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Arrested for assault - Washington County, Virginia


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Eddie Dewayne Parsons
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Arrest Age 19
Arrested Oct 11, 2013
• assault: (misdemeanor)
• burglary: enter house to commit larceny/a & b/etc
• (conspiracy)burglary: at night, to commit felony, armed
• petit larceny:
• monument: intentional damage, value >= $1000
• monument: intentional damage, value >= $1000
• burglary: at night, to commit felony
• grand larceny: auto theft
• (principle 2nd degree)gang: participate in criminal act
Fred Douglas Parsons
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Arrest Age 40
Arrested Feb 16, 2012
• monument: intentional damage, value
• assault: (misdemeanor)
• cruelty to animals: generally
• phone: damage line; prevent summoning law enf
Fred Douglas Parsons
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Arrest Age 33
Arrested Mar 12, 2012
• assault & battery - family member
Fred Douglas Parsons
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Arrest Age 40
Arrested May 14, 2009
• probation violation on a felony offense
• (attempted)capital murder: law enforcement officer
• assault: on law enf/judge/doc/fire/emerg person
Gerald Wayne Parsons
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Arrest Age 23
Arrested Jul 05, 2013
• probation violation on a felony offense
• assault & battery - family member
• probation violation on a felony offense
• probation violation on a felony offense
Gerald Wayne Parsons
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Arrest Age 35
Arrested Nov 05, 2006
• monument: intentional damage, value
• lic revoked: dr w/o lic and dwi/mansl
• drugs: possess sch iv
• drugs: possess sch iv
• monument: intentional damage, value >= $1000
• monument: intentional damage, value
• unauthorized use:animal/vehicle/etc,larceny >= 200
• resisting arrest
• assault: on law enf/judge/doc/fire/emerg person
• assault: on law enf/judge/doc/fire/emerg person
• assault: on law enf/judge/doc/fire/emerg person
• assault: on law enf/judge/doc/fire/emerg person
• dwi: 3rd off w
Kyle Adam Parsons
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Arrest Age 22
Arrested Feb 18, 2018
• asl-1315-m1 - assault & battery - family member
Kyle Adam Parsons
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Arrest Age 44
Arrested Feb 09, 2017
• obscenity-drunk in public, profane language
• assault-simple assault against family member
Lora Lynn Parsons
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Arrest Age 28
Arrested Aug 26, 2005
• assault: (misdemeanor)
Michael Brandon Parsons
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Arrest Age 32
Arrested Sep 28, 2009
• assault: (misdemeanor)
• malicious wounding
Richard Wayne Parsons
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Arrest Age 37
Arrested Feb 11, 2014
• assault & battery - family member
Richard Wayne Parsons
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Arrest Age 26
Arrested Jul 25, 2014
• assault & battery - family member
Ryan Dale Parsons
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Arrest Age 28
Arrested Aug 04, 2006
• assault: (misdemeanor)
Steve Lee Parsons
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Arrest Age 44
Arrested Jun 10, 2005
• dwi: 1st offense
• assault & battery - family member
Warren Henry Parsons
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Arrest Age 30
Arrested Dec 26, 2013
• assault & battery - family member
Jeffery Lee Partin
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Arrest Age 23
Arrested Mar 29, 2019
• asl-1342-f6 - assault: on law enf/judge/doc/fire/emerg person
Jeffery Partin
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Arrest Age 35
Arrested Jul 30, 2017
• rap-1179-m1 - sexual assault of child 13-14
• fam-3805-m1 - contribute to delinquency of minor
Samuel Lee Partin
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Arrest Age 21
Arrested Jun 26, 2011
• monument: intentional damage, value
• assault: (misdemeanor)
David Andrew Parton
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Arrest Age 18
Arrested Jul 28, 2010
• probation violation on a felony offense
• contempt of court: w/o jury
• contempt of court: w/o jury
• probation violation on a felony offense
• contempt of court: w/o jury
• shoplift/altr price/conceal/xfer goods
• assault: (misdemeanor)
Glen Thomas Parton
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Arrest Age 29
Arrested Oct 13, 2005
• assault & battery - family member
Dolly Linda Pasley
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Arrest Age 50
Arrested Jun 05, 2013
• assault: on law enf/judge/doc/fire/emerg person
• assault: on law enf/judge/doc/fire/emerg person
Bruce Samuel Patricella
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Arrest Age 33
Arrested Jan 06, 2009
• assault: on law enf/judge/doc/fire/emerg person
Joshua Adam Patrick
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Arrest Age 37
Arrested Oct 03, 2016
• assault-simple assault against family member
Nathan Frederick Patrick
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Arrest Age 30
Arrested May 15, 2017
• cdi-4841-s9 - cdi violation - type not clear from record
• lar-2339-f6 - shoplift/altr price/conceal/xfer goods
• lar-2354-f9 - shoplift alter price/conceal - goods >= $200
• lar-2339-f6 - shoplift: alter price tags/etc
• lar-2339-f6 - shoplift: alter price tags/etc
• lar-2354-f9 - shoplift alter price/conceal - goods >= $200
• asl-1313-m1 - assault: (misdemeanor)
• con-5025-s9 - contempt of court: fail to appear capias
Regina Patrick
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Arrest Age 33
Arrested Jun 03, 2019
• fta-5019-f6 - failure to appear: on felony offense
• con-3281-s9 - contempt of court: insulting language to judge
• con-3281-s9 - contempt of court: insulting language to judge
• asl-1342-f6 - assault: on law enf/judge/doc/fire/emerg person
• nar-3022-f5 - drugs: possess sch i or ii
• pha-3170-m1 - possession of needles, capsules, pipe, etc.
• nar-3147-c9 - (conspiracy)possess 10g methamphetamine w/intnt to dist/etc
• nar-3147-f9 - possess 10g methamphetamine w/intnt to dist/etc
• nar-3011-m1 - drugs: own or maintain
Steven Shane Patrick
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Arrest Age 64
Arrested Apr 16, 2009
• assault & battery - family member
• monument: intentional damage, value
Steven Shane Patrick
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Arrest Age 41
Arrested Feb 09, 2007
• assault: on law enf/judge/doc/fire/emerg person
• profane swearing or intoxication in public
Jimmy Edward Patten
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Arrest Age 53
Arrested Jun 28, 2018
• asl-1315-m1 - assault & battery - family member
• asl-1315-m1 - assault & battery - family member
Destiny Nykia Patterson
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Arrest Age 21
Arrested Nov 04, 2009
• (principle 2nd degree)drugs: sell/distrib sch iii drug - not steroid
• assault: on law enf/judge/doc/fire/emerg person
• assault: on law enf/judge/doc/fire/emerg person
• law enf command: disregard or elude, endanger
Harold Quinton Patterson
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Arrest Age 44
Arrested Aug 05, 2012
• assault & battery - family member
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