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Arrested for assault - Knox County, Tennessee


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Pannalal Hiralal Patel
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Arrest Age 36
Knoxville, Knox, TN
Arrested Jul 18, 2017
• agg. child abuse and agg. assault (rev of prob)
Pannalal Hiralal Patel
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Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 63
Knoxville, Knox, TN
Arrested Nov 26, 2017
• assault - bodily injury
Pannalal Hiralal Patel
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Bond: $7500
Arrest Age 48
Corryton, Knox, TN
Arrested Mar 27, 2016
• bond release notification
• agg assault (strangulation)
• twelve hour hold expires at 0839 on 03/27/2016
• conditional release 1, 2, 3, & 5
Pannalal Hiralal Patel
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Bond: $500
Arrest Age 22
Knoxville, Knox, TN
Arrested Oct 27, 2016
• failure to appear - theft by shoplifting ( $500 or less)
• incurring new charges: theft - a729196
• # 8-16-16; paid on lead case, not others - theft (value of pro
• theft of property - $1,000- $10,000
• burglary - auto
• aggravated assault upon officer or any first responder
• aggravated assault
• dui: first offense
• implied consent - misd
• underage consumption
• possession of handgun while under influence
Pannalal Hiralal Patel
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Bond: $500
Arrest Age 33
Spokane, Knox, TN
Arrested Nov 19, 2016
• public intoxication
• assault - physical contact
Pannalal Hiralal Patel
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Arrest Age 37
Knoxville, Knox, TN
Arrested Dec 06, 2016
• vop warrant filed - agg. child abuse and agg. assault (rev of prob)
Pannalal Hiralal Patel
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Bond: $3000
Arrest Age 55
Knoxville, Knox, TN
Arrested Dec 17, 2016
• conditions 1,2, and 3
• twelve (12) hour hold until 2010 hours 12.16.2016
• aggravated assault
• vandalism (up to $500)
• public intoxication
Pannalal Patel
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Bond: $8000
Arrest Age 35
Knoxville, Knox, TN
Arrested Feb 12, 2015
• conditional release 1,2,3
• due out 02/12/15 1121
• agg assault (strangulation)
Pannalal Patel
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Bond: $1500
Arrest Age 27
Knoxville, Knox, TN
Arrested Apr 05, 2015
• conditions 1,2,3
• twelve (12) hour hold ending on 04/05/2015 @ 0728 hours
• domestic assault (bodily injury or threat of injury)
Pannalal Patel
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Arrest Age 47
Walland, Knox, TN
Arrested Jun 03, 2015
• order of transportation - agg. assault & reckless endangerment
• hold for prison-tdoc inmate
Vasudev Patel
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Bond: $50000
Arrest Age 29
Arrested Sep 05, 2019
• aggravated assault - domestic
• dui: third offense
Visura Umesh Pathirana
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Bond: $2500
Arrested Mar 27, 2022
• aggravated assault - domestic
• violation of order of protection
• violation of conditional release
Jesus Antonio Patlan
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Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 45
Arrested Aug 25, 2021
• aggravated assault
Katrina Lynn Patlan
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Bond: $1500
Arrest Age 21
Knoxville, Knox, TN
Arrested Jan 07, 2018
• conditional release 1,2,3,5
• 12 hour hold 01/06/18 @ 1237
• bond release notification
• domestic assault
Sandra Marie Patlan
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Bond: $2500
Arrest Age 20
Arrested Apr 10, 2013
• theft (value of property/services $500 or less)
• assault (bodily injury)
Keith Allen Patmore
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Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 44
Arrested Dec 27, 2018
• domestic assault (bodily injury or threat of injury)
• failure to appear - misdemeanor
• failure to appear - misdemeanor
• theft of property - $10,000- $60,000
Andrew Isaiah Patrick
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Bond: $3000
Arrest Age 36
Knoxville, Knox, TN
Arrested Jan 06, 2017
• vop warrant issued - poss. with intent to sell cocaine and violation of driver's license law(rev of
• conditions 1,2,3,4,5
• 12 hour hold til 0410, 1/6/2017
• agg assault (strangulation)
• robbery
• violation of court order
• schedule ii drugs: cocaine - .5 grams or greater
• use of stolen plates
Corey Bruce Patrick
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Arrest Age 29
Corryton, Knox, TN
Arrested Apr 08, 2015
• amended vop warrant filed - agg. assault and theft(rev of prob)
Damon Trevor Patrick
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Bond: $25000
Arrest Age 42
Arrested Jun 17, 2019
• aggravated assault - domestic
• twelve (12) hour hold until 16:41 pm on 06/16/2019
• aggravated assault - domestic
Damon Trevor Patrick
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Bond: $30500
Arrest Age 26
Knoxville, Knox, TN
Arrested Jun 30, 2017
• agg. kidnapping, agg. assault, theft, reckless endangerment, interference with emergency call, and e
• agg. kidnapping, agg. assault, theft, reckless endangerment, interference with emergency call, and e
• hold for prison
Damon Trevor Patrick
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Arrest Age 43
Concord, Knox, TN
Arrested Sep 19, 2015
• failure to appear - agg assault (intentional or knowing)
• failure to appear - kidnapping
Devante Truvell Patrick
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Bond: $3000
Arrest Age 30
Arrested Dec 29, 2019
• theft of merchandise - up to $1,000
• domestic assault
• twelve (12) hour hold until 0338 hours 12/29/2019
• domestic assault
Gilbert Ray Patrick
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Bond: $2500
Arrest Age 64
Knoxville, Knox, TN
Arrested Sep 30, 2015
• viol of prob warrant - agg. assault,kidnapping,domestic assault, and unlawful poss. of a weapon(rev
• 12 hour hold up on 09292015 @1423
• conditions 1, 2, 3, and 4
• domestic assault (second offense)
Jordan Christopher Patrick
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Bond: $5000
Arrested Feb 17, 2022
• domestic assault
• aggravated assault - domestic
• violation of protective order - conditions of release
• domestic assault
• domestic assault
• vandalism (up to $1,000)
• aggravated assault - domestic
• violation of protective order - conditions of release
• twelve (12) hour hold ends @ 2100 hours on 02/16/2022
• aggravated assault - domestic
• violation of protective order - conditions of release
• vandalism (up to $1,000)
• domestic assault
Tevontae Kyrale Patrick
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Bond: $4000
Arrest Age 28
Arrested Dec 06, 2018
• aggravated assault - domestic
• domestic assault
• twelve (12) hour hold : can be released @ 2240 on 12-05-2018
• aggravated assault - domestic
• unlaw possession of weapon
Walter Lee Patrick
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Bond: $40000
Arrest Age 27
Arrested May 11, 2021
• aggravated assault - domestic
• possession of a handgun - convicted felon
• simple poss/casual exchange (marj
• theft of property (up to $1,000)
• evading arrest
Tyler Logan Patrick-Neal
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Arrest Age 57
Knoxville, Knox, TN
Arrested Jan 09, 2018
• domestic assault
Donald Wayne Patt
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Bond: $20000
Arrest Age 42
Maryville, Knox, TN
Arrested Mar 26, 2018
• aggravated assault
Billy Ray Patterson
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Arrest Age 29
Arrested Dec 11, 2020
• domestic assault
Cayla Blaze Patterson
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Bond: $500
Arrest Age 50
Arrested Sep 29, 2020
• assault - threat of bodily injury
• assault - threat of bodily injury
• criminal trespassing
• vandalism (up to $1,000)
• joyriding - unauth use auto/other vehicles
• disorderly conduct
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