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Arrested for assault - Bedford County, Virginia


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Shelitta Jenay Williams
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Arrest Age 18
Arrested Jan 01, 2004
• simple assault, against family member
• abusive, profane, threatening calls on phone, c.b. radio
• resisting arrest, obstructing justice w/o threats of force
• possess - subsequent offense
• disorderly conduct
Stacy Lynn Williams
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Bond: $2500
Arrest Age 22
Bedford, Bedford, VA
Arrested Jun 16, 2014
• assault & battery $2500
Stephanie Raynel Williams
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Arrest Age 33
Lynchburg, Bedford, VA
Arrested Feb 21, 2021
• assault - simple assault law enforcement, judge, fire/medical services
Steven Russell Williams
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Arrested Oct 31, 2003
• simple assault, against family member
Timothy Scott Williams
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Bond: $16777215
Arrest Age 37
Arrested Jun 28, 2016
• assault & battery -family member
• abduction & kidnapping $16777215
Troy Tyron Williams
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Bond: $2500
Arrest Age 37
Huddleston, Bedford, VA
Arrested Apr 01, 2014
• assault & battery -family member $2500
• damage telephone line, etc. to prevent summoning law enforcement
• resist arrest
Vincent Eugene Williams
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Lynchburg, Bedford, VA
Arrested Nov 13, 2021
• assault - simple assault against family member
• arson, explosives, bombs - bomb threat etc. by offender 15 or over
Wendell Devon Williams
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Bond: $2000
Lynchburg, Bedford, VA
Arrested Jul 25, 2021
• assault - simple assault against family member
Alan Dale Willis
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Arrest Age 22
Arrested Mar 24, 2006
• simple assault
Nathan Allen Willis
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Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 52
Lynchburg, Bedford, VA
Arrested Feb 04, 2012
• assault & battery
• assault & battery -family member 3rd offense
Dominic Zander Willman
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Madison Heights, Bedford, VA
Arrested Feb 23, 2022
• assault - malicious wounding - stab, cut, wound with malicious intent
• family offense - gross, wanton, or reckless care for child
• vandalism, damage property - damage telephone line etc. - prevent summoning law
Dominic Zander Willman
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Lynchburg, Bedford, VA
Arrested Mar 27, 2022
• assault - simple assault against family member
Adreaunia Lashon Wilson
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Lynchburg, Bedford, VA
Arrested Feb 18, 2022
• assault - simple assault / assault and battery
Avari Dawn Wilson
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Bond: $1500
Arrest Age 52
Goodview, Bedford, VA
Arrested Nov 02, 2011
• assault & battery -family member
Billy Ray Wilson
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Arrest Age 53
Arrested Jan 30, 2005
• simple assault
Cameron John Wilson
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Arrest Age 36
Gladys, Bedford, VA
Arrested Nov 09, 2020
• assault - simple assault / assault and battery
• assault - simple assault / assault and battery
Cameron John Wilson
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Arrest Age 40
Lynchburg, Bedford, VA
Arrested Nov 12, 2020
• assault - simple assault against family member
• assault - simple assault against family member
Cameron John Wilson
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Moneta, Bedford, VA
Arrested Dec 10, 2021
• assault - simple assault against family member
• assault - strangulation resulting in wounding/bodily injury
Charles Matthew Wilson
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Bond: $5000
Madison Heights, Bedford, VA
Arrested May 29, 2022
• assault - simple assault against family member
David William Wilson
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Evington, Bedford, VA
Arrested Jul 03, 2021
• obstruction of justice - prevent law enforcement officer from making arrest
• assault - simple assault law enforcement, judge, fire/medical services
• arrests (for use by police & magistrates) - extradition warrant: fugitive from justice - felony
Derrick Allen Wilson
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Arrest Age 36
Arrested Jan 14, 2011
• simple assault/assault & battery
Douglas Allen Wilson
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Arrest Age 22
Arrested Apr 04, 2007
• simple assault
Edwin Todd Wilson
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Arrest Age -16
Arrested Mar 22, 2003
• simple assault, against family member
• kidnapping by parent removing from state
James Melvin Wilson
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Arrest Age 41
Lynchburg, Bedford, VA
Arrested Dec 13, 2020
• assault - simple assault against family member
Jamie Franklin Wilson
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Bond: $2500
Arrest Age 62
Montvale, Bedford, VA
Arrested Feb 22, 2018
• assault & battery -family member $2500
Jason William Wilson
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Arrest Age 29
Arrested May 22, 2004
• simple assault
Jeanette Ellon Wilson
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Concord, Bedford, VA
Arrested Feb 23, 2022
• assault - simple assault against family member
Jeremy David Wilson
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Arrest Age 39
Lynchburg, Bedford, VA
Arrested Feb 19, 2021
• assault - simple assault against family member
Jeremy Dillon Wilson
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Bond: $2000
Arrest Age 70
Bedford, Bedford, VA
Arrested Feb 05, 2016
• assault & battery -family member $2000
John Arthur Wilson
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Arrest Age 24
Arrested Jul 13, 2010
• assault & battery
• destruction of property, monument
• dwelling house with intent to commit larceny, a & b, etc.
• abusive, profane, threatening calls on phone, c.b. radio
• license revoked-drive while - (first offense)
• simple assault, against family member
• assault & battery
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