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Arrested for assault - Salt Lake County, Utah


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Grant Ellis Nielson
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Arrest Age 56
Arrested Jul 17, 2019
• aggravated assault resulting in serious bodily injury
• intoxication
• interruption-interference of a communications device
Harleey Taylor Nielson
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Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 25
Arrested Dec 10, 2019
• unlawful acquisition of a financial card without consent
• possess forgery writing-device
• obtain-assist obtaining an identifying document of another
• use or possession of drug paraphernalia
• joyriding- unauth control for extended time
• assault
• criminal mischief:intentional damage,deface,destroy property
Harleey Taylor Nielson
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Bond: $1290
Arrest Age 22
Arrested Jul 03, 2016
• assault
• intoxication
Harleey Taylor Nielson
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Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 53
Arrested Mar 12, 2015
• assault - domestic
• assault - domestic
Harleey Taylor Nielson
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Bond: $6920
Arrest Age 38
Arrested Apr 21, 2015
• assault - domestic
• domestic violence in presence of child
Jeffery Michael Nielson
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Arrest Age 28
Arrested Aug 08, 2020
• joyriding- unauth control for extended time
• accident involving property damage, duties of operator
• assault by prisoner
Jeffery Michael Nielson
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Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 51
Arrested Mar 05, 2021
• propelling a bodily substance
• possession or use of a controlled substance
• intoxication
• aggravated assault
• assault
Jennifer Ann Nielson
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Bond: $1125
Arrest Age 41
Arrested Jun 09, 2013
• assault - domestic
• public intoxication
Lisa Marie Nielson
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Bond: $2883
Arrest Age 16
Arrested Jan 13, 2016
• unlawful acts in or about a school
• disruption of a school
• assault on peace officer or military svc member in uniform
• interfering with officer in discharge of duty
Michael Jerry Nielson
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Bond: $680
Arrest Age 18
Arrested Jan 01, 2016
• aggravated assault
• criminal mischief
Michael Jerry Nielson
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Bond: $1750
Arrest Age 20
Arrested Jan 24, 2016
• assault
• criminal mischief:intentional damage,deface,destroy property
Nathanial Blood Nielson
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Arrest Age 36
Arrested Oct 16, 2018
• possession or use of a controlled substance
• use or possession of drug paraphernalia
• use or possession of drug paraphernalia
• violation of sentencing protective order
• assault
Nathanial Blood Nielson
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Bond: $2500
Arrest Age 42
Arrested Dec 14, 2018
• assault
• poss
• criminal trespassing
• poss
• use or possession of drug paraphernalia
Nickolas Chase Nielson
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Bond: $2000
Arrest Age 40
Arrested Dec 21, 2014
• fraud use of credit card/ftc
• theft
• threats against life or property
• failure to disclose identity
• disorderly conduct
• assault on police officer
• public intoxication
Rebecca Daneen Nielson
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Bond: $1900
Arrest Age 33
Arrested Apr 13, 2017
• assault
• criminal mischief
• disorderly conduct
Reggie Gary Nielson
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Bond: $1070
Arrest Age 37
Arrested Jan 09, 2017
• dv assault
Richard Eugene Nielson
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Bond: $75000
Arrest Age 32
Arrested Sep 02, 2015
• aggravated assault
• damage - interrupt communication device
Ronald Grant Nielson
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Bond: $25000
Arrest Age 45
Arrested May 14, 2015
• violation of no contact order
• aggravated assault
• domestic violence in presence of child
Samuel Fenton Nielson
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Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 19
Arrested Mar 31, 2013
• interference with arresting officer
• failure to stop at the command of law enf officer
• robbery
• assault of a pregnant person
• assault - domestic violence
• domestic violence in presence of child
Sara Lila Nielson
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Arrest Age 24
Arrested Apr 08, 2020
• assault
• intoxication
Sara Lila Nielson
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Bond: $25000
Arrest Age 29
Arrested Feb 19, 2016
• assault by prisoner
Sara Lila Nielson
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Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 37
Arrested Apr 10, 2016
• retail theft shoplifting
• possession or use of a controlled substance
• dom viol in the presence of a child
• assault
Shane David Nielson
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Bond: $25000
Arrest Age 43
Arrested Dec 30, 2020
• aggravated assault
Thomas Peter Nielson
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Bond: $1070
Arrest Age 45
Arrested May 26, 2017
• assault
Travis Joseph Nielson
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Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 35
Arrested Mar 03, 2021
• aggravated assault
• domestic violence in the presence of a child
• criminal mischief:intentional damage,deface,destroy property
Travis Joseph Nielson
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Bond: $3240
Arrest Age 36
Arrested Dec 25, 2019
• assault
• dom viol in the presence of a child
• intoxication
Travis Lee Nielson
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Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 29
Arrested Apr 01, 2017
• identity fraud
• communications fraud
• retail theft shoplifting
• possession of anothers identifying document(s)
• use or possession of drug paraphernalia
• theft by receiving stolen property
• retail theft shoplifting
• use or possession of drug paraphernalia
• retail theft shoplifting
• retail theft shoplifting
• disorderly conduct
• intoxication
• assault
• intoxication
• disorderly conduct
Travis Joseph Nielson
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Bond: $35000
Arrest Age 26
Arrested Nov 23, 2017
• giving false personal identity to peace office
• theft
• forgery
• exploitation of a vulnerable adult
• assault
• dom viol in the presence of a child
• theft
• possession or use of a controlled substance
• manufacture-possess burglary tools
• use or possession of drug paraphernalia
Travis Joseph Nielson
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Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 37
Arrested Feb 19, 2016
• assault
• dom viol in the presence of a child
• no valid license - never obtained license
• unsafe lane travel - signal
• failure to wear a seat belt or use child restraint device
Troy Phillip Nielson
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Arrest Age 33
Arrested Nov 05, 2020
• assault
  1   ...   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   ...   34

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