Arrest records | Georgia (GA)

Arrest Records By County - Georgia (GA)

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Arrested for assault - Fulton County, Georgia


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Micah Grissom
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Bond: $500
Atlanta, Fulton, GA
Arrested Sep 27, 2019
• simple battery - family violence
• simple assault - family violence
• obstruction of law enforcement officer
Michael Grissom
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Arrested Jan 14, 2005
• aggravated assault
Michael Grissom
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Bond: $2000
Arrested Sep 06, 2004
• agg assault
• battery $2000
Roderick C Grissom
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Bond: $4500
Arrested Aug 12, 2005
• agg aslt w/dead wpn $4500
• agg aslt w/dead wpn $4500
• agg aslt w/dead wpn $4500
• agg aslt w/dead wpn $4000
• agg aslt w/dead wpn $4500
• agg aslt w/dead wpn $4500
• agg aslt w/i to rob $4000
• agg aslt w/obj $4500
• arm robbery
• arm robbery
Titus Eugene Grissom
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Atlanta, Fulton, GA
Arrested Nov 24, 2014
• aggravated assault with a deadly weapon-fv
Kareem Grittens
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Decatur, Fulton, GA
Arrested Jul 30, 2018
• simple assault
• criminal damage to property - 1st degree
Brandon Groff
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Bond: $2000
Arrested Sep 19, 2012
• simple assault $2000
• u/s simp bat insul conta*
Joshua Scott Groff
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Arrested May 23, 2013
• agg aslt weapon
Chandler Grogan
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Arrested Feb 24, 2011
• agg aslt
• concealing death another
• felony murder
• murder
Kenneth Lee Grogan
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Atlanta, Fulton, GA
Arrested Jan 28, 2014
• aggravated assault with a deadly weapon
• possession of firearm or knife during commission of a felony
• cpo return georgia diag classification state prison
• possession of a firearm by a convicted felon
• battery - family violence
Kenneth Grogan
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Bond: $10000
Arrested Aug 26, 2008
• u/s agg assault $10000
Matthew Scott Grogan
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Atlanta, Fulton, GA
Arrested Dec 12, 2019
• home invasion in the first degree
• possession of firearm during commission of a felony
• possession of firearm by first offender probationer
• armed robbery
• burglary in the first degree
• aggravated assault with a deadly weapon
• cruelty to children in the third degree
• cruelty to children in the third degree
• cpo return georgia diag classification state prison
Reginald Lawarren Grogan
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Atlanta, Fulton, GA
Arrested Apr 21, 2017
• aggravated assault with intent to murder
• carrying concealed weapon
Ricardo Grogan
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Bond: $1000
Houston, Fulton, GA
Arrested Feb 11, 2019
• possession and use of drug related objects
• criminal trespassing
• aggravated assault
• loiter prowl
• probation revocation - criminal attempt commit burgla
• probation revocation - crim damage to property 2nd degree
Ricardo Monta Grogan
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Conley, Fulton, GA
Arrested Oct 10, 2018
• aggravated assault with a deadly weapon
• armed robbery
• possession of firearm or knife during commission of a felony
• cpo return butts county sheriff office ga
Robert Alexander Grogan
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Stone Mountain, Fulton, GA
Arrested Jan 27, 2014
• false imprisonment
• aggravated assault weapon
• probation violation warrant-simp batt (fv) harm mhan
Robert Alexander Grogan
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Bond: $10000
Arrested Feb 07, 2013
• aggravated assault $10000
• disch f/arm near highway $1000
• pointing f/arm at another $2000
• pointing f/arm at another $2000
Russell Edward Grogan
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Atlanta, Fulton, GA
Arrested Jun 12, 2021
• aggravated assault (family violence)
• battery - family violence
• terroristic threats
• cruelty to children - 1st degree
• simple battery - family violence
• possession of controlled substance in schedule ii with intent to distribute
Russell Edward Grogan
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Bond: $1000
Arrested Feb 27, 2006
• simple battery/insut cont
• u/s simple assault $1000
• u/s simple battery
Russell Grogan
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Decatur, Fulton, GA
Arrested Sep 27, 2019
• probation violation-possession of controlled substance in schedule
• probation violation-obstruction of law enforcement officer
• armed robbery
• aggravated assault with a deadly weapon
• aggravated assault with a deadly weapon
• possession of firearm during commission of a felony (person of another)
• cpo valdosta state prison
Russell Edward Grogan
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Bond: $1500
Atlanta, Fulton, GA
Arrested Oct 10, 2017
• simple assault - family violence
Tyler Alexander Grogan
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Arrested Mar 16, 2010
• u/s simple assault*
Walter Harvey Grogan
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Arrested Aug 16, 2007
• battery
• reckless conduct
• reckless conduct
• simp assault
• u/s false imprisonment
• u/s fls imprisonment
• u/s poss f/a dur comm fel
• u/s reckless conduct
• u/s simp batt
• u/s simple battery
Paul Jason Grohs
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Arrested Aug 23, 2008
• assault (aggravated)
• crim att comm rob x force
• u/s agg assault w/int rob
• u/s agg battery
• u/s robbery x force
Joseph Groom
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Bond: $12000
Arrested Nov 21, 2009
• u/s agg assault $12000
• u/s driving unlicensed $2000
• u/s fleeing/attempt elude $2000
• u/s obstruction of office $2000
• u/s pss tls comm crime $12000
• u/s reckless driving $2000
• u/s txrsp auto $12000
• u/s txrsp auto $12000
Pernell Groom
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Bond: $1000
Loganville, Fulton, GA
Arrested Nov 20, 2016
• aggravated assault against peace officer (vehicle toward person)
• reckless driving
• suspended/revoked license
• operation of motor vehicle with expired/no license plate
• no insurance
• fleeing or attempting to elude a police officer
• passing with insufficient clearance
Adrian Grooms
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Atlanta, Fulton, GA
Arrested Feb 25, 2014
• aggravated assault (fv)
• battery (fv)
• false imprisonment (fv)
Chaz Grooms
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Atlanta, Fulton, GA
Arrested Dec 02, 2020
• aggravated assault with a deadly weapon
• possession of a firearm during commission of a felony (person of another)
Ivy Lee Grooms
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Atlanta, Fulton, GA
Arrested Nov 18, 2020
• aggravated sodomy
• rape
• aggravated assault strangulation
• foreign county
Kaylon Grooms
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Bond: $2500
Arrested Sep 19, 2011
• agg assault
• battery visible harm $2500
• robbery force
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To find arrest records by county in Georgia, you can follow these steps:

Georgia Felon Search: The Georgia Felon Search website allows you to search for individuals who have been convicted of felony offenses in the state. While it may not provide comprehensive arrest records, it can provide information about felony convictions. You can visit the Georgia Felon Search website ( and search using the person’s name or Georgia Department of Corrections ID to find felony records.

County Sheriff’s Office: Each county in Georgia has its own sheriff’s office, which often maintains arrest records for their jurisdiction. You can visit the website or contact the sheriff’s office of the specific county you are interested in to inquire about arrest records. They may have online search tools or provide instructions on how to access arrest records.

Fulton County Sheriff’s Office: Website –
DeKalb County Sheriff’s Office: Website –
Gwinnett County Sheriff’s Office: Website –
Cobb County Sheriff’s Office: Website –
Chatham County Sheriff’s Office: Website –
Richmond County Sheriff’s Office (Augusta): Website –
Muscogee County Sheriff’s Office (Columbus): Website –
Public Records Request: You can submit a public records request to the appropriate government agency in Georgia, such as the sheriff’s office or the county clerk’s office, to obtain arrest records. Each agency may have its own process for handling public records requests, so you will need to contact them directly to inquire about the necessary steps.

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