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Arrested for assault - Richland County, South Carolina


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Donald Ray Raynor
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Arrested Nov 30, 2021
• assault and battery 3rd degree
Natalie Zakiya Raysor
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Arrest Age 51
Arrested May 27, 2020
• assault and battery 3rd degree
Austin Garrett Reagan
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Arrest Age 35
Arrested Aug 11, 2012
• assault / assault & battery 3rd degree offense statutes(s) 16-03-0600(e)(1)
• assault / assault & battery 3rd degree offense statutes(s) 16-03-0600(e)(1)
Terry Recasner
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Arrest Age 48
Arrested Mar 06, 2017
• assault / assault & battery 3rd degree offense statutes(s) 16-03-0600(e)(1)
Barry John Redmond
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Arrested Jan 16, 2022
• assault and battery 3rd degree
Calvin Lemon Reed
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Arrest Age 49
Arrested Sep 26, 2018
• drugs / possession of fifteen dosage units of mdma or ecstasy, 1st offense
• drugs / manuf., poss. of other sub. in sch. i, ii, iii or flunitrazepam or analogue, w.i.t.d. - 1st offense
• drugs / poss. of other controlled sub. in sched. i to v - 1st offense
• traffic / failure to give or giving improper signal
• dus / driving under suspension, license not suspended for dui - 1st offense
• resisting / assault, beat, or wound police officer serving process or while resisting arrest
Derrall Lanard Reed
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Bond: $1088
Arrest Age 49
Arrested Jul 08, 2018
• assault / assault & battery 3rd degree offense statutes(s) 16-03-0600(e)(1)
• probation violation
• probation violation
• probation violation
Jamaal Latron Reed
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Arrest Age 46
Arrested Dec 19, 2015
• assault / assault & battery 3rd degree offense statutes(s) 16-03-0600(e)(1)
Jessica Monica Reed
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Arrest Age 52
Arrested Mar 11, 2021
• assault and battery 3rd degree
• dna reqassault/assault and battery (abhan)
Johnny Levi Reed
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Arrest Age 50
Arrested Feb 06, 2021
• assault and battery 3rd degree
• assault and battery 3rd degree
Patricia Ann Reed
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Arrest Age 22
Arrested Apr 26, 2012
• kidnapping / kidnapping
• robbery / common law robbery, strong arm robbery
• assault / assault & battery 1st degree offense statute(s); 16-03-0600(c)(1)
Shalanda Reed
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Arrest Age 51
Arrested Mar 13, 2020
• assault and battery 3rd degree
Taylor Kenneth Reed
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Arrest Age 47
Arrested Aug 31, 2017
• assault / assault & battery 2nd degree offense statue(s); 16-03-0600(d)(1)
Theodore Reed
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Arrest Age 48
Arrested Mar 01, 2017
• assault / assault & battery 3rd degree offense statutes(s) 16-03-0600(e)(1)
Arkivious K Reeder
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Arrest Age 44
Arrested Dec 27, 2015
• assault / simple assault and battery
Johnathan Michael Reeder
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Arrest Age 47
Arrested Mar 18, 2017
• assault / assault & battery 3rd degree offense statutes(s) 16-03-0600(e)(1)
Ashton James Reese
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Arrest Age 48
Arrested Mar 06, 2020
• assault and battery 3rd degree
• malicious injury to personal property
Danny Rodriguez Reese
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Arrest Age 47
Arrested Oct 04, 2018
• shoplifting / shoplifting, value more than $1,000 but less than $5,000
• shoplifting / shoplifting, value more than $1,000 but less than $5,000
• assault / assault & battery 3rd degree offense statutes(s) 16-03-0600(e)(1)
Marlon Reese
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Arrest Age 46
Arrested Sep 22, 2018
• shoplifting / shoplifting, value more than $1,000 but less than $5,000
• malicious / malicious injury to animals, personal property, injury value $1,000 or less
• report / giving false information to law enforcement, fire dept. or rescue dept.
• assault / assault & battery 3rd degree offense statutes(s) 16-03-0600(e)(1)
• assault / assault & battery 3rd degree offense statutes(s) 16-03-0600(e)(1)
• assault / assault & battery 3rd degree offense statutes(s) 16-03-0600(e)(1)
Mastafa Van Reese
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Arrest Age 47
Arrested Feb 13, 2019
• assault / assault & battery 3rd degree offense statutes(s) 16-03-0600(e)(1)
• drugs / possession of cocaine, 1st offense
Priscilla Melissa Reese
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Arrest Age 58
Arrested Oct 14, 2012
• disorderly / public disorderly conduct
• assault / assault & battery 3rd degree offense statutes(s) 16-03-0600(e)(1)
Quentin Jerome Reese
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Arrest Age 48
Arrested Jan 13, 2017
• assault / assault & battery 3rd degree offense statutes(s) 16-03-0600(e)(1)
Quentin Jerome Reese
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Arrest Age 47
Arrested Jun 19, 2017
• assault / assault & battery 3rd degree offense statutes(s) 16-03-0600(e)(1)
Hunter Alexander Reeser
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Arrest Age 47
Arrested Oct 27, 2016
• school / disturbing schools
• assault / assault & battery by mob, 3rd degree (bodily injury results)
Dion Gerald Reeves
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Bond: $1092
Arrest Age 23
Arrested Apr 09, 2012
• assault / assault & battery 3rd degree offense statutes(s) 16-03-0600(e)(1)
Javon Mitchell Reeves
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Arrest Age 47
Arrested Apr 04, 2019
• dus / driving under suspension, license not suspended for dui - 1st offense
• disorderly / public disorderly conduct
• traffic / improper or defective head lights
• robbery / common law robbery, strong arm robbery
• assault / assault & battery 1st degree offense statute(s); 16-03-0600(c)(1)
Justin Chase Reeves
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Bond: $50000
Arrest Age 24
Arrested Jul 18, 2014
• resisting / resisting arrest; oppose, resist, or assault law enforcement officer serving process
• robbery / common law robbery, strong arm robbery
• burglary / burglary (after june 20, 1985) - first degree
• probation violation
Tyrone Lemor Reeves
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Arrest Age 48
Arrested Sep 27, 2017
• assault / assault & battery 2nd degree offense statue(s); 16-03-0600(d)(1)
Areauna Marie Reid
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Arrest Age 50
Arrested Jul 16, 2019
• assault and battery 2nd degree
Council Reid
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Arrest Age 41
Arrested Oct 13, 2015
• robbery / attempted armed, or allegedly armed, robbery
• robbery / attempted armed, or allegedly armed, robbery
• robbery / attempted armed, or allegedly armed, robbery
• assault / assault & battery 1st degree offense statute(s); 16-03-0600(c)(1)
• burglary / burglary (after june 20, 1985) - first degree
• kidnapping / kidnapping
• kidnapping / kidnapping
• murder / murder
• weapons / pointing and presenting firearms at a person
• weapons / sale or delivery of pistol to, and possession by, certain persons unlawful
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