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Arrested for assault - Salt Lake County, Utah


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Jose Hernandez
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Bond: $5900
Arrest Age 40
Arrested Feb 01, 2015
• aggravated assault
• domestic violence in presence of child
• use of weapon in fight/threat
Jose Cosme-Vivar Hernandez
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Bond: $2000
Arrest Age 59
Arrested Nov 25, 2015
• assault
Joshua Chase Hernandez
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Bond: $1360
Arrest Age 53
Arrested Nov 25, 2014
• aggravated assault
• unlawful detention
• criminal mischief
Joshua Chase Hernandez
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Arrest Age 21
Arrested Apr 19, 2019
• violation of protective order
• assault
Joshua Chase Hernandez
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Arrest Age 23
Arrested May 26, 2016
• aggravated assault
• transaction of firearm by class i restricted person
Juan Osbaldo-Arvizu Hernandez
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Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 30
Arrested Jan 28, 2020
• aggravated assault
• dogs attacking persons and animals
• no dog license
• animal at large
• animal nuisances - attack people or animals
Juan Antonio Hernandez
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Arrest Age 25
Arrested Jun 19, 2014
• domestic violence in presence of child
• assault
• retail theft felony -2 prior convictions
Juan Carlos-Torres Hernandez
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Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 35
Arrested Apr 02, 2017
• violate jail release court order or jail release agreement
• assault
• dom viol in the presence of a child
Juan Hernandez
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Bond: $1500
Arrest Age 19
Arrested Oct 27, 2016
• fail to appear on citation
• purchase, possess, consume by minor - measurable amounts
• operating vehicle without insurance
• no valid license - expired
• speeding
• no valid license - never obtained license
• assault
• dom viol in the presence of a child
• intoxication
Juan Carlos-Ayala Hernandez
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Bond: $2500
Arrest Age 38
Arrested Nov 07, 2016
• violation of protective order
• assault
• dom viol in the presence of a child
• assault
• damage - interrupt communication device
• dom viol in the presence of a child
• assault
• criminal trespassing
• no proof of insurance
• improper left-right turn
• no drivers license in possession
• controlled substance schedule iii, iv, v
• criminal trespassing
Julian Ornealas Hernandez
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Arrest Age 58
Arrested Mar 13, 2020
• aggravated assault
Julian Ornealas Hernandez
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Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 41
Arrested Nov 06, 2018
• assault
• dom viol in the presence of a child
Kimberlie May Hernandez
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Arrest Age 27
Arrested Dec 06, 2016
• aggravated assault
Kristina Marie Hernandez
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Bond: $25000
Arrest Age 29
Arrested Sep 19, 2013
• domestic violence in presence of child
• aggravated assault
Leobardo Hernandez
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Arrest Age 32
Arrested Jun 16, 2013
• assault - domestic
• criminal mischief
• domestic violence in presence of child
Levin Rodriguez Hernandez
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Bond: $4220
Arrest Age 28
Arrested Oct 04, 2014
• assault
• domestic violence in presence of child
• public intoxication
• assault
• failure to appear
Lia Priscila Hernandez
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Bond: $1261
Arrest Age 27
Arrested Dec 19, 2017
• assault
• fail to appear on citation
• following too close
• no valid license - expired
• mail theft
Lucia Allbor Hernandez
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Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 28
Arrested Nov 16, 2014
• disorderly conduct
• controlled substance
• drug paraphernalia mis b personal use
• disorderly conduct
• assault on police officer
• interference with arresting officer
Luis Oscar Hernandez
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Bond: $425
Arrest Age 23
Arrested Dec 20, 2014
• expired/suspended or revoked registration
• minor in possession of alcohol
• no proof of insurance
• no valid license / never obtained
• motor vehicle head lamp/tail light/license plt requirements
• graffiti
• aggravated assault
• witness tampering
• assault - domestic
• child abuse
• domestic violence in presence of child
• protective order violation
Luis Alberto Hernandez
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Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 37
Arrested Nov 11, 2013
• assault
• controlled substance
• drivers license-while privilege suspended,revoked,denied
• theft
• drug paraphernalia mis b personal use
Luis Alberto Hernandez
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Bond: $1750
Arrest Age 39
Arrested Jul 29, 2017
• assault
• use or possession of drug paraphernalia
Luis Miguel Hernandez
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Arrest Age 45
Arrested Jul 07, 2017
• aggravated assault
Luis Alberto Hernandez
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Bond: $730
Arrest Age 59
Arrested Aug 31, 2017
• prohibited activities by pedestrian using roadway
• use or possession of drug paraphernalia
• assault
• retail theft shoplifting
• lewdness
• criminal trespassing
• public urination
Mario Danilo-Valle Hernandez
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Bond: $2000
Arrest Age 31
Arrested Sep 29, 2014
• assault
Mario Danilo-Valle Hernandez
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Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 23
Arrested Feb 12, 2016
• aggravated assault
• giving false personal identity to peace office
• poss
Mario Danilo-Valle Hernandez
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Bond: $25000
Arrest Age 27
Arrested May 13, 2016
• disarming a peace officer
• interference with arresting officer
• assault
• criminal trespassing
Maurilio Cortes Hernandez
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Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 38
Arrested Mar 01, 2021
• assault
• threat of violence
• violation of a pretrial protective order
• false personal info w-intent to be another actual person
• criminal trespassing
• manufacture-possess burglary tools
• possession or use of a controlled substance
• obstructing justice
• use or possession of drug paraphernalia
• no proof of insurance
• failure to register or expired vehicle registration
• drive w- wrong class of license
• dom viol in the pr
Miguel Angel-Rodriguez Hernandez
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Arrest Age 28
Arrested May 31, 2020
• assault
Miguel Hernandez
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Bond: $2000
Arrest Age 24
Arrested Apr 02, 2018
• assault of a pregnant person
Miguel Angel Hernandez
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Bond: $250
Arrest Age 21
Arrested Sep 23, 2018
• open container-drinking alcohol in a vehicle
• aggravated assault resulting in serious bodily injury
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