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Arrested for assault - Berkeley County, West Virginia


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Trent Lee Calvert
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Arrest Age 28
Arrested Sep 15, 2016
• detainer (see hard copy)-1 notes: ptm pretrial misdemeanor
• public intoxication notes: ptm pretrial misdemeanor
• malicious assault notes: ptm pretrial misdemeanor
Charles Jhonatan Calzada
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Arrest Age 36
Arrested May 13, 2016
• trespassing-1 notes: ptm pretrial misdemeanor
• carry concealed deadly dangerous weapon notes: ptm pretrial misdemeanor
• domestic assault notes: ptm pretrial misdemeanor
• poss marijuana notes: ptm pretrial misdemeanor
• obstructing notes: ptm pretrial misdemeanor
William Henry Campbell
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Arrest Age 54
Arrested Apr 20, 2016
• domestic battery-1 notes: ptm pretrial misdemeanor
• domestic assault notes: ptm pretrial misdemeanor
Horacio Alfredo Canales-Nunez
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Arrest Age 17
Arrested Oct 21, 2017
• child abuse by parent w/ serious bodily injury-1 notes: ptf pretrial felon
• unlawful assault notes: ptf pretrial felon
Horacio Alfredo Canales-Nunez
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Arrest Age 64
Arrested Jun 02, 2016
• poss cs-1 notes: ptm pretrial misdemeanor
• domestic assault notes: ptm pretrial misdemeanor
• domestic battery notes: ptm pretrial misdemeanor
Stephanie Michelle Caraballo
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Arrest Age 46
Arrested Jun 04, 2017
• obstructing-1 notes: ptm pretrial misdemeanor
• assault of officer w/o weapon notes: ptm pretrial misdemeanor
• falsely reporting an emergency notes: ptm pretrial misdemeanor
• fingerprint refusal notes: ptm pretrial misdemeanor
Timothy Scott Carlisle
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Arrest Age 35
Arrested Jan 29, 2017
• assault-1 notes: ptm pretrial misdemeanor
• destruction of property notes: ptm pretrial misdemeanor
• domestic battery notes: ptm pretrial misdemeanor
Timothy Scott Carlisle
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Arrest Age 29
Arrested Dec 13, 2017
• domestic assault-1 notes: cm convicted misdemeanor
Sean Michael Carner
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Arrest Age 35
Arrested Mar 03, 2016
• domestic assault-1 notes: ptf pretrial felon
• joyriding notes: ptf pretrial felon
William Scott Carper
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Arrest Age 54
Arrested Apr 02, 2015
• battery notes: ptf
• assault notes: ptf
• malicious assault/wounding/battery notes: ptf
• pretrial felon (see hard copy) notes: ptf
James Richard Carson
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Arrest Age 30
Arrested Mar 13, 2016
• poss marijuana-1 notes: ptm pretrial misdemeanor
• domestic assault notes: ptm pretrial misdemeanor
Charles Campbell Carter
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Arrest Age 27
Arrested Apr 30, 2016
• poss marijuana-1 notes: ptf pretrial felon
• battery notes: ptf pretrial felon
• conspiracy notes: ptf pretrial felon
• malicious assault notes: ptf pretrial felon
Heather Renee Carter
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Arrest Age 31
Arrested Aug 15, 2017
• domestic assault-1 notes: ptm pretrial misdemeanor
• petit larceny notes: ptm pretrial misdemeanor
Mark-Wayne Carter
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Arrest Age 55
Arrested Jun 18, 2017
• domestic assault-1 notes: ptm pretrial misdemeanor
Naim Robert Carter
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Arrest Age 34
Arrested Aug 21, 2017
• malicious assault-1 notes: ptf pretrial felon
Brandon Scott Castle
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Arrest Age 42
Arrested Mar 19, 2016
• domestic assault-1 notes: ptm pretrial misdemeanor
• domestic battery notes: ptm pretrial misdemeanor
• obstructing an officer notes: ptm pretrial misdemeanor
• battery on officer notes: ptm pretrial misdemeanor
Brandon Scott Castle
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Arrest Age 31
Arrested Aug 18, 2016
• sexual assault 2nd degree-1 notes: ptf pretrial felon
Nasheem Gregory Cause
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Arrest Age 39
Arrested Jun 28, 2017
• assault on officer-1 notes: ptm pretrial misdemeanor
• battery on officer notes: ptm pretrial misdemeanor
• resisting arrest notes: ptm pretrial misdemeanor
Jerron Lamont Cephas
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Arrest Age 40
Arrested Dec 22, 2017
• poss marijuana-1 notes: ptm pretrial misdemeanor
• domestic assault notes: ptm pretrial misdemeanor
Robert Jaianfield Chambers
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Arrest Age 50
Arrested Dec 17, 2017
• reckless driving-1 notes: ptm pretrial misdemeanor
• dui 1st offense notes: ptm pretrial misdemeanor
• assault notes: ptm pretrial misdemeanor
Michael Robert Cherry
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Arrest Age 50
Arrested Jul 27, 2015
• obstructing notes: misd
• aslt 1st battery of officer w/o weap notes: misd
• public intoxication notes: misd
• shoplifting 1st offense notes: misd
Kayla Blair Childs
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Arrest Age 27
Arrested Aug 20, 2016
• domestic assault-1 notes: ptm pretrial misdemeanor
• domestic battery notes: ptm pretrial misdemeanor
• destruction of property notes: ptm pretrial misdemeanor
• disorderly conduct notes: ptm pretrial misdemeanor
• public intoxication notes: ptm pretrial misdemeanor
• obstructing notes: ptm pretrial misdemeanor
Diane Mae Clark
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Arrest Age 47
Arrested Dec 07, 2017
• obstructing-1 notes: ptm pretrial misdemeanor
• domestic assault notes: ptm pretrial misdemeanor
• domestic battery notes: ptm pretrial misdemeanor
Matthew Christopher Cluver
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Arrest Age 33
Arrested Feb 23, 2018
• obstructing-1 notes: ptm pretrial misdemeanor
• domestic assault notes: ptm pretrial misdemeanor
Nathaniel Michael Cockrell
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Arrest Age 31
Arrested Jan 02, 2017
• sexual assault 2nd degree-1 notes: ptf pretrial felon
James Terry Cogle
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Arrest Age 37
Arrested Apr 07, 2015
• malicious assault/wounding/battery notes: ptf
• malicious assault/wounding/battery notes: ptf
Dante Unique-Holloway Coleman
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Arrest Age 44
Arrested Aug 15, 2016
• domestic battery-1 notes: ptm pretrial misdemeanor
• domestic assault notes: ptm pretrial misdemeanor
Jeffery Allen Collier
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Arrest Age 27
Arrested Jan 11, 2017
• domestic assault-1 notes: ptm pretrial misdemeanor
Donald James Collins
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Arrest Age 32
Arrested Oct 16, 2014
• domestic battery notes: sf
• nightime burglary notes: sf
• unlawful assault notes: sf
Seth Michael Cook
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Arrest Age 29
Arrested Oct 06, 2016
• domestic assault-1 notes: ptm pretrial misdemeanor
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