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Arrested for assault - Knox County, Tennessee


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Owen Jeffrey Monday
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Bond: $500
Arrest Age 47
Knoxville, Knox, TN
Arrested Jan 27, 2013
• assault (threat of injury)
• public intoxication
Tammy Dominique Monday
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Bond: $1500
Arrest Age 32
Knoxville, Knox, TN
Arrested Jul 19, 2013
• twelve (12) hour hold up on 7/20/2013 @ 0220 hours
• conditional release - 1, 2, 3, and 4
• twelve (12) hour hold up on 7/20/2013 @ 0220 hours
• conditional release - 1, 2, and 3
• domestic assault (bodily injury or threat of injury)
• agg assault (intentional or knowing)
• theft (value of property/services $500 or less)
• driving while privileged revoked
• vandalism ( $1,000 - $9,999.99)
• possession of drug paraphernalia
Jason Carl Moneck
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Bond: $500
Arrest Age 33
Knoxville, Knox, TN
Arrested Apr 27, 2015
• failure to appear 1-7-15; failure to pay court costs and restitution - theft (value of property/serv
• agg assault (intentional or knowing)
• aggravated robbery
Brandy Moneymaker
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Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 30
Knoxville, Knox, TN
Arrested Oct 02, 2012
• assault (bodily injury)
• resisting stop, frisk, halt, arrest or search prevent service of process
• evading arrest (non-vehicle flight)
Leanna Marie Mongar
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Arrest Age 38
Knoxville, Knox, TN
Arrested Jan 08, 2013
• incurring new charges - domestic assault (bodily injury or threat of injury)
Roger Mongold
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Arrest Age 27
Knoxville, Knox, TN
Arrested Jun 18, 2017
• agg assault upon public/private transportation employee
Misty Nicole Monhollan
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Bond: $500
Arrest Age 44
Knoxville, Knox, TN
Arrested Mar 13, 2013
• assault (threat of injury)
• public intoxication
Norris Eugene Monholland
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Bond: $2000
Arrest Age 33
Knoxville, Knox, TN
Arrested Sep 22, 2013
• conditions 1,2,3
• hold 12 hours
• domestic assault
Vernon Nathaniel Monholland
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Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 29
Knoxville, Knox, TN
Arrested Jul 06, 2017
• simple poss/casual exchange (marj
• poss unlaw drug paraphernalia uses & activities
• domestic assault
• vandalism (up to $500)
• theft by shoplifting ( $500 or less)
• meth - mfg, deliver, sale, poss with intent
Shelia Elaine Monhollen
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Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 25
Knoxville, Knox, TN
Arrested Feb 16, 2014
• conditional release - 1, 2, 3, 5
• twelve (12) hour hold ending at 0801 hours on 02/17/14
• domestic assault
Gary Monroe
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Bond: $500
Arrest Age 38
Knoxville, Knox, TN
Arrested Aug 18, 2015
• conditional release 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5
• 12 hour hold up on08182015 @0747
• domestic assault (bodily injury or threat of injury)
James Ray Monroe
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Arrested Dec 02, 2021
• domestic assault
• schedule i drugs: mfg, del, sell, poss
• poss unlaw drug paraphernalia uses & activities
Jerry Lynn Monroe
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Bond: $2000
Arrest Age 37
Arrested Jul 10, 2021
• aggravated assault - domestic
• violation of protective order - conditions of release
• violation of protective order - conditions of release
• violation of protective order - conditions of release
• simple poss/casual exchange
• poss unlaw drug paraphernalia uses & activities
• criminal trespassing
Jerry Lynn Monroe
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Bond: $30000
Arrest Age 43
Oak Ridge, Knox, TN
Arrested Jan 15, 2018
• hold for anderson county - harrassment/retalliation past action
• aggravated assault
• burglary - auto
• agg assault upon public/private transportation employee
• agg assault upon public/private transportation employee
• vandalism - > $1,000 -
• disorderly conduct
• public intoxication
• resist stop,arrest,search (no weap)
Laycee Brooke Monroe
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Bond: $200
Arrest Age 29
Knoxville, Knox, TN
Arrested Oct 04, 2012
• fail to appear 10-2-12 - prostitution (not within 100 feet of church or 1.5 miles of school)
• failure to obey court orders
• failure to obey court orders
• agg assault (intentional or knowing)
Laycee Brooke Monroe
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Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 47
Arrested Apr 03, 2019
• theft (up to $1000)
• domestic assault
• public intoxication
Laycee Brooke Monroe
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Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 44
Arrested Jun 18, 2019
• aggravated assault - domestic
• 12 hour hold until 06/17/19 @1225
• aggravated assault - domestic
Laycee Brooke Monroe
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Arrest Age 34
Arrested Nov 01, 2019
• violation of drivers license law, failure to provide proper evidence of financial responsibility, an
• agg. assault
• possess withintent to sell or deliver a cont. substance, poss of a firearm during a dangerous felony
Ronald Dee Monroe
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Bond: $500
Arrest Age 51
Knoxville, Knox, TN
Arrested Mar 12, 2018
• domestic assault
• poss unlaw drug paraphernalia uses & activities
Shane Ross Monroe
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Arrest Age 42
Arrested May 07, 2019
• agg. assault, domestic assault, and false imprisonment (rev of prob)
• agg. assault and domestic assault (rev of prob)
Terrence Demitri Monroe
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Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 41
Arrested Feb 14, 2021
• domestic assault
• domestic assault
• 12 hour hold until 2/14/2021 @ 1054 hours
• domestic assault
• domestic assault
Todd Ryan Monroe
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Arrested Feb 21, 2022
• hold for sevier county - vop - drug paraphernalia and domestic assault
Christopher Leroy Monson
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Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 26
Arrested Mar 05, 2020
• aggravated assault - domestic
• simple poss/casual exchange
Krishena Marie Montalvo
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Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 18
Knoxville, Knox, TN
Arrested Aug 31, 2014
• domestic assault (bodily injury or threat of injury)
• conditional release 1, 2, and 3
• 12 hour hold up @ 2333 on 08/31/2014
Preston Emmanuel Montalvo
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Bond: $500
Arrest Age 38
Arrested Mar 12, 2022
• domestic assault
• 12 hours hold up on 03-14-2022 @ 0021
• domestic assault
Alexander Antonio Montano
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Bond: $500
Arrest Age 31
Knoxville, Knox, TN
Arrested Apr 26, 2014
• driving under the influence (first offense)
• driving without a valid license for type of vehicle
• failure to provide evidence of compliance with financial responsibility law
• roadway lane violation
• vehicular assault
• vehicular assault
Demarcus Montay Montgomery
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Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 30
Knoxville, Knox, TN
Arrested Jun 16, 2014
• assault (bodily injury)
Demarcus Montay Montgomery
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Bond: $7500
Arrest Age 32
Arrested Nov 02, 2018
• poss unlaw drug paraphernalia uses & activities
• aggravated assault
• meth - possess or casual exchange
Demarcus Montay Montgomery
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Bond: $40000
Arrest Age 60
Knoxville, Knox, TN
Arrested Nov 29, 2016
• twelve (12) hour hold - expires 11/29/2016 at 00:08 am
• conditional release - conditions i, ii, iii, iv, v, & vii
• aggravated assault
George Ernest Montgomery
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Bond: $1500
Arrest Age 37
Arrested Jan 31, 2019
• domestic assault and assault
• contempt of court - juv proceeding
• criminal trespassing
  1   ...   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   ...   48

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