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Arrested for assault - Jackson County, Oregon


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David Allen Frasure
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Arrest Age 20
Arrested Sep 21, 2016
• probation violation~assault iv/fel
Jacob Robert Frazho
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Arrested Sep 10, 2021
• 162.195: fta2 attempting to elude police by foot
• 162.195: fta2 criminal mischief 2nd degree
• 162.195: fta2 driving under the influence of intoxicants - alcohol misdemeanor (duii)
• 162.205: fta1 attempting to elude police by vehicle
• 162.205: fta1 pv burglary 1st degree
• 163.160: assault 4th degree misdemeanor domestic abuse
Jeremy Wayne Frazier
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Arrest Age 51
Arrested Oct 19, 2020
• 163.175: assault 2nd degree
• 163.187: strangulation misdemeanor - domestic abuse
• 166.065: harassment - b misdemeanor
Jeremy Wayne Frazier
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Arrested Jul 02, 2021
• 163.175: assault 2nd degree
• 164.354: criminal mischief 2nd degree
• 166.220: unlawful use of a weapon
Jeremy Wayne Frazier
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Arrested Aug 27, 2021
• 137.545: pv assault 4th degree misdemeanor
• 137.545: pv menacing
• 137.545: pv menacing
• 137.545: pv strangulation felony
• 137.545: pv strangulation felony
• 137.545: pv strangulation felony
• 163.160: assault 4th degree felony domestic abuse
• 163.187: strangulation domestic abuse felony
Michael Glenn Frazier
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Arrest Age 38
Arrested May 12, 2018
• fail to appear 1st deg - 1~assault i
• fail to appear 1st deg - 1~strangula
• fail to appear 2nd deg - 1~assault 4
• fail to appear 2nd deg - 1~strangula
• fail to appear 2nd deg - 1~harassmen
Harley David Fredericks
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Arrest Age 45
Arrested Mar 01, 2019
• probation violation~assault iv/fel d
• invasion of personal privacy
• contempt of court - 1
Michael Nathan Fredericks
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Arrest Age 64
Arrested Feb 04, 2018
• fail to appear 2nd deg - 1~assault 4
Larry David Freeman
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Arrest Age 17
Arrested May 13, 2014
• assault 4th deg - 1
• harassment - 1
• resisting arrest
• disorderly conduct 2nd deg
Timothy James Freeman
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Arrest Age 44
Arrested Jun 20, 2015
• assault 4th deg - 1
• assault 4th deg - 1
• strangulation - 1
• harassment - 1
• harassment - 1
Cera Freier
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Arrest Age 51
Arrested Mar 29, 2020
• 0164.225 burg 1: burglary 1st deg
• 0163.190 menacing: menacing - 1
• 0166.065 harassment am: harassment - 1
• 0164.255 trespass 1: criminal trespass 1st deg
• 0164.043 theft 3: theft 3rd deg - 1
• 0164.045 theft 2: theft 2nd deg - 1
• 0163.208 assault officer: assault on a police officer
• 0166.065 harassment bm: harassment - 1
• 0163.160 assault 4: assault 4th deg - 1
• 0166.025 dis cond 2: disorderly conduct 2nd deg
• 0162.247 interfere w/po: interfere w/peace officer
• 0162.315 resist arr: resisting ar
Cera Freier
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Arrest Age 49
Arrested Mar 26, 2021
• 033.045: contempt of court - violate no contact order
• 163.160: assault 4th degree misdemeanor domestic abuse
Tawnia Mari Freier
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Arrest Age 44
Arrested Sep 03, 2014
• assault 4th deg - 1
• harassment - 1
• coercion
Roman Gabriel Fretz
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Arrest Age 49
Arrested Jul 27, 2020
• fugitive from other state-1
• probation violation~pcs/heroin am
• probation violation~pcs/meth am
• attempted murder 2nd deg
• assault 1st deg
• robbery 1st deg
John Preston Frey
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Arrest Age 51
Arrested Oct 18, 2016
• fail to appear 2nd deg - 1~trespass
• assault 1st deg
• menacing - 1
• kidnapping 1st deg
• coercion
• assault 2nd deg
Alex M Fridkin
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Arrest Age 50
Arrested Oct 03, 2019
• fail to appear 2nd deg - 1~pv duii d
• assault 4th deg - 1
• harassment - 1
• disorderly conduct 2nd deg
Jason Ryon Fries
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Arrest Age 19
Arrested May 11, 2018
• assault 4th deg - 2 domestic violenc
• harassment - 1
Gerald Andrew Frigaard
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Arrest Age 53
Arrested May 04, 2017
• assault 4th deg - 4 domestic abuse
• coercion
Gerald Andrew Frigaard
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Arrest Age 32
Arrested Jun 22, 2017
• cust viol - parv assault 4 fel
Gerald Andrew Frigaard
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Arrest Age 23
Arrested Apr 28, 2016
• fail to appear 1st deg - 1~pcs/meth
• fail to appear 1st deg - 1~assault o
• fail to appear 2nd deg - 1~resist ar
• fail to appear 2nd deg - 1~escape ii
• fail to appear 2nd deg - 1~dis condu
• fail to appear 1st deg - 1~pcs/meth
• fail to appear 1st deg - 1~pcs/meth
• fail to appear 2nd deg - 1~dis condu
Gerald Andrew Frigaard
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Arrest Age 23
Arrested Mar 05, 2020
• robbery 2nd deg
• coercion
• theft 2nd deg - 1
• assault 3rd deg
• assault 4th deg - 1
• harassment - 1
• contempt of court - 1
Carrie Irene Frost
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Arrest Age 20
Arrested Dec 23, 2017
• parole violation~assault 3
• unl deliver methamphetamine
• unl possess methamphetamine - 1
Carrie Jean Frost
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Arrest Age 25
Arrested Jan 20, 2016
• assault 4th deg - 2
Rolina Eirene Fuataga
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Arrest Age 20
Arrested Apr 04, 2014
• assault 4th deg - 1
• harassment - 1
Enrique Fuentes
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Arrest Age 51
Arrested Jun 28, 2020
• assault 4th deg - 2
Andrew James Fuentez
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Arrest Age 50
Arrested May 26, 2020
• disorderly conduct 2nd deg
• parole violation~attempted assault 2
Andrew Fuentez
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Arrest Age 30
Arrested Dec 31, 2014
• out of county warrant-pv assault 4
Andrew James Fuentez
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Arrest Age 23
Arrested Apr 14, 2018
• assault on a police officer
• disorderly conduct 1st deg - 1
• interfere w/peace officer
• resisting arrest
• criminal trespass in the 2nd degree
• harassment - 1
• harassment - 1
• harassment - 1
• harassment - 1
Andrew James Fuentez
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Arrest Age 33
Arrested Jul 25, 2016
• fail to appear 2nd deg - 1~interfere
• fail to appear 1st deg - 1~assault i
• fail to appear 1st deg - 1~assault i
• fail to appear 2nd deg - 1~harassmen
• fail to appear 1st deg - 1~pcs/meth
• fail to appear 2nd deg - 1~pv pcs/me
• fail to appear 1st deg - 1~pcs/meth
• fail to appear 2nd deg - 1~interfere
Tracy Estelle Fuentez
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Arrest Age 37
Arrested Jun 09, 2014
• fail to appear 2nd deg - 1~assault 4
• fail to appear 2nd deg - 1~harassmen
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