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Arrested for assault - Salt Lake County, Utah


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Damien Lee Romano
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Bond: $110
Arrest Age 49
Arrested Dec 10, 2017
• using plates registered to another vehicle
• failure to register or expired vehicle registration
• theft
• assault
• assault
• threat of violence
Eric Todd Romano
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Arrest Age 35
Arrested Jul 26, 2014
• assault
Skyler Morris Romano
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Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 38
Arrested Jan 27, 2021
• violation of protective order
• fail to stop at command of law enforceme
• assault
• dom viol in the presence of a child
• retail theft shoplifting
Skyler Morris Romano
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Arrest Age 42
Arrested Jan 20, 2017
• aggravated assault
• criminal mischief:intentional damage,deface,destroy property
• criminal mischief:intentional damage,deface,destroy property
• dom viol in the presence of a child
• intoxication
Skyler Morris Romano
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Arrest Age 33
Arrested Nov 24, 2017
• tampering with a witness
• violation of a pretrial protective order
• assault
Zachary J Romano
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Arrested Jul 15, 2021
• burglary
• assault
• damage - interrupt communication device
• lewdness
• disorderly conduct
Zachary J Romano
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Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 30
Arrested Nov 02, 2014
• theft
• driving on suspended drivers license
• assault - simple
• criminal non-support/desertion
Zachary J Romano
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Arrest Age 42
Arrested Feb 23, 2017
• aggravated assault
• criminal mischief
• domestic violence in the presence of a child
Zachary J Romano
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Bond: $3040
Arrest Age 38
Arrested Jan 23, 2016
• assault
• criminal mischief
• intoxication
Richard Paul Romboy
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Bond: $500
Arrested Mar 16, 2022
• assault against a police officer-military service member
• intoxication
• disorderly conduct
• use or possession of drug paraphernalia
• impaired driving
• use or possession of drug paraphernalia
• intoxication
Richard Paul Romboy
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Bond: $1155
Arrest Age 34
Arrested Apr 19, 2020
• assault
• criminal mischief
• dom viol in the presence of a child
• aggravated assault
• domestic violence in the presence of a child
Richard Paul Romboy
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Bond: $2500
Arrest Age 19
Arrested Apr 27, 2021
• aggravated assault
Matthew Brent Romer
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Bond: $1500000
Arrest Age 26
Arrested Mar 19, 2012
• agg murder
• agg murder
• discharge of a firearm
• aggravated assault
• aggravated burglary
Agustin Valdivia Romero
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Arrest Age 30
Arrested Jul 30, 2019
• assault against a police officer
• assault by prisoner
• failure to stop at command of a law enforcement officer
• criminal trespassing
• disorderly conduct
• assault against a police officer-military service member
Amanda Jo Romero
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Arrest Age 46
Arrested Jun 19, 2020
• driving under the influence of alcohol-drugs
• assault
• commission of dv in presence of child
Amber Marie Romero
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Bond: $320
Arrest Age 45
Arrested Jan 04, 2017
• assault by prisoner
• failure to disclose identity
• theft of services
• interference with arresting officer
• intoxication
• disorderly conduct
• criminal trespassing
• camping and sleeping on public ground
• concealing identity or furnishing false information
Angelo Ralph Romero
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Bond: $25000
Arrest Age 34
Arrested May 11, 2021
• possess forgery writing-device
• false personal info w-intent to be another actual person
• possession or use of a controlled substance
• obtain-assist obtaining an identifying document of another
• use or possession of drug paraphernalia
• drive with measurable controlled substan
• open container in vehicle on highway
• speeding
• assault by prisoner
• purch, trans, possess, use of a firearm by restricted person
• interference with arresting officer
• violation of parole or proba
Angelo Ralph Romero
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Bond: $3020
Arrest Age 29
Arrested Aug 14, 2019
• assault
• commission of dv in presence of child
Anthony Nikko Romero
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Arrested Sep 15, 2021
• assault
• commission of dv in presence of child
• dom viol in the presence of a child
Anthony Mark Romero
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Bond: $1480
Arrest Age 59
Arrested Jun 14, 2013
• assault - domestic
• criminal mischief
• driving on denied,susp,revoked lic(non-alcohol/drug)
• speeding
• failure to appear
Anthony Daniel Romero
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Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 18
Arrested Feb 01, 2019
• aggravated assault
• possession or use of a controlled substance
• use or possession of drug paraphernalia
• criminal trespassing
• retail theft shoplifting
• use or possession of drug paraphernalia
• use or possession of drug paraphernalia
• criminal mischief:intentional damage,deface,destroy property
Anthony Daniel Romero
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Bond: $15000
Arrest Age 36
Arrested Mar 26, 2017
• assault
• commission of dv in presence of child
• reckless endangerment
• aggravated assault
• dom viol in the presence of a child
• assault
Anthony Daniel Romero
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Bond: $2430
Arrest Age 21
Arrested Nov 20, 2017
• assault
• criminal trespassing
• use or possession of drug paraphernalia
Anthony Nikko Romero
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Bond: $25000
Arrest Age 35
Arrested Jun 02, 2015
• aggravated assault
• assault
• weapons violation - misc.
Brandon Tyler-Parker Romero
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Bond: $340
Arrested Jan 02, 2022
• assault
Britney Rae Romero
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Bond: $20000
Arrest Age 29
Arrested Mar 17, 2020
• assault by prisoner
• giving false personal identity to peace office
• interference with arresting officer
• possession or use of a controlled substance
• use or possession of drug paraphernalia
• drive on revocation
Candace Hope Romero
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Bond: $8870
Arrest Age 24
Arrested May 11, 2016
• assault
• dom viol in the presence of a child
Candace Hope Romero
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Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 58
Arrested Sep 23, 2016
• assault
• interference with arresting officer
• interference with arresting officer
• assault
• violate jail release court order or jail release agreement
• assault
• use or possession of drug paraphernalia
Carlos Alberto-Lopez Romero
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Arrest Age 45
Arrested May 29, 2020
• aggravated assault resulting in serious bodily injury
• assault-unlawful force-violence bodily injury-risk of injury
Carlos Medina Romero
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Bond: $6970
Arrest Age 28
Arrested Aug 23, 2020
• aggravated assault
• commission of dv in presence of child
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