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Arrested for assault - Suffolk County, Virginia


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Cornelius Lamont Blow
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Franklin, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Apr 03, 2022
• strangulation resulting in wounding or bodily injury
• assault-simple assault against family member
• assault-simple assault against family member
Cornelius Lamont Blow
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Arrest Age 35
Suffolk, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Mar 10, 2011
• assault unlawful injury stab/wound/cut w/o malicious intent
Cornelius Lamont Blow
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Arrest Age 20
Suffolk, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Sep 07, 2011
• assault simple assault against family member
Cornelius Lamont Blow
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Arrest Age 21
Suffolk, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Sep 13, 2008
• assault simple assault against family member
Cornelius Lamont Blow
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Arrest Age 21
Arrested Sep 12, 2004
• assault simple assault against family member
Cornelius Lamont Blow
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Arrest Age 36
Suffolk, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Jun 24, 2017
• vandalism, damage property-damage telephone line etc. - prevent summoning law
• kidnapping-abduct by force, deception, etc. without justification
• assault-simple assault against family member
Lloyd Blow
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Arrest Age 80
Suffolk, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Jun 07, 2012
• robbery residence
• assault firearm use in commission of felony-(first offense)
Sidney Maurice Blow
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Arrest Age 26
Suffolk, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Dec 30, 2017
• assault-simple assault against family member
Steven Lee Blow
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Arrest Age 43
Suffolk, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Oct 10, 2010
• protective orders violation of a protective order
• assault stab/cut/ wound w/mal intent victim permanent impair
• assault simple assault against family member
• probation violation - felony - circuit/general district
• probation violation - felony - circuit/general district
• burglary dwelling house with intent to commit larceny - a & b - etc.
• larceny $200 or more not from person
• assault w/serious injury to person w/protective order
Demetra Blue
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Arrest Age 49
Arrested Nov 15, 2004
• assault unlawful injury stab/wound/cut w/o malicious intent
• vandalism, damage property intentionally - damage/destroy any property or monument -
• disorderly conduct - disorderly conduct
• failure to appear fail to appear in court for misdemeanor offense
• assault during commission of a felony
Muriel Blue
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Arrest Age 19
Suffolk, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Feb 11, 2011
• assault simple assault against family member
James Lee Blunt
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Arrest Age 24
Courtland, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Oct 18, 2007
• weapons convicted felon (violent) possess/transport firear
• vandalism, damage property shoot or throw missile at train - car - vessel w/malice
• weapons discharge firearm from motor vehicle
• weapons discharge firearm - missile in/at occupied bldg. - maliciously
• attempted - assault stab - cut - wound with malicious intent
• attempted - assault stab - cut - wound with malicious intent
Shawn Terelle Blythe
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Arrest Age 45
Suffolk, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Oct 24, 2010
• assault simple assault against family member
Brittany Johnson Bobbitt
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Troutville, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Jun 19, 2021
• assault-simple assault against family member
Steven Andrew Boggs
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Arrest Age 28
Smithfield, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Mar 03, 2020
• assault-malicious wounding - stab, cut, wound with malicious intent
• burglary-break & enter occupied dwelling to commit misdemeanor
• vandalism, damage property-damage telephone line or intercept message
Falicia Renea Boglin
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Arrest Age 24
Suffolk, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Jun 23, 2006
• assault simple assault against family member
• assault simple assault
Stacey Michele Bohannan
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Arrest Age 35
Suffolk, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Mar 23, 2012
• assault simple assault against family member
John Bolin
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Arrest Age 20
Suffolk, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Aug 15, 2020
• assault-malicious wounding - victim permanently impaired
• weapons-felon possess explosives, ammunition, weapon - not firearm
• assault-firearm use in commission of felony-(first offense)
• weapons-discharge firearm in public place, results in injury
• assault-malicious wounding - victim permanently impaired
• assault-assault during commission of a felony
• assault-assault during commission of a felony
• weapons-convicted non-violent felon > 10yr. possess etc. firearm etc.
• assault-firearm use in commission of felony
John Edward Bolin
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Arrest Age 34
Suffolk, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Apr 14, 2012
• assault simple assault against family member
John Everett Bolin
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Arrest Age 39
Alexandria, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Sep 15, 2009
• sexual assault victim under age 13
• sexual assault victim under age 13
• sexual assault victim under age 13
• sexual assault victim under age 13
• sexual assault victim under age 13
• sexual assault victim under age 13
• sexual assault victim under age 13
• sexual assault victim under age 13
• sexual assault victim under age 13
• sexual assault victim under age 13
• sexual assault victim under age 13
• sexual assault victim under age 13
Andrew John Bollhorst
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Arrest Age 30
Suffolk, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Jun 02, 2014
• assault simple assault against family member
Randolph Fitzeral Bolling
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Arrest Age 22
Suffolk, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Feb 28, 2006
• robbery street
• conspiracy - robbery street
• assault firearm use in commission of felony-(first offense)
• weapons carry concealed weapon
• narcotics possess - first offense
• family offense minors contribute to delinquency, child abuse
• family offense minors contribute to delinquency, child abuse
• family offense minors contribute to delinquency, child abuse
• robbery business
• conspiracy - robbery business
• robbery business
• conspiracy - robbery business
• assault firearm use in commission of f
Winslow Natoon Bolton
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Arrest Age 33
Red Oak, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Feb 07, 2019
• assault-simple assault / assault and battery
Candy Sue Bond
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Hampton, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Jul 31, 2021
• assault-simple assault law enforcement, judge, fire/rescue personnel
• disorderly conduct - local
• obstruction of justice-resisting arrest, obstructing justice by threats or force
• trespass-trespass after being forbidden to do so
Candy Sue Bond
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Arrest Age 45
Gates, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Oct 06, 2017
• disorderly conduct-disorderly conduct
• assault-simple assault / assault and battery
James Bond
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Arrest Age 33
Newport News, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Aug 12, 2015
• assault simple assault against family member
• probation violation - felony - circuit/general district
• probation violation - felony - circuit/general district
William Bond
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Arrest Age 46
Suffolk, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Jul 18, 2005
• kidnapping abduct by force without justification
• assault simple assault against family member
Keith Bone
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Arrest Age 22
Smithfield, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Apr 13, 2006
• assault non-malicious law enforce/ fire/ rescue personnel
• disorderly conduct - disorderly conduct
• weapons carry concealed weapon
• false statement during investigation of another's crime
• contempt of court general - without a jury
• contempt of court general - without a jury
Michael Edward Bonner
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Arrest Age 17
Franklin, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Apr 13, 2013
• sex offenses non-forcible
• indecent liberties, child under 15
• sexual assault age of victim 13 - 14
Tonya Audrea Bonner
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Arrest Age 43
Suffolk, Suffolk, VA
Arrested Oct 30, 2015
• assault simple assault against family member
• assault simple assault against family member
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