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Arrested for assault - Taylor County, Texas


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Bobby Ray Dorman
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Arrest Age 29
Abilene, Taylor, TX
Arrested Oct 16, 2018
• parole viol-sexual assault of child
Kristina Louise Dornin
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Bond: $505
Arrest Age 32
Abilene, Taylor, TX
Arrested Mar 14, 2011
• 'sjf' mtr theft notes: state jail facility
• c-ftmfr
• assault f/v
Kenny Dale Dorrough
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Bond: $20000
Arrest Age 19
Abilene, Taylor, TX
Arrested May 16, 2012
• 2f-agg. assault fv
• sf-criminal msichief--da rejected; 05.31.2012
Kenny Dale Dorrough
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Arrest Age 36
Abilene, Taylor, TX
Arrested Aug 13, 2016
• '2f' agg assault w/deadly weapon
• '3f' unl restraint expose to sbi
Ray Eugene Dorrough
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Arrest Age 42
Abilene, Taylor, TX
Arrested Mar 26, 2012
• mtr poss meth notes: texas dept corr
• mtr assault public servant notes: texas dept corr
Ray Eugene Dorrough
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Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 39
Abilene, Taylor, TX
Arrested Aug 19, 2004
• mtr 'a' assault f/v vop
Billy Dorsey
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Bond: $500
Arrest Age 21
Sweetwater, Taylor, TX
Arrested Jan 23, 2004
• 'c' no dl
• 'c' speeding
• 'c' fta
• 'c' fta
• assault w/bodily inj
• parole violator notes: rel-conv
Cornelius John Dorsey
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Arlington, Taylor, TX
Arrested Jan 17, 2022
• sexual assault
Cortez Marquis Dorsey
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Bond: $20000
Arrest Age 22
Lubbock, Taylor, TX
Arrested Jan 11, 2010
• aggravated assault, b/i
• child endangerment, afrs - da rejected 8.21.2012
Cortez Marquis Dorsey
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Bond: $3500
Arrest Age 23
Abilene, Taylor, TX
Arrested Sep 24, 2019
• 'a' assault causes bodily injury f/v
• 'a' evading arrest detention, afrs
Hannah Breeze Dorsey
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Bond: $20000
Arrest Age 27
Abilene, Taylor, TX
Arrested Nov 20, 2017
• 2f-agg aslt w/deadly weapon
Donald Andrew Dortman
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Bond: $1500
Arrest Age 45
Abilene, Taylor, TX
Arrested Nov 02, 2004
• resist arrest search or transport dism per wendy
• assault fv afrs
Patricia Dos-Santos-Soares
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Bond: $15000
Arrest Age 35
Abilene, Taylor, TX
Arrested Dec 11, 2020
• '3f' aslt f/v (enh)
Brennon Dee Doss
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Bond: $1500
Arrest Age 37
Abilene, Taylor, TX
Arrested Oct 29, 2018
• a assault causes bodily injury family violence
Jondavid Allen Doss
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Bond: $500
Arrest Age 35
Abilene, Taylor, TX
Arrested Dec 07, 2011
• 'b' tos
• agg assault w/deadly weapon, afrs
• driving while intoxicated, afrs
Kevin Gene Dossey
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Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 42
Abilene, Taylor, TX
Arrested Sep 12, 2013
• 'a' aslt f/v
Hailey Renise Doster
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Bond: $2500
Arrest Age 43
Abilene, Taylor, TX
Arrested Dec 25, 2020
• 'a' assault
• 'a' fail to id
• parole viol-evading arrest
Joshua Bryan Doty
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Bond: $2028
Abilene, Taylor, TX
Arrested Dec 03, 2021
• a-aslt, cpf
• 2f-agg aslt
Jeffrey Michael Dougherty
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Bond: $15000
Arrest Age 27
Abilene, Taylor, TX
Arrested Apr 23, 2015
• '2f' sexual assault child
Aquinn Deshad Douglas
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Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 30
Abilene, Taylor, TX
Arrested May 21, 2020
• 2f- assault w/deadly weapon
• sf-theft of firearm
• possession of controlled substance 3
Aquinn Deshad Douglas
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Bond: $150000
Arrest Age 26
Abilene, Taylor, TX
Arrested Oct 24, 2018
• '2f' sexual assault child
• '3f' online solicit of a minor
• '3f' poss of child pornography
Brittany Nicole Douglas
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Bond: $2000
Arrest Age 23
Abilene, Taylor, TX
Arrested Oct 06, 2011
• 'a' aslt s/w
• 'a' aslt s/w
• ftyrow
• drive w/o valid drivers lic.
• agg assault sbi-rejected 12/12/11 auth hicks/per emma
Elbert Douglas
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Bond: $3000
Arrest Age 19
Abilene, Taylor, TX
Arrested Mar 23, 2017
• 'a' assault f/v, vop
Johnie Richard Douglas
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Bond: $100000
Abilene, Taylor, TX
Arrested Aug 11, 2021
• 1st ct '1f' agg sexual aslt of child- final
• 2nd ct '2f' online solicitation of minor- final
Johnie Richard Douglas
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Bond: $1500
Arrest Age 34
Clyde, Taylor, TX
Arrested Jan 04, 2012
• assault f/v
Johnie Richard Douglas
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Bond: $1500
Arrest Age 47
Abilene, Taylor, TX
Arrested Jan 22, 2011
• assault f/v
Johnie Richard Douglas
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Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 42
Abilene, Taylor, TX
Arrested May 05, 2016
• 'a' assault f/v
Johnie Richard Douglas
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Bond: $30000
Arrest Age 24
Tuscola, Taylor, TX
Arrested Jul 20, 2016
• mtr, aggravated assault
Misty Michelle Douglas
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Bond: $750
Arrest Age 28
Abilene, Taylor, TX
Arrested May 29, 2002
• 'a' assault
David Lynn Dow
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Arrest Age 32
Abilene, Taylor, TX
Arrested Apr 21, 2019
• 'a' assault causes b/i f/v
  1   ...   13   14   15   16   17   18   19

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