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Arrested for assault - Taylor County, Texas


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Tyrell Ale Daniels
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Bond: $2000
Arrest Age 32
Abilene, Taylor, TX
Arrested Sep 19, 2010
• assault f/v (da rejected 10.27.10)
Warren Hollis Daniels
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Bond: $2500
Arrest Age 18
Abilene, Taylor, TX
Arrested Feb 21, 2016
• a possession of alprazolam
• b driving while intoxicated
• b possession of marijuana
• '2f' agg assault
Gary Steven Danielson
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Bond: $410
Arrest Age 17
Abilene, Taylor, TX
Arrested Aug 09, 2009
• failure to appear
• fail to identify fugitive from justice
• assault, family violence causing bodily injury
• bldg viol
• poss drug para
• failure to appear
Don Keith Darby
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Bond: $2500
Arrest Age 36
Abilene, Taylor, TX
Arrested Oct 30, 2002
• driving while under the influence
• resisting arrest
• evading arrest/dentention-vehile used
• assault-bodily inj/family member
Zachery James Darby
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Bond: $2000
Arrest Age 31
Abilene, Taylor, TX
Arrested Jan 19, 2017
• assault causes bod inj
Zachery James Darby
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Bond: $75000
Arrest Age 22
San Angelo, Taylor, TX
Arrested Jun 02, 2017
• gji deadly conduct discharge firearm
• agg assault w/ deadly weapon
Harry-Leroy Darks
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Bond: $25000
Arrest Age 34
Abilene, Taylor, TX
Arrested Aug 26, 2016
• mtr '3f' assault f/v
Michael Duane Darling
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Arrest Age 19
Abilene, Taylor, TX
Arrested Aug 31, 2015
• 'a' assault
Kelly Duane Darr
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Arrest Age 33
Abilene, Taylor, TX
Arrested Jun 25, 2016
• 'a' assault f/v
Raul Robert Darroman-Penalver
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Bond: $3000
Arrest Age 18
Abilene, Taylor, TX
Arrested Dec 15, 2020
• vop 'a' aslt f/v
Corey Bubba Daugherty
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Bond: $750
Arrest Age 29
Richland Springs, Taylor, TX
Arrested Sep 01, 2006
• abonding and endagering child notes: rel-conv
• aslt f/v enhanced notes: rel-conv
• dwls
Eric Lee Daugherty
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Arrest Age 38
Abilene, Taylor, TX
Arrested Jan 30, 2020
• c- assault threat/contct f/v
Alasia Monique Daughtery
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Bond: $150000
Arrest Age 19
Abilene, Taylor, TX
Arrested Feb 25, 2021
• 2f agg aslt
Daniel Wayne Daughtery
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Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 32
Abilene, Taylor, TX
Arrested Jun 17, 2009
• class a assault
• psmj
Phillip Lynott Daughtery
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Arrest Age 34
Abilene, Taylor, TX
Arrested Jul 02, 2014
• 'a' assault f/v
Phillip Lynott Daughtery
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Bond: $20000
Arrest Age 32
Abilene, Taylor, TX
Arrested Jun 01, 2012
• federal notes: released other agency
• mtr, assault fv
Phillip Lynott Daughtery
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Bond: $2500
Arrest Age 26
Abilene, Taylor, TX
Arrested May 13, 2010
• assault, family violence causing bodily injury
Phillip Leonard Daughtery
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Arrest Age 35
Fort Worth, Taylor, TX
Arrested Dec 14, 2008
• parole viol notes: released other agency
• burglary habitation notes: released other agency
• agg assault deadly weapon notes: released other agency
Leronric Daughtry
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Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 33
Abilene, Taylor, TX
Arrested Jul 14, 2016
• '3f' assault f/v, sw
Burney Ray Davenport
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Bond: $750
Arrest Age 40
Abilene, Taylor, TX
Arrested Mar 01, 2004
• 'a' assault
Dustin Scott Davenport
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Bond: $1500
Arrest Age 27
Abilene, Taylor, TX
Arrested Oct 15, 2008
• mtr, 'a' assault f/v, vop
Justin Stewart Davenport
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Bond: $40000
Arrest Age 23
Garland, Taylor, TX
Arrested Feb 27, 2020
• mtr, 2f-aggravated assault
• mtr, 2f-aggravated assault
Justin Stewart Davenport
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Bond: $48000
Arrest Age 27
Abilene, Taylor, TX
Arrested Mar 20, 2020
• '1f' agg kidnapping bi/sexual abuse
• '1f' agg aslt w/deadly weapon
Ian Cole David
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Bond: $12500
Abilene, Taylor, TX
Arrested Aug 25, 2021
• assault family violence, afrs
• mtr 3f dwi 3rd or more
Wilkes Ray David
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Bond: $2000
Arrest Age 30
Stamford, Taylor, TX
Arrested Aug 26, 2007
• assault f/v
• ins hold notes: released other agency
Clinton Davidson
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Arrest Age 39
New Braunfels, Taylor, TX
Arrested Feb 01, 2012
• agg assault fv notes: texas dept corr
• poss cs to wit meth-stj notes: state jail facility
Clinton Davidson
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Bond: $2500
Arrest Age 41
Brownwood, Taylor, TX
Arrested Apr 26, 2007
• dwli-final notes: rel-conv
• assault cbi f/v
• assault bi fv
• assault bi fv
• riot participation
• assault bi fv
Debra Louise Davidson
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Abilene, Taylor, TX
Arrested Jul 28, 2021
• 'a' assault -fv
Larry Lamont Davidson
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Bond: $50000
Arrest Age 27
Abilene, Taylor, TX
Arrested Jun 07, 2011
• agg sexual assault w/weapon
• burg hab(1st ct); agg asslt(2nd ct)
Larry Lamont Davidson
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Bond: $750
Arrest Age 44
Abilene, Taylor, TX
Arrested Apr 19, 2002
• 'a' assault
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