Assault charges in Florida (FL)

Florida law classifies Simple Assault as a second degree misdemeanor, with penalties of up to 60 days in jail or 6 months probation, and a $500.00 fine. By contrast, the crime of Aggravated Assault is classified as a third degree felony, punishable by up to 5 years of imprisonment.

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Arrested for assault - Palm Beach County, Florida


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Juan F Alonso
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Arrest Age 22
Royal Palm Beach, Palm Beach, FL
Arrested Feb 16, 2013
• burgl - with assault or battery
Juan F Alonso
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Arrest Age 48
Boynton Beach, Palm Beach, FL
Arrested Jan 28, 2013
• burgl - occupied dwelling unarmed
• burgl - dwelling or struct cause damage over 1000 dols
• burgl - with assault or battery
Hernan Ubico Alvamejia
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Arrest Age 53
Palm Beach Gardens, Palm Beach, FL
Arrested Jun 23, 2010
• burgl-with assault or battery
Wilfredo J Alvarado
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Arrest Age 21
Boca Raton, Palm Beach, FL
Arrested Aug 05, 2010
• simple asslt-intent threat to do violence
Axel Omar Alvarez
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Bond: $3000
Arrest Age 42
Riviera Beach, Palm Beach, FL
Arrested Mar 27, 2009
• burgl-with assault or battery
• larc-theft is 300 or more but less than 5000 dols $3000
Monica Alvarez
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Arrest Age 36
Belle Glade, Palm Beach, FL
Arrested Dec 27, 2015
• burgl - with assault or battery
• damage property-crim misch - over 200 dols under 1000 dols
• aggrav battery - person uses a deadly weapon
Stephanie Ann Alvarez
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Arrest Age 24
Lake Worth, Palm Beach, FL
Arrested Sep 30, 2010
• probation violation
• notes: **we will extradite div w/jd. colbath
Exsequiel Amadorflores
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Arrest Age 35
Riviera Beach, Palm Beach, FL
Arrested Dec 15, 2017
• disorderly intox - disorder intox public place cause disturbance
• assault - on officer firefighter emt etc
• resist officer or obstruct without violence
Marc Amico
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Arrest Age 21
Palm Springs, Palm Beach, FL
Arrested Jul 29, 2012
• burgl - with assault or battery
John W Amis
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Arrest Age 26
West Palm Beach, Palm Beach, FL
Arrested Oct 02, 2010
• robbery-with firearm
• kidnap-false imprisonment-adult
• assault-with intent to commit a felony
Jayda Ammerman
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Arrest Age 36
Delray Beach, Palm Beach, FL
Arrested Sep 09, 2013
• assault - with intent to commit a felony
• battery to touch or strike
• battery to touch or strike
• trespassing - occupied structure or conveyance
Alton L Anders
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Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 51
Arrested Feb 20, 2010
• crimes against person-corrupt by threat public servant or family $5000 notes: assault on a police officer
• disord conduct-disord conduct $250
• simple asslt-on officer firefighter emt etc $500
Arvester L Anderson
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Arrest Age 20
West Palm Beach, Palm Beach, FL
Arrested Oct 04, 2010
• probation violation
• notes: ct2) carrying concealed firearm ct3) possession of firearm by a minor jdg miller
Byron Tavaris Anderson
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Arrest Age 27
Belle Glade, Palm Beach, FL
Arrested Mar 16, 2013
• burgl - with assault or battery
• aggrav battery - person uses a deadly weapon
Dequan Anderson
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Bond: $3000
Arrest Age 30
Lake Worth, Palm Beach, FL
Arrested Oct 19, 2016
• battery - on person 65 years of age or older
• assault - on person 65 years of age or older
• damage property-crim misch - 1000 dols or more $3000
Gary Neal Anderson
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Arrest Age 38
Greenacres, Palm Beach, FL
Arrested Mar 22, 2015
• burgl - with assault or battery
• damage property-crim misch - over 200 dols under 1000 dols
Geoffrey Anderson
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Arrest Age 37
Clarksville, Palm Beach, FL
Arrested Jan 21, 2019
• burgl - with assault or battery
• damage property-crim misch - 1000 dols or more
• battery to touch or strike
• disorderly intox - disorder intox public place cause disturbance
Jasmine Anderson
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Arrest Age 29
Lake Worth, Palm Beach, FL
Arrested Mar 10, 2021
• aggrav asslt - weapon - w deadly weapon without intent to kill
• burgl - with assault or battery
Jason Steeve Anderson
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Port St. Lucie, Palm Beach, FL
Arrested Apr 25, 2022
• robbery - with firearm
• assault - agg assault on officer firefighter emt etc
Michael Allen Anderson
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Arrest Age 26
West Palm Beach, Palm Beach, FL
Arrested Jun 03, 2017
• assault - on officer firefighter emt etc
• resist officer - with violence
• fraud-imperson - false id given to leo
• moving traffic viol - operate motor vehicle wo valid license
Richard V Anderson
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Arrest Age 24
Delray Beach, Palm Beach, FL
Arrested Aug 29, 2017
• burgl - with assault or battery
• burgl - occupied dwelling unarmed
• burgl - unoccupied conveyance unarmed
• larc - petit theft 1st degree 100 less 300 dols
• resist officer or obstruct without violence
• contempt of court - viol injunction protection domestic violence
Timothy Anderson
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Bond: $500
Arrest Age 33
Aibonito, Palm Beach, FL
Arrested Apr 01, 2012
• assault - on officer firefighter emt etc
• marijuana-possess - not more than 20 grams $500
• resist officer or obstruct without violence $500
• fraud-imperson - false id given to leo $500
• veh theft - grand theft of motor vehicle $5000
Johnson Andre
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Bond: $3000
Arrest Age 38
Boynton Beach, Palm Beach, FL
Arrested May 02, 2014
• larc - grand theft 300 less than 5k dols $3000
• burgl - with assault or battery
• damage property-crim misch - over 200 dols under 1000 dols $3000
Francisco Martin Andres
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Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 28
Boca Raton, Palm Beach, FL
Arrested Jun 01, 2021
• contempt of court - viol injunct domest viol poss firearm/ammo
• assault - aggravated w intent to commit a felony
• firing weapon - in public or on residential property
• damage property-crim misch - 1000 dols or more
• bond information $1000. notes: resist officer - obstruct wo violence
• battery to touch or strike
Brandon A Andrews
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Arrest Age 16
West Palm Beach, Palm Beach, FL
Arrested Mar 15, 2010
• probation violation
• notes: judge a. smith
Dante R Andrews
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Royal Palm Beach, Palm Beach, FL
Arrested Feb 26, 2022
• burgl - with assault or battery
• battery - on person 65 years of age or older
• kidnap-false imprisonment - adult
Donte Andrews
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Bond: $500
Arrest Age 24
Broadus, Palm Beach, FL
Arrested Aug 08, 2016
• battery to touch or strike $500
• damage property-crim misch - 200 dols and under $500
• obstructing justice - tampering in misdemeanor proceeding $3000
• burgl - with assault or battery
Jason Andrews
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Arrest Age 45
Wake Forest, Palm Beach, FL
Arrested Feb 06, 2009
• -re-commit
• notes: cs
• #2007cf018052axx/bkg
• #2007072407
Marquis Keshaad Andrews
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Arrest Age 34
Fort Lauderdale, Palm Beach, FL
Arrested Sep 17, 2020
• assault - aggravated w intent to commit a felony
• battery to touch or strike
Taris Lee Andrews
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Arrest Age 25
Riviera Beach, Palm Beach, FL
Arrested Apr 10, 2009
• simple asslt-intent threat to do violence
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