Assault charges in Florida (FL)

Florida law classifies Simple Assault as a second degree misdemeanor, with penalties of up to 60 days in jail or 6 months probation, and a $500.00 fine. By contrast, the crime of Aggravated Assault is classified as a third degree felony, punishable by up to 5 years of imprisonment.

Arrest Records By County - Florida (FL)

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Arrested for assault - Broward County, Florida


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Eric Kovacs
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Arrest Age 59
Arrested Sep 04, 2015
• agg assault w/ intent commit a felony domestic
Kenneth Kowaleski
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Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 51
Arrested Sep 26, 2010
• agg assaultw/ deadly weapon without intent to kill $5000
• domestic battery by strangulation
Shameel Koya
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Bond: $2500
Arrest Age 32
Arrested Mar 04, 2013
• agg assault w/ deadly weapon w/o intent domestic
• battery-cause bodily harm dom violence
• false imprisonment - adult $2500
• resist officer-obstruct without violence $100
• tampering in 2nd degree felony proceeding $7500
Christopher Michael Kozlowski
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Arrest Age 32
Arrested Jan 14, 2016
• domestic battery by strangulation-dating relation
• agg assault w/ deadly weapon - domestic viol
• battery/2nd or subs off- domestic violence
Jennifer Krasner
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Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 28
Arrested Sep 12, 2017
• agg assaultw/ deadly weapon without intent to kill
• grand theft > $300 $1000 notes: state of emergency
• accessory after the fact of first degree fel $5000
Paul Kraus
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Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 59
Arrested Jul 07, 2014
• agg assault w/fire arm $5000
Matthew Kreitz
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Arrest Age 30
Arrested Jul 09, 2015
• agg assault w/ deadly weapon w/o intent domestic
• touch or strike/battery/domestic viol
Nicholas Kreitz
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Arrest Age 29
Arrested Jun 21, 2015
• agg assault w/ deadly weapon w/o intent domestic
• agg assaultw/ deadly weapon without intent to kill
Leo Krigger
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Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 26
Arrested Dec 07, 2009
• agg assaultw/ deadly weapon without intent to kill $5000 notes: kinfe
Jacob Milton Kroll
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Arrest Age 70
Arrested Feb 22, 2016
• murder dangerous depraved w/o premeditation
• murder dangerous depraved w/o premeditation
• murder dangerous depraved w/o premeditation
• murder dangerous depraved w/o premeditation
• murder dangerous depraved w/o premeditation
• murder dangerous depraved w/o premeditation
• agg assault/with intent to commit a felony
Alyssa Marie Kruki
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Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 66
Arrested Oct 05, 2016
• touch or strike/battery $1000
• burglary/with assault or battery
John Paul Krzyzanowski
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Bond: $100
Arrested Sep 24, 2021
• assault on officer, firefighter, emt etc. $100
• out of co hold - misd $2000 notes: simple battery
Alexis Christine Kubisky
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Bond: $500
Arrest Age 21
Arrested May 16, 2016
• assault on officer, firefighter, emt etc.
• dui alcohol or drugs 1st offense $500
• dui w/dam to property or person of another $1000
• dui ubal > .15 or accom by pers $1000
• poss of open cont in m/v drive
• drive while license susp w/o knowledge
Robert Kuhm
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Bond: $100
Arrested Oct 25, 2021
• agg assaultw/ deadly weapon without intent to kill
• crim misch - 200 under 1000 dols 1st off $100
• criminal mischief over 1000 dollars $500
• resist officer-obstruct without violence $100
Kimberli Kuhn
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Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 55
Arrested Mar 24, 2014
• agg assaultw/ deadly weapon without intent to kill $5000
Joshua Anthony Kumar
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Arrest Age 26
Arrested Mar 12, 2020
• battery on officer, firefighter, emt etc.
• aggravated assault on officer, firefightr, emt etc
• resist officer-obstruct with violence
Scott S Kunce
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Bond: $500
Arrested Apr 30, 2022
• burglary/with assault or battery
• criminal mischief over 1000 dollars $500
• tampering in misdemeanor proceeding
Timur Kuzibaev
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Bond: $100
Arrest Age 54
Arrested Mar 22, 2020
• burglary/with assault or battery
• burglary/with assault or battery
• crim misch - 200 under 1000 dols 1st off $100
• crim misch - 200 under 1000 dols 1st off $100
Jeffrey Kuzmits
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Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 30
Arrested Aug 19, 2012
• agg assaultw/ deadly weapon without intent to kill $5000
• touch or strike/battery $1000
Jeffrey Kwolik
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Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 23
Arrested Nov 27, 2014
• battery on officer, firefighter, emt etc. $1000
• battery on officer, firefighter, emt etc. $1000
• assault on officer, firefighter, emt etc. $100
• disord conduct-brwl fight crpt public moral decncy $25
• resist officer-obstruct with violence $500
  1   ...   5   6   7   8

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