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Arrested for assault - Brazos County, Texas


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Charles Frederick Boyce
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Bond: $8000
Arrest Age 31
Bryan, Brazos, TX
Arrested Jul 30, 2001
• assault causes bodily injury
James Michael Boyd
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Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 24
Bryan, Brazos, TX
Arrested Oct 03, 2013
• assault causes bodily injury to family member
• jp1/wrnt/dwli
• jp1/wrnt/fta
• 10/4/13 @1111hrs hold ends
• u.s. immigration hold
Kody John Boyd
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Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 40
Bryan, Brazos, TX
Arrested Jul 09, 2019
• assault, family violence causing bodily injury
Kody John Boyd
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Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 25
Bryan, Brazos, TX
Arrested Jun 11, 2017
• assault family/household member with previous convictions
Lisa Gay Boyles
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Bond: $2000
Arrest Age 21
Bryan, Brazos, TX
Arrested Nov 14, 2004
• aggravated assault with deadly weapon notes: 9098185541-a001
• poss use inhale/ingest volatile chem
Kevin James Brackin
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Bond: $500
Arrest Age 31
Arrested Feb 14, 2002
• assault b/i family viol
Mary Ann Braden
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Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 33
Sealy, Brazos, TX
Arrested Nov 29, 2013
• assault causes bodily injury to family member
• 11/30/2013 @0915hrs 24hr hold after magistrate ends
Mary Ann Braden
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Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 31
College Station, Brazos, TX
Arrested Oct 16, 2010
• injury child/elderly/disabled reckless bodily inj
• assault, family violence causing bodily injury
• 10/18/10 @1030 24hr hold ends
Brandrick Jermaine Bradford
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Bond: $7000
Arrest Age 19
Bryan, Brazos, TX
Arrested Dec 12, 2004
• evading arrest detention w/veh
• unauth use of vehicle
• assault causes bodily injury
• sentenced 3yrs tdc/evading arrest
• sentenced 18mo st jail/uumv
• st/aslt bi
Earl Bradford
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Bond: $7000
Arrest Age 36
Arrested Jan 29, 2005
• indecency w/child exposes
• u.s. immigration hold
• sexual assault child
Earl Bradford
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Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 20
Franklin, Brazos, TX
Arrested Jul 25, 2002
• assault causes bodily injury
Learia L Bradford
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Arrest Age 24
Navasota, Brazos, TX
Arrested Jul 29, 2019
• mtr/child support
• bmc/cap prof/ assault by contac
Michael Dewayne Bradford
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Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 32
College Station, Brazos, TX
Arrested Nov 24, 2008
• assault, family violence causing bodily injury
• 11/26/08 @ 1800 24hr hold after bond
Tony-Neal Bradford
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Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 21
Bryan, Brazos, TX
Arrested Jan 31, 2019
• assault family member in house by impeding someones breathing or circulation
Tony-Neal Bradford
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Arrest Age 23
Sugar Land, Brazos, TX
Arrested Oct 25, 2018
• assault, family violence causing bodily injury
John Michael Bradley
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Bond: $4000
Arrest Age 19
Bryan, Brazos, TX
Arrested Mar 24, 2008
• assault causes bodily injury
• 4/5/08 @ 1700 24hr hold ends
• 04/06/2008 @ 09:45am jp layout ends
• jp22/theft
Maurice Bertram Bradley
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Bond: $70000
Arrest Age 42
Bryan, Brazos, TX
Arrested Sep 27, 2002
• aggravated assault with deadly weapon
• 5yrs tdc agg aslt d/w
Kevin Doyle Bradsher
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Bond: $4000
Arrest Age 20
Bryan, Brazos, TX
Arrested Feb 07, 2011
• assault, family violence causing bodily injury
• 24hr hold ends 2/9/2011 @ 1225
Kevin Doyle Bradsher
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Bond: $414
Arrest Age 27
Bryan, Brazos, TX
Arrested Jan 13, 2010
• jp1 capias prof/doc
• sent 225days bcso/criminal trespass
• sent 225days bcso/asslt bodily injury
• s/t criminal trespass
• s/t assault b/i
• 1/19/2010 @ 1534 layout ends
Darius Keon Brady
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Bond: $8000
Arrest Age 45
Bryan, Brazos, TX
Arrested Jun 05, 2001
• assault b/i family
• parole violation/bl/wrnt
Samuel Lee Brakefield
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Arrest Age 21
Caldwell, Brazos, TX
Arrested Nov 29, 2006
• bench warrant/assault-bodily injury family violence
• viol of protective order/burleson co
• s/t assault bod injury family violence
• s/t fees
Christopher Lee Bramlett
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Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 19
College Station, Brazos, TX
Arrested Sep 23, 2009
• assault, family violence causing bodily injury
• 24hr hold ends 09242009 @ 1200pm
Bobby Clarence Branch
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Bond: $8000
Arrest Age 21
Bryan, Brazos, TX
Arrested Jul 20, 2013
• assault public servant
• resist arrest search or transp
• evading arrest detention
• possession of marijuana less than 2 ounces
• bpd/poss drug para
Dwight Douglas Branch
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Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 21
Madisonville, Brazos, TX
Arrested May 15, 2001
• mtp/sex aslt child
Dwight Douglas Branch
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Bond: $15000
Arrest Age 32
Bryan, Brazos, TX
Arrested May 01, 2019
• surety to surrender/agg assault with deadly weapon
Randon Aundae Branch
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Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 24
Bryan, Brazos, TX
Arrested Oct 06, 2003
• assault, family violence causing bodily injury
• bpd wrnt/seat belt violation
• 10.11.03 @ 1945 jp hold ends
Stuart Leslie Branch
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Bond: $2000
Arrest Age 24
Bryan, Brazos, TX
Arrested Nov 26, 2008
• possession of marijuana less than 2 ounces
• assault, family violence causing bodily injury
Royce Duncan Braselton
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Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 24
Bryan, Brazos, TX
Arrested Dec 22, 2016
• assault, family violence causing bodily injury
Robyn Lee Brasher
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Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 20
Bryan, Brazos, TX
Arrested Jan 01, 2013
• assault causes bodily injury to family member
• cspd/public intox/tty
Ryan Matthew Brashier
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Bryan, Brazos, TX
Arrested Jan 20, 2022
• sent 3 yrs tdcj/agg assault with deadly weapon
• sent 4 yrs tdcj/viol bond/protective order 2+ times w/i 12 mo
• sent 200 days brazos county/assault- bodily injury family violence
• sent 4 yrs tdcj/viol bond/protective order assault/stalk iat
  1   ...   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   ...   24

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