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Arrested for assault - Washington County, Virginia


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Derrick Alan Dehart
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Arrest Age 21
Arrested Oct 06, 2005
• abduction: by force, intimidation or deception
• assault & battery - family member
• reck dr: generally, endanger life/limb/property
• firearm/etc: pointing/brandishing
Jeffery Allen Deirth
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Arrest Age 38
Arrested Dec 23, 2005
• assault & battery - family member
Jimmy Wayne Deirth
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Arrest Age 38
Arrested Oct 08, 2008
• drugs: possess sch iv
• monument: intentional damage, value
• assault & battery - family member
• assault & battery - family member
• drugs: possess sch i or ii
• petit larceny:
• monument: intentional damage, value
• probation violation on a felony offense
• probation violation on a felony offense
• probation violation on a felony offense
• probation violation on a felony offense
• probation violation on a felony offense
• probation violation on a felony offense
• probation violation on a felony o
Patrick Deirth
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Arrest Age 35
Arrested Jul 16, 2010
• bomb/explosive: create, possess, or use
• assault & battery - family member
Leonard Odell Deitz
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Arrest Age 40
Arrested Oct 18, 2006
• assault & battery - family member
• contempt of court: w/o jury
Ronald Anthony Deitz
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Arrest Age 19
Arrested Aug 11, 2016
• assault: (misdemeanor)
Douglas E Delaney
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Arrest Age 25
Arrested Aug 06, 2011
• burglary:enter house to commit larceny/etc,armed
• (conspiracy)burglary:enter house to commit larceny/etc,armed
• monument: intentional damage, value >= $1000
• assault: (misdemeanor)
Mario Leon Delapp
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Arrest Age 26
Arrested Jul 04, 2012
• assault: (misdemeanor)
Mary Marie Delapp
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Arrest Age 30
Arrested Jun 23, 2010
• assault: malicious, victim severely injured
John Delavega
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Arrest Age 30
Arrested Feb 09, 2009
• profane swearing or intoxication in public
• annoying ringing to emerg services/ false rpt
• assault: (misdemeanor)
Albert Joseph Delgado
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Arrest Age 49
Arrested Aug 14, 2010
• assault & battery - family member
Michael Dale Dellinger
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Arrest Age 48
Arrested Oct 07, 2013
• assault & battery - family member
Danny Allen Deloach
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Arrest Age 41
Arrested Aug 10, 2019
• dis-5311-m1 - disorderly conduct
• asl-1313-m1 - assault: (misdemeanor)
• asl-1313-m1 - assault: (misdemeanor)
Jessie Paul Deloach
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Arrest Age 17
Arrested Nov 25, 2020
• asl-1315-m1 - assault & battery - family member
• asl-1315-m1 - assault & battery - family member
Jessie Paul Deloach
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Arrest Age 58
Arrested Dec 02, 2013
• lic revoked: habitual off dr w/o license, 2+ off
• drugs: possess sch iv
• lic revoked: habitual off dr w/o license, 2+ off
• personal property:sell/move when lien/etc, >= $200
• drugs: possess w/intent to manuf/sell sch i, ii
• drugs: possess sch i or ii
• assault & battery - family member, 3rd+ offense
• lic revoked: habitual off dr w/o license, 2+ off
Jessie Paul Deloach
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Arrest Age 23
Arrested Sep 18, 2019
• con-5025-s9 - contempt of court: fail to appear capias
• con-5025-s9 - contempt of court: fail to appear capias
• trs-5709-m1 - trespass: after being forbidden to do so
• van-2922-m1 - monument: intentional damage, value
• lar-2383-f9 - grand larceny: firearm, not from a person
• asl-1315-m1 - assault & battery - family member
Angela Hope Delp
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Arrest Age 24
Arrested May 16, 2010
• profane swearing or intoxication in public
• assault: on law enf/judge/doc/fire/emerg person
Charles Thomas Delp
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Arrest Age 44
Arrested Sep 13, 2014
• assault & battery - family member
Jennifer Jo-Lee Delp
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Arrest Age 33
Arrested Jan 31, 2018
• fam-3808-f6 - abuse/neglect child: reckless disregard for life
• asl-1315-m1 - assault & battery - family member
Jennifer Jo-Lee Delp
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Arrest Age 27
Arrested Sep 02, 2018
• lar-2412-f6 - unauthorized use:animal/vehicle/etc,larceny >= 200
• van-2922-m1 - monument: intentional damage, value
• asl-1315-m1 - assault & battery - family member
• lar-2366-m1 - petit larceny:
Jennifer Jo-Lee Delp
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Arrest Age 55
Arrested Aug 10, 2017
• asl-1313-m1 - assault: (misdemeanor)
Katelyn Marie Delp
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Arrest Age 49
Arrested Dec 27, 2019
• asl-1342-f6 - assault: on law enf/judge/doc/fire/emerg person
• asl-1342-f6 - assault: on law enf/judge/doc/fire/emerg person
• asl-1342-f6 - assault: on law enf/judge/doc/fire/emerg person
• asl-1342-f6 - assault: on law enf/judge/doc/fire/emerg person
Katelyn Marie Delp
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Arrest Age 28
Arrested Oct 02, 2018
• bur-2213-f9 - burglary: enter house to commit larceny/a & b/etc
• asl-1313-m1 - assault: (misdemeanor)
• lar-2369-f6 - larceny: third or subsequent conviction
Michael James Delp
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Arrest Age 57
Arrested Oct 20, 2016
• robbery-robbery - residence
• assault-simple assault / assault and battery
Robert Gary-Daniel Delp
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Arrest Age 52
Arrested Feb 15, 2017
• assault-malicious wounding - attempted
• assault-malicious wounding - attempted
• vandalism, damage property-intentionally damage any property/monument >= $1000
• vandalism, damage property-intentionally damage any property/monument >= $1000
• assault-simple assault / assault and battery
Robert Gary-David Delp
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Arrest Age 44
Arrested Sep 09, 2016
• assault & battery - family member
Sandra Renee-Hill Delp
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Arrest Age 50
Arrested Oct 24, 2009
• assault & battery - family member
Tracy Brian Delp
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Arrest Age 21
Arrested Jul 23, 2013
• profane swearing or intoxication in public
• resisting arrest
• assault: on law enf/judge/doc/fire/emerg person
Charles Edward Delph
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Arrest Age 24
Arrested Sep 26, 2015
• burglary: enter house to murder/rape/etc
• rape: intercourse by force/threat/intimidation
• kid-1010-f5 - abduction: by force, intimidation or deception
• unlawful bodily injury
• sexual assault-forcible sodomy, by force,threat, etc, victim age 13+
Justin Robert Delph
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Arrest Age 18
Arrested Aug 21, 2018
• asl-1315-m1 - assault & battery - family member
• bnd-9975-s9 - bailee: viol cond of release/pretrial
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