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Arrested for assault - Smith County, Texas


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Ashton Chase Argo
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Arrest Age 32
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Feb 27, 2018
• assault causes bodily injury family violence/60 days scj
• poss dangerous drug/60 days scj
Arthur James Arie
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Bond: $1000000
Arrest Age 74
Dallas, Smith, TX
Arrested Nov 13, 2014
• assault causes bodily injury
Alex Gomez Ariola
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Arrest Age 41
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Jul 19, 2001
• assault comm
Dario Arizmendi
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Bond: $3000
Arrest Age 30
Whitehouse, Smith, TX
Arrested Jan 09, 2003
• interfer w/emergency call
• assault class c/family viol
• failure to appear
• speeding (school zone)
Angel Arizpe
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Bond: $754
Arrest Age 30
Whitehouse, Smith, TX
Arrested Dec 31, 2011
• assault (physical contact)
Kealvin D Armstrong
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Arrest Age 36
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Dec 08, 2015
• assault/bond fort
Regina Smith Armstrong
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Bond: $1000
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Feb 12, 2022
• assault causes bodily injury to family member
Roy Lee Armstrong
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Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 45
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Jan 22, 2000
• agg assault causes sbi
• driving while intoxicated
Shannon Armstrong
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Bond: $500
Arrest Age 30
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Jun 27, 2004
• assault, family violence causing bodily injury
Sonya Elaine Armstrong
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Bond: $606
Arrest Age 34
Unalakleet, Smith, TX
Arrested Jan 22, 2007
• public intoxication
• no seat belt (driver)
• failure to appear
• assault public servant/ revocation probation
Timothy Chase Armstrong
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Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 19
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Mar 16, 2009
• assault causes bodily inj-fta
Xavier Don Armstrong
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Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 37
Winona, Smith, TX
Arrested May 30, 2014
• assault causes bodily injury
Xavier Don Armstrong
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Bond: $1500
Arrest Age 31
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Nov 22, 2013
• assault causes bodily injury
Zacheriah James Armstrong
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Bond: $1500
Arrest Age 38
Big Sandy, Smith, TX
Arrested Aug 10, 2020
• assault ems personnel prov serv notes: time served
• viol protect order
Travis Samuel Arnett
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Bond: $1500
Arrest Age 39
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Jan 24, 2004
• assault, family violence causing bodily injury
Andrew E Arnold
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Arrest Age 31
Flint, Smith, TX
Arrested Aug 21, 2009
• bail jumping and fail to appear felony
• poss cs pg 1
• poss cs pg 1
• assault
Anthony Kent Arnold
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Arrest Age 47
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Jan 12, 2012
• public intoxication/capias profine
• assault (physical contact)
Cecil Morgan Arnold
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Arrest Age 37
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Feb 14, 2008
• agg assault w/deadly weapon-rev prob
• driving while intoxicated 3rd or more/sob
• driving while intoxicated 3rd or more/insuff bond
Damien Marquis Arnold
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Bond: $500
Arrest Age 43
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested May 20, 2018
• aggravated assault with deadly weapon
• unlicensed carrying weapon
• fleeing police officer
Edwin Scott Arnold
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Arrest Age 48
Mineola, Smith, TX
Arrested Feb 15, 2001
• assault/fta
Irenshaun Donae Arnold
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Bond: $500
Arrest Age 29
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Mar 25, 2009
• assault class c
• allow child (4-17) to ride not secured by safety belt
• fail to yield right of way
• no driver's license when unlicensed
• no driver's license when unlicensed
Jack Thomas Arnold
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Arrest Age 46
Winona, Smith, TX
Arrested Oct 26, 2004
• assault, family violence causing bodily injury
• white warrant
Jason Mark Arnold
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Bond: $30000
Arrest Age 49
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Feb 12, 2007
• aggravated assault with deadly weapon
Nancy Cox Arnold
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Bond: $500
Arrest Age 17
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Mar 15, 2001
• assault causes bodily injury to family member
Rhonda Renee Arnold
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Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 51
Long Beach, Smith, TX
Arrested Jan 07, 2022
• driving while intoxicated 2nd offense
• assault public servant
• resisting arrest search or transport
• proh substance/item in correctional facility
Charles Ray Arps
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Arrest Age 21
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Mar 07, 2008
• agg assault w/deadly weapon/bench warrant
Deneisha Demarshe Arps
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Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 30
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Mar 06, 2004
• failure to appear
• theft under 50.00
• assault causes bodily injury family violence bond forf
Deneisha Demarshe Arps
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Bond: $3000
Arrest Age 29
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Sep 26, 2003
• assault causes bodily injury
• failure to maintain financial responsibility
Linell Arps
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Arrest Age 25
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Aug 09, 2002
• assault class c
Stephant Craig Arps
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Bond: $15000
Arrest Age 19
Chicago, Smith, TX
Arrested Aug 17, 2001
• agg sexual assult
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