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Arrested for assault - Galveston County, Texas


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Joel Anthony Kibbe
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Arrest Age 47
Arrested Mar 09, 2016
• aggravated assault with deadly weapon
Daishaun Marcharie-Edwal Kidd
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Bond: $250000
Arrest Age 35
Arrested Jan 23, 2019
• assault family/household member w/prev conv
• municipal hold - tcpd
Isaiah Shamar Kidd
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Bond: $20000
Arrest Age 35
Arrested Mar 03, 2021
• parole board warrant
• aggravated assault with deadly weapon
• aggravated assault with deadly weapon
• aggravated assault with deadly weapon
• aggravated assault with deadly weapon
Gloria Jean Kie
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Bond: $742
Arrest Age 44
Arrested Jun 27, 2017
• capias pro fine dwli
• capias pro fine fail to appear
• capias pro fine assault family violence
• municipal hold - hpd
Gloria Jean Kie
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Bond: $30000
Arrest Age 35
Arrested Nov 03, 2017
• aggravated assault with deadly weapon
Michael Wayne Kie
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Bond: $2500
Arrest Age 21
Arrested Jun 03, 2017
• assault, family violence causing bodily injury
Rebecca May Kiefer
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Bond: $1500
Arrest Age 24
Arrested Apr 20, 2013
• assault causes bodily injury
• resisting arrest search or transport
• driving while intoxicated 2nd offense
Christina Marie Kieselhorst
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Bond: $7500
Arrest Age 32
Arrested Oct 31, 2020
• assault, family violence causing bodily injury
• unserve bond condition hold
Joseph David Kiff
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Arrested Jan 01, 2022
• aggravated assault with deadly weapon
Joseph David Kiff
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Bond: $2500
Arrest Age 32
Arrested Mar 04, 2018
• assault, family violence causing bodily injury
James Dean Kiger
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Bond: $1500
Arrest Age 20
Arrested Aug 22, 2015
• assault, family violence causing bodily injury
• criminal mischief >= $500
Tim Kikly
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Bond: $20000
Arrest Age 31
Arrested Aug 10, 2020
• intoxicated assault w/vehicle sbi
Cory Ray Kilgore
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Bond: $1500
Arrested Nov 29, 2021
• assault, family violence causing bodily injury
Tyler Clayton Kilgore
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Bond: $5000
Arrested Sep 04, 2021
• assault causes bodily injury
• resisting arrest search or transport
Ronald Matthew Killam
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Bond: $7500
Arrest Age 25
Arrested Jan 01, 2021
• resisting arrest search or transport
• assault peace officer/judge
• assault peace officer/judge
Amy Lee Killian
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Bond: $2500
Arrest Age 30
Arrested Jul 16, 2018
• assault, family violence causing bodily injury
Amy Lee Killian
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Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 24
Arrested Apr 21, 2016
• assault family member in house by impeding someones breathing or circulation
• abandon endanger child imminent danger bodily inj
• abandon endanger child imminent danger bodily inj
Crystal Lynn Killian
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Bond: $25000
Arrest Age 57
Arrested Jan 28, 2016
• assault family/household member w/prev conv
Evan Blake Killian
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Bond: $7500
Arrest Age 29
Arrested Nov 18, 2017
• assault, family violence causing bodily injury
• unserve bond condition hold
Marquise Jamall Killings
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Bond: $250000
Arrested Apr 08, 2022
• assault family member in house by impeding someones breathing or circulation
• emergency protective order hold
Toni Antionette Killough
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Arrested Mar 28, 2022
• agg assault date/family/house w/weapon
Ronald William Kilpatrick
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Arrest Age 24
Arrested Oct 28, 2019
• assault, family violence causing bodily injury
Ronald William Kilpatrick
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Bond: $60000
Arrest Age 33
Arrested Oct 12, 2016
• aggravated assault with deadly weapon
• emergency protective order hold
Daniel Jungmo Kim
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Bond: $40000
Arrest Age 57
Arrested Oct 20, 2016
• agg sexual assault of elderly/disabled person
Eun Soo Kim
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Bond: $7500
Arrest Age 38
Arrested Dec 20, 2016
• terroristic threat of family/household
• emergency protective order hold
• assault, family violence causing bodily injury
Derek Wayne Kimble
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Arrest Age 24
Arrested Mar 11, 2019
• assault causes bodily injury
Troderick Juwaun Kimble
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Bond: $80000
Arrest Age 51
Arrested Jul 29, 2014
• assault family member in house by impeding someones breathing or circulation
Troderick Juwaun Kimble
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Bond: $500
Arrest Age 18
Arrested Feb 18, 2016
• assault(by threat)
Leroy Joseph Kimbrough
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Bond: $180000
Arrest Age 40
Arrested Jul 20, 2016
• aggravated assault with deadly weapon
• theft of serv >= $500
• driving with license invalid with previous conviction or suspension of driving without insurance
• interfer w/emergency call
Gary Louis Kimich
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Bond: $40000
Arrest Age 31
Arrested Sep 23, 2015
• aggravated assault with deadly weapon
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