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Arrested for assault - Smith County, Texas


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Correne Elizabeth Hayes
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Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 44
Whitehouse, Smith, TX
Arrested Feb 24, 2013
• assault causes bodily injury to family member
Dallas M Hayes
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Arrest Age 32
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Mar 24, 2005
• assault causes bodily injury family violence/rev prob/100days
Dana L Hayes
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Arrest Age 34
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Aug 13, 2001
• assault fam viol-b/f
• theft b/f
• truancy
• pcs r/p
Danny Loyd Hayes
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Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 20
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Jan 18, 2015
• assault causes bodily injury
Emanual James Hayes
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Bond: $1500
Arrest Age 20
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Jan 23, 2020
• possession of marijuana less than 2 ounces
• possession of controlled substance penalty group 1 1g less than 4g
• assault causes bodily injury
Emanual James Hayes
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Bond: $260
Arrest Age 20
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Jun 28, 2014
• public intoxication
• assault class c
Glenn Hayes
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Arrest Age 45
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Oct 07, 2020
• aggravated assault with deadly weapon
Jennifer Hayes
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Bond: $313
Arrest Age 45
Whitehouse, Smith, TX
Arrested Mar 11, 2003
• assault (physical contact)
Jill Cromer Hayes
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Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 26
Ben Wheeler, Smith, TX
Arrested Jun 21, 2015
• crim misch >= $500
• assault causes bodily injury to family member
• criminal mischief > $50
• violate promise to appear (uniform act)
• fail to maintian financial responsibility
• non-payment of child support/ rev prob
Johnny Issac Hayes
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Bond: $100000
Arrest Age 17
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Mar 16, 2006
• aggravated assault with deadly weapon
Johnny Issac Hayes
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Bond: $2000
Arrest Age 19
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Dec 27, 2005
• poss cs pg 1
• fail to identify enh
• fail to identify enh
• fail to identify fugitive from justice
• fail to maintian financial responsibility
• fail to display driver's license
• fail to maintian financial responsibility
• fail to display driver's license
• speeding (exceed prima facie limit)
• speeding (exceed prima facie limit)
• assault (physical contact)
• theft under $50
• violate promise to appear (uniform act)
• no dl in
Kevin Wade Hayes
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Arrest Age 42
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Mar 18, 2005
• assault causes bodily injury family violence-comm 15days scj
Michael Hayes
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Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Aug 05, 2021
• assault causes bodily injury to family member
Michael Duane Hayes
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Bond: $2500
Arrest Age 25
Longview, Smith, TX
Arrested Mar 31, 2005
• injury child
• interfer w/emergency call
• assault, family violence causing bodily injury
• driving while license suspended-s/r sob
Michael-Duane Hayes
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Bond: $100000
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Feb 16, 2022
• assault family/household member w/prev conv
Olivia Hayes
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Bond: $1500
Arrest Age 19
Dallas, Smith, TX
Arrested Feb 19, 2015
• assault causes bodily injury to family member
Shabree Sharnette Hayes
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Arrest Age 22
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Mar 21, 2018
• assault causes bodily inj/20 days scj
Tacorey Davion Hayes
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Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 25
Lindale, Smith, TX
Arrested Mar 22, 2017
• assault, family violence causing bodily injury
Timothy Michael Hayes
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Bond: $200000
Arrest Age 36
Whitehouse, Smith, TX
Arrested Nov 26, 2018
• assault family/household member w/prev conv/bv
Tristan Lamar Hayes
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Bond: $75000
Arrest Age 30
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Oct 19, 2007
• assault public servant/ins bond
• fail to maintian financial responsibility
• no driver's license when unlicensed
• failure to appear
• display wrong/fict/unclean license plate
• fail to maintian financial responsibility
Gary Mark Hayles
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Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 37
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Jun 28, 2009
• assault, family violence causing bodily injury
• ice hold
Lake Isacc Hayley
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Arrest Age 40
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Jul 23, 2020
• agg assault date/family/house w/weapon
Thomas Dewayne Hayley
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Bond: $200000
Arrest Age 32
Jacksonville, Smith, TX
Arrested May 08, 2019
• federal detainer
• agg kidnapping terrorize
• interfer w/emergency req for assistance
• assault causes bodily injury to family member
Todd Brandon Hayley
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Bond: $40000
Arrest Age 32
Mount Pleasant, Smith, TX
Arrested Apr 18, 2014
• fail to id fugitive intent give false info
• unl poss firearm by felon/bf
• abandon/endanger child crim negligence/bf
• hinder secured creditors >= $1,500
• theft of property greater than $50 less than $500
• theft > $50
• assault causes bodily injury to family member
• assault causes bodily injury family member/fta
Carlton Dewayne Haynes
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Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 59
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Jan 11, 2011
• assault, family violence causing bodily injury
• stop sign viol
• no driver license
• failure to maintain financial responsibility support
Carlton Dewayne Haynes
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Arrest Age 26
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Sep 17, 2010
• assault causes bodily inj family violence
• fail to identify giving false/fictitious info
Johnny Ray Haynes
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Bond: $3000
Arrest Age 21
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Sep 22, 2003
• assault, family violence causing bodily injury
• disorderly conduct
Jordan Michael Haynes
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Arrest Age 35
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Feb 14, 2013
• theft of property under $50
• assault
Justin Haynes
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Bond: $45000
Arrest Age 50
Whitehouse, Smith, TX
Arrested Dec 29, 2005
• aggravated assault with deadly weapon
Michael Bryant Hays
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Arrest Age 18
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Jan 27, 2007
• public intoxication
• assault (physical contact)
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