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Arrested for assault - Knox County, Tennessee


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Terrell Lavon Mixon
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Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 29
Arrested Jul 11, 2021
• domestic assault
• 12 hour hold until 07/11/2021 @1502 hours
• domestic assault
• kidnapping
Austin Dwayne Mize
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Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 31
Arrested May 08, 2019
• aggravated assault
Kelvin Jerald Mize
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Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 37
Arrested May 21, 2020
• domestic assault
• twelve hour hold expires at 0342 hours on 05/21/2020
• hold for union county sheriff's office - vop - schedule ii
• domestic assault
Lamarkese Romelle Mize
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Bond: $6000
Arrest Age 32
Arrested Dec 31, 2013
• domestic assault
• public intoxication
• conditional release - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
• twelve (12) hour hold ending at 0900 hours on 12-31-13
Lamarkese Romelle Mize
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Bond: $15000
Arrest Age 30
Knoxville, Knox, TN
Arrested Apr 06, 2016
• vop warrant filed - simple poss. of a cont. substance and vandalism(rev of prob)
• conditions 1,2,3,4,5
• 12 hr hold up on 04/05/2016 @ 1535
• agg assault (intentional or knowing)
• robbery
Spencer Adam Mize
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Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 42
Knoxville, Knox, TN
Arrested Aug 04, 2016
• agg assault (reckless intent)
Glenda Moats
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Bond: $2500
Arrest Age 31
Knoxville, Knox, TN
Arrested Feb 04, 2017
• 12hr hold until 02/04/2017 @ 0416
• conditions 1, 2, 3, & 5
• domestic assault
Heather Dawn Mobbs
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Bond: $500
Arrest Age 32
Arrested Oct 18, 2018
• domestic assault
• theft of merchandise - up to $1,000
Antonio Demarcus Mobley
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Bond: $500
Arrest Age 64
Nashville, Knox, TN
Arrested Jun 13, 2014
• public intoxication
• assault (bodily injury)
Antonio Demarcus Mobley
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Arrest Age 41
Knoxville, Knox, TN
Arrested Oct 25, 2014
• deft taken into custody to serve sentence imposed. transcript to follow - agg. assault
Brandon Christopher Mobley
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Bond: $500
Arrest Age 19
Knoxville, Knox, TN
Arrested Feb 15, 2014
• failure to appear - possession of drug paraphernalia
• failure to appear - theft (value of property/services $500 or less)
• twelve hour hold up on 02/16/2014 @ 0524
• conditional release 1, 2, 3, and 4
• agg assault (strangulation)
Charles Eugene Mobley
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Bond: $30000
Arrest Age 27
Knoxville, Knox, TN
Arrested Jun 28, 2017
• conditional release - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7
• twelve hour hold - 06/28/2017 @ 1147
• aggravated assault - domestic
James Christopher Mobley
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Arrest Age 22
Arrested Sep 27, 2019
• burglary of vehicle, theft, and domestic assault (rev of prob)
Joseph Legene Mobley
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Bond: $500
Arrest Age 27
Arrested Jan 29, 2021
• vandalism (up to $1,000)
• criminal impersonation
• leave scene of accident - property damage
• driving while license revoked
• domestic assault
• 12 hour hold until 1/29/2021 @ 0040
• domestic assault
Joseph L Mobley
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Bond: $2000
Arrest Age 21
Knoxville, Knox, TN
Arrested Oct 18, 2016
• amended vop; incurring new charges @1165273 on 9-27-16 - evading arrest (non-vehicle flight)
• twelve hour hold-can be released 10-17-2016 2115
• conditional release 1,2,3
• domestic assault
Lindsay Danielle Mobley
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Bond: $2500
Arrested Apr 15, 2022
• aggravated assault - domestic
• 12 hour hold until 4-15-202 @ 0836 hours
• aggravated assault - domestic
Lindsay Danielle Mobley
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Bond: $2000
Arrest Age 34
Arrested Apr 28, 2020
• domestic assault
• twelve hour hold until 04/28/2020 @0939 hours
• domestic assault
• theft of property - $10,000- $60,000
Clarence Harvey Mock
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Bond: $1500
Arrest Age 31
Knoxville, Knox, TN
Arrested Sep 05, 2012
• conditions 1, 2 and 3
• twelve (12) hour hold - ending @ 0621 hours on 09/06/2012
• bond release notification in file
• domestic assault (bodily injury or threat of injury)
Eli Sherfey Mock
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Bond: $500
Arrest Age 25
Knoxville, Knox, TN
Arrested Jun 08, 2014
• bond release notification
• twelve hour hold: can be rlsd @ 0004 on 06-9-14
• conditional rls: one
• domestic assault (bodily injury or threat of injury)
Joshua Blake Mock
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Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 21
Lenoir City, Knox, TN
Arrested Oct 22, 2012
• agg burglary
• theft ( $500.01 - $999.99)
• agg burglary
• agg assault (intentional or knowing)
• agg burglary
• theft (value of property/services $500 or less)
Tyler Steven Moeller
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Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 40
Knoxville, Knox, TN
Arrested Oct 15, 2016
• conditions 1,2,3,4 and 5
• twelve (12) hour hold until 1845 hours 10142016
• aggravated assault
• public intoxication
Stephen Levi Moffett
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Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 21
Powell, Knox, TN
Arrested Sep 08, 2013
• conditions 1, 2, 3 + 12 hour hold
• 12 hour hold up on 9-8-13 @ 2343 hours
• agg assault (strangulation)
Brandon Jordan Moles
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Bond: $20000
Arrest Age 35
Knoxville, Knox, TN
Arrested Apr 07, 2015
• failure to appear - agg assault (strangulation)
• incurring new charges: domestic assault; failure to appear 3-30-15 - driving under the influence (fi
Angela Kristen Monday
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Bond: $2500
Arrest Age 43
Arrested May 19, 2020
• aggravated assault - attempt
Bradley Steven Monday
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Bond: $35000
Arrest Age 29
Knoxville, Knox, TN
Arrested Aug 31, 2013
• conditional release 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 x3
• twelve hour hold up on 08/31/2013 @ 2103
• bond release notification
• agg rape
• agg kidnapping
• agg assault (intentional or knowing)
Chris Andrew Monday
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Arrest Age 34
Arrested Jan 01, 2021
• domestic assault
Johnathan Nathaniel Monday
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Arrested Aug 10, 2021
• agg. assault and vandalism (rev of prob)
• possession weapon - convicted felon
• domestic assault
• twelve (12) hour hold until 0556 hours 08/10/2021
• domestic assault
• poss unlaw drug paraphernalia uses & activities
Johnathan Nathaniel Monday
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Bond: $500
Arrest Age 63
Arrested Sep 20, 2019
• assault - threat of bodily injury
Markel William Monday
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Arrest Age 30
Arrested Jan 01, 2019
• aggravated assault - domestic
• awaiting judge mcmillan
Markel William Monday
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Bond: $2000
Arrest Age 27
Knoxville, Knox, TN
Arrested Apr 15, 2018
• conditional release 1,2,3,4,5
• 12 hour hold until 4/15/18 @ 0145 hrs
• domestic assault
  1   ...   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   ...   48

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