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Arrested for assault - Smith County, Texas


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Glen Ray Hood
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Arrest Age 21
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Apr 29, 2009
• assault, family violence causing bodily injury
• no valid dl
• failure to appear
• no driver's license when unlicensed
• expired m.v.r/no registration
• possession of dangerous drug
• pcs sob
• pcs r/p
Jeremiah John Hood
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Arrest Age 30
Lindale, Smith, TX
Arrested Feb 07, 2020
• agg assault against public servant/rp
• evading arrest det w/veh/rp
• evading arrest detention/rp
Joe Charles Hood
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Bond: $2000
Arrest Age 37
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Dec 17, 2008
• assault public servant
• resisting arrest search or transport
• evading arrest detention
• fail to report change of address on dl
• failed to maintain financial responsibility
• expired mvi/sticker
• sexual assault/ revocation of probation
• driving while intoxicated
Kenneth Britt Hood
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Bond: $200005
Arrest Age 37
Grand Prairie, Smith, TX
Arrested Sep 20, 2015
• assault family violence/prev conv/bf
• poss cs pg 1
• non-payment of child support state jail felony
Mark Anthony Hood
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Arrest Age 32
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Dec 20, 2021
• assault causes bodily injury to family member
Rachel Ann Hood
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Bond: $393
Arrest Age 20
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Oct 28, 2008
• assault class c
• assault public servant
Roger Dale Hood
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Arrest Age 28
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Oct 15, 2013
• intoxication assault w/vehicle sbi/ rp
• poss cs pg 3
Travis Mackenzie Hood
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Arrest Age 36
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested May 01, 2018
• aggravated assault with deadly weapon
Jesse William Hooker
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Bond: $3000
Arrest Age 42
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested May 11, 2004
• assault, family violence causing bodily injury
Latonya Duncan Hooks
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Bond: $15000
Arrest Age 21
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Nov 22, 2002
• aggravated assault with deadly weapon
Charles Casey Hooper
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Arrest Age 32
Lindale, Smith, TX
Arrested Nov 07, 2006
• intoxicated assault w/vehicle sbi-rev comm supv
Javiane Jaye Hooper
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Arrest Age 35
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Jul 08, 2018
• assault causes bodily injury to family member
Nickalas Terrell Hooper
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Bond: $750
Arrest Age 23
Arlington, Smith, TX
Arrested Oct 09, 2021
• interfer w/emergency req for assistance
• assault causes bodily injury to family member
William Andrew Hoops
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Arrest Age 50
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Sep 29, 2005
• agg sexual assault
Brent Alan Hooser
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Bond: $100000
Arrest Age 15
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Sep 24, 2009
• engage in organized criminal activity/fta
• burglary of building/fta
• fail to identify fugitive from justice
• burglary of habitation
• aggravated assault with deadly weapon
• ice hold
Wayne Nahtaniel Hooser
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Bond: $500
Arrest Age 46
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Jan 16, 2012
• assault causes bodily injury to family member
Joshua Thomas Hooter
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Bond: $15000
Arrest Age 21
Flint, Smith, TX
Arrested Jan 29, 2008
• poss marij
• assault causes bodily injury family violence/sob
• issuance of bad check
Michael Dwayne Hoover
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Bond: $329
Arrest Age 17
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Aug 06, 2001
• aggravated robbery
• speeding (exceed prima facie limit)
• operate unregistered motor vehicle
• failure to appear
• assault causes bodily injury
• poss of marj probaton revocation
Nancy Susan Hoover
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Bond: $2000
Arrest Age 39
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Jun 04, 2001
• assault causes bodily injury
• assault causes bodily injury
Jon Noel Hope
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Arrest Age 28
Gilmer, Smith, TX
Arrested Oct 01, 2005
• assault, family violence causing bodily injury
Gary Hopgood
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Arrest Age 31
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Oct 22, 2018
• assault causes bodily inj/90 days scj notes: time served
Deantawn Dremal Hopkins
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Bond: $7000
Arrest Age 34
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Dec 15, 2017
• aggravated assault with deadly weapon
• criminal mischief >= $200
James Earl Hopkins
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Bond: $500
Arrest Age 40
Whitehouse, Smith, TX
Arrested Jul 28, 2002
• evading arrest/detention w/veh
• resisting arrest search or transport
• aggravated assault with deadly weapon
Latonia Nicole Hopkins
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Bond: $600
Arrest Age 25
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Dec 06, 2002
• theft class a
• evading arrest/detention
• agg assault causes sbi b/v
Marie Hopkins
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Bond: $15000
Arrest Age 21
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Aug 13, 2003
• aggravated assault with deadly weapon
Michael Allen Hopkins
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Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 26
Lindale, Smith, TX
Arrested Dec 14, 2009
• assault, family violence causing bodily injury
Michael Allen Hopkins
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Arrest Age 26
Chandler, Smith, TX
Arrested Sep 27, 2006
• assault class c
Raymond Hopkins
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Arrest Age 49
Tyler, Smith, TX
Arrested Jan 30, 2014
• assault causes bodily injury family member/ins bond
Roman Kyle Hopkins
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Bond: $2000
Arrest Age 29
Henderson, Smith, TX
Arrested Nov 10, 2007
• assault causes bodily injury
Russell Stanford Hopkins
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Bond: $500
Arrest Age 60
Arp, Smith, TX
Arrested Aug 22, 2007
• driving while intoxicated
• assault class c
  1   ...   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   ...   44

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