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Arrested for assault - Richland County, South Carolina


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Zachery Quintin Roberts
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Arrest Age 46
Arrested Aug 26, 2016
• assault / assault & battery 3rd degree offense statutes(s) 16-03-0600(e)(1)
Ahmed Dawud Robertson
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Arrest Age 50
Arrested May 12, 2019
• assault and battery 2nd degree
• contributing to the delinquency of a minor
• poss 28g or less marij/10g or less hash 1st
Darryl Robertson
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Arrest Age 47
Arrested Feb 10, 2018
• * city level - fail to stop on police command
• robbery / armed robbery, robbery while armed or allegedly armed with a deadly weapon
• robbery / armed robbery, robbery while armed or allegedly armed with a deadly weapon
• burglary / burglary (after june 20, 1985) - first degree
• assault / assault & battery of a high aggravated nature offense
• conspiracy / criminal conspiracy, common law conspiracy defined
Anthony Lamont Robinson
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Arrest Age 45
Arrested Oct 09, 2016
• assault / assault & battery 3rd degree offense statutes(s) 16-03-0600(e)(1)
• malicious / malicious injury to animals, personal property, injury value $1,000 or less
Anthony Su-Juris Robinson
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Arrest Age 19
Arrested Jul 31, 2015
• assault / assault & battery 3rd degree offense statutes(s) 16-03-0600(e)(1)
Antonio J Robinson
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Arrest Age 52
Arrested Mar 13, 2021
• assault and battery 3rd degree
Antwan J Robinson
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Arrest Age 50
Arrested Oct 06, 2020
• assault and battery 3rd degree
Antwan Robinson
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Arrest Age 48
Arrested Nov 17, 2018
• drugs / poss. of 28g (1 oz) or less of marijuana or 10g or less of hash - 1st offense
• traffic / reckless driving
• dus / driving under suspension, license not suspended for dui - 1st offense
• traffic / failure to return license plate and registration upon loss of insurance - 1st offense
• malicious / malicious injury to animals, personal property, injury value $2,000 or less offense statute(s); 16-11-0510(a)
• assault / assault & battery 3rd degree offense statutes(s) 16-03-0600(e)(1)
• detainerhold
Daishia Matorsha Robinson
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Bond: $20000
Arrest Age 46
Arrested May 15, 2017
• * city level - resisting arrest
• prisoners / throwing of bodily fluids by prisoner, detainee on state corrections or local law enforcement officer, corrections employee, or visitor
• breach / breach of peace, aggravated in nature
• assault / assault & battery 3rd degree offense statutes(s) 16-03-0600(e)(1)
• murder / attempted murder
Damon Tyre Robinson
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Bond: $100000
Arrest Age 46
Arrested Jul 22, 2018
• robbery / armed robbery, robbery while armed or allegedly armed with a deadly weapon
• weapons / poss. weapon during violent crime, if not also sentenced to life without parole or death
• assault / assault & battery of a high aggravated nature offense
• kidnapping / kidnapping
Damon Tyre Robinson
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Arrest Age 46
Arrested Sep 13, 2017
• assault / assault & battery 3rd degree offense statutes(s) 16-03-0600(e)(1)
Damon Tyre Robinson
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Arrest Age 45
Arrested Dec 20, 2017
• assault / assault & battery 3rd degree offense statutes(s) 16-03-0600(e)(1)
Darryl Demonta Robinson
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Arrest Age 49
Arrested Mar 25, 2019
• disorderly / public disorderly conduct
• assault / assault & battery 3rd degree offense statutes(s) 16-03-0600(e)(1)
David Anthony Robinson
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Bond: $235000
Arrest Age 19
Arrested Apr 27, 2014
• kidnapping / kidnapping
• robbery / armed robbery, robbery while armed or allegedly armed with a deadly weapon
• animals / cruel work, abandonment etc. of animals when not torture - 1st offense
• probation violation
• report / giving false information to law enforcement, fire dept. or rescue dept.
• assault / assault & battery by mob, 3rd degree (bodily injury results)
• gangs / use of threats or violence by gang member to solicit membership or prevent withdrawal, first offens
Delijah Sheree Robinson
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Arrested Jan 30, 2022
• assault and battery 3rd degree
Dennis Alexander Robinson
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Arrested Aug 17, 2021
• shoplifting
• assault and battery 3rd degree
• dna reqshoplifting $2000 or less(enhance 16-01-57)
• dna reqshoplifting $2000 or less(enhance 16-01-57)
• dna reqshoplifting $2000 or less(enhance 16-01-57)
• dna reqshoplifting $2000 or less(enhance 16-01-57)
Edward Alexander Robinson
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Arrest Age 48
Arrested May 16, 2020
• assault and battery 3rd degree
• assault and battery 3rd degree
• domestic/domestic violence 3rd degree
Elon Royshawn Robinson
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Arrest Age 46
Arrested Dec 23, 2016
• resisting / resisting arrest; oppose, resist, or assault law enforcement officer serving process
• drugs / poss. of 28g (1 oz) or less of marijuana or 10g or less of hash - 1st offense
• drugs / mdp, narcotic drugs in sch. i(b) & (c), lsd, and sched. ii - 1st offense
• drugs / poss. of narc. in schedule i(b),(c), lsd & schedule ii - 1st offense
• drugs / poss. of other controlled sub. in sched. i to v - 1st offense
Eric Stan Robinson
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Arrest Age 45
Arrested Feb 08, 2017
• assault / assault & battery 3rd degree offense statutes(s) 16-03-0600(e)(1)
Erica Alfia Robinson
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Arrest Age 16
Arrested Apr 21, 2012
• assault / assault & battery by mob, 3rd degree (bodily injury results)
Francina Gibson Robinson
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Arrest Age 50
Arrested Mar 23, 2019
• assault / assault & battery 3rd degree offense statutes(s) 16-03-0600(e)(1)
Gerald Robinson
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Arrest Age 44
Arrested Jun 17, 2016
• domestic / criminal domestic violence
• assault / assault & battery 1st degree offense statute(s); 16-03-0600(c)(1)
• weapons / possession of firearm or ammunition by person convicted of violent felony
Gregory Robinson
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Arrest Age 44
Arrested Oct 30, 2015
• shoplifting / shoplifting, value $1,000 or less
• resisting / assault, beat, or wound police officer serving process or while resisting arrest
Jamayiah Robinson
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Arrest Age 50
Arrested Nov 14, 2020
• assault and battery 3rd degree
• public drunk
Jamayiah Robinson
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Arrest Age 52
Arrested Jan 27, 2021
• simple assault
• malicious injury to personal property
James Keith Robinson
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Bond: $30000
Arrest Age 36
Arrested Sep 27, 2012
• assault / assault & battery 2nd degree offense statue(s); 16-03-0600(d)(1)
James Tyrell Robinson
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Arrest Age 46
Arrested Sep 27, 2017
• assault / assault & battery 2nd degree offense statue(s); 16-03-0600(d)(1)
James Robinson
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Arrest Age 47
Arrested Nov 30, 2016
• resisting / assault, beat, or wound police officer serving process or while resisting arrest
• drugs / manuf., poss. of other sub. in sch. i, ii, iii or flunitrazepam or analogue, w.i.t.d. - 1st offense
• weapons / possession of firearm or ammunition by person convicted of violent felony
• trespassing / entering premises after warning or refusing to leave on request
• breach / breach of peace, nonaggravated in nature
Jason Lemondrell Robinson
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Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 48
Arrested Sep 01, 2020
• dna reqcriminal domestic violence high & aggravated
• dna reqpointing and presenting firearms at a person
• dna reqkidnapping
• dna reqposs of a weapon during violent crime
• simple assault
• assault and battery 3rd degree
• malicious injury to personal property
• dna reqpointing and presenting firearms at a person
Joanne Little-Deer Robinson
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Arrest Age 52
Arrested Feb 03, 2021
• assault and battery 3rd degree
• assault and battery 2nd degree
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