructing official business
Steven Blair Woodford
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Arrested May 06, 2015
• attempt to commit offense
• domestic violence knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to family or household member
• assault knowingly attempt or cause physical harm
Willis Edward Woodley
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Arrested Dec 07, 2014
• assault
• domestic violence
• menacing knowingly cause another to believe serious physical harm
Rodney J Woodmore
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Arrested Jul 30, 2014
• felonious assault victim seriously harmed
Rodney James Woodmore
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Arrested Aug 05, 2014
• negligent assault
• nonsupport of dependants
• lighted lights;lights sunset/sunrise
Rodney James Woodmore
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Arrested Apr 26, 2015
• domestic violence
• assault
Danny Dale Woods
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Arrested Oct 15, 2014
• violate protection order or consent agreement approved pursuant to 2919.26 or 3113.31
• assault no person shall knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to another
• protection order/consent agreement;recklessly
• criminal damaging or endangering knowingly cause or create substantial risk of physical harm
Jalasha J Woods
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Arrested Feb 23, 2014
• domestic violence knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to family or household member
• assault no person shall knowingly cause or attempt
Jimell Verquan Woods
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Arrested Jun 05, 2014
• felonious assault weapon or ordnance
Martin Cedric Woods
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Arrested Apr 25, 2014
• signals before changing course, turning or stopping
• assault teacher/disrupt school activity
Angela Marie Woodson
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Arrested May 29, 2014
• assault no person shall knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to another
• obstructing official business
• theft
• possessing criminal tools
Freeman B Woodson
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Arrested Sep 07, 2014
• felonious assault
Julia K Woodson
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Arrested Jul 04, 2014
• assault no person shall knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to another
• domestic violence knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to family or household
Walter Antonio Woodson
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Arrested Mar 20, 2015
• assault
Marlon Emeric Woolridge
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Arrested Jun 02, 2015
• domestic violence knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to family or household member
• assault knowingly attempt or cause physical harm
• display of license
Najuawn Marttell Worden
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Arrested May 04, 2015
• criminal damaging or endangering knowingly any means
• domestic violence knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to family or household
• assault knowingly attempt or cause physical harm to another or another's unborn
Amanda N Wrede
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Arrested Feb 16, 2014
• domestic violence knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to family or household member
• assault no person shall knowingly cause or attempt
Amanda Nicole Wrede
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Arrested May 21, 2014
• assault knowingly attempt or cause physical harm to another or another's unborn
• assault knowingly attempt or cause physical harm to another or another's unborn
Amanda Nicole Wrede
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Arrested May 15, 2015
• disorderly conduct;recklessly insult, taunt, challenge another to provoke violent response
• obstructing official business hamper or impede public official
• active
• assault knowingly harm victim
• assault knowingly harm victim
Daron Edward Wright
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Arrested May 09, 2014
• robbery use or threaten the immediate use of force against another
• domestic violence knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to family or household
• assault no person shall knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to another
• disorderly conduct while intoxicated engage in conduct that presents risk to person or property
Dion G Wright
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Arrested Jul 02, 2014
• felonious assault weapon or ordnance
• operation of vehicle at stop signs
• seat belt req;operate without
• license required;driving during suspension
Justin Pierre Wright
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Arrested Jul 09, 2014
• aggravated assault cause physical harm to another or their unborn by means of deadly ordnance
• assault no person shall knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to another
• license required;driving without license
• child restraint less than four years old and less than forty pounds;child to be secure
• failure to display license plates
• obstructing official business
• drug paraphernalia;illegal use or possession
• drug abuse;controlled substance poss/use
Justin R Wright
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Arrested Dec 23, 2014
• criminal damaging or endangering knowingly cause or create substantial risk of physical harm
• safe school disturbance; assault on teacher/others in perform of duties disrupting
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