Assault charges in Florida (FL)

Florida law classifies Simple Assault as a second degree misdemeanor, with penalties of up to 60 days in jail or 6 months probation, and a $500.00 fine. By contrast, the crime of Aggravated Assault is classified as a third degree felony, punishable by up to 5 years of imprisonment.

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Arrested for assault - Polk County, Florida


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Sertarez Suarez
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Bond: $250
Arrest Age 21
Arrested Apr 03, 1993
• assault-intimidation $250 notes: agg asslt info filed
• assault-intimidation $250 notes: agg asslt info file
Timothy Ray Suarez
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Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 21
Arrested Sep 14, 2015
• dom viol-battery touch or strike $1000 notes: dom viol-battery touch or strike
• battery to touch or strike $500 notes: battery touch or strike
• criminal mischief ( $200 or less) $250 notes: criminal mischief ( $200 or less)
• armed burglary - dwelling/structure/convey $15000 notes: armed burglary - dwell/struct/convey
• agg assault deadly weapon wo intent kill $1000 notes: agg assal
Steven Suarez-Torres
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Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 37
Arrested Aug 19, 2018
• dom viol-agg assault deadly wo intent $5000 notes: dv agg assault deadly wpn wo intent
Samuel Esteban Suaza-Ortega
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Bond: $15000
Arrest Age 20
Arrested Jun 25, 2021
• poss of firearm convicted felon $15000 notes: poss of firearm convicted felon
• reckless driving 2nd/subsequent off $500 notes: dif reckless driving subsq offense
• agg assault deadly weapon wo intent $5000 notes: dif agg assault deadly weapon
• possess structure veh know sell drug $5000 notes: possess structure veh know sell drug
• fleeing or attempting to elude $5000 notes: dif flee
Douglas Subbert
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Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 49
Arrested Jun 30, 2016
• battery - prior conviction $1000 notes: battery prior conviction
• agg assault deadly weapon wo intent kill
Natasha Xathene Suber
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Arrest Age 34
Arrested Jan 10, 2012
• probation violation
Jerrmie Sublett
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Arrest Age 48
Arrested Jan 04, 2008
• burgl-with assault or battery
• aggrav battery-cause bodily harm or disability
Wade Suggett
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Bond: $2500
Arrest Age 28
Arrested Aug 14, 2017
• dom viol-battery touch or strike $2500 notes: dv-battery touch are strike
• dom viol-agg assault deadly wo intent $5000 notes: dv-agg assault deadly w/o intent
Anthony Liston Suggs
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Arrest Age 38
Arrested Aug 25, 2005
• probation violation or community control for an unspecified misdemeanor or felony
• probation violation or community control for an unspecified misdemeanor or felony
Dana Michael Suggs
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Bond: $15000
Arrest Age 22
Arrested Sep 10, 2008
• burgl-with assault or battery $15000 notes: burglary with battery
• battery to touch or strike $500 notes: battery
• battery to touch or strike
• probation violation
Dana Michael Suggs
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Bond: $500
Arrest Age 22
Arrested Jun 29, 1997
• resist/obst- ofcr w/o violence $500 notes: rowov
• assault/battery on law enforcement officer $5000 notes: agg asslt on leo
• lewd/laciv act upon/in pres child $5000 notes: lewd assault/act pres child(info filed)
Nelson Edgar Suggs
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Bond: $3000
Arrest Age 22
Arrested Mar 26, 2006
• nonmoving traffic viol-drive while lic susp 1st off $3000 notes: dwlsr
• resisting officer or obstructing without violence $3000 notes: rowov
• aggrav battery-person uses a deadly weapon $3000 notes: battery on person w/ deadly weapon
• simple asslt-intent threat to do violence $3000 notes: assault intent threat to do violence
• probation violation or community control for an unspecified misdemeanor or felony
Robert James Suggs
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Bond: $500
Arrest Age 32
Arrested Apr 15, 2013
• battery to touch or strike $500 notes: battery info filed
• aggrav asslt - weapon-w deadly weapon without inte $5000 notes: agg asslt w/deadly wpn info filed
• resisting officer or obstructing without violence $500 notes: rowov
• aggrav asslt - weapon-w deadly weapon without inte
• aggrav asslt - weapon-w deadly weapon without inte
Robert Suggs
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Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 28
Arrested Feb 29, 2016
• agg assault deadly weapon wo intent kill $5000 notes: agg assault deadly weapon wo intent
• armed burglary with assault/battery $20000 notes: armed burglary with assault/battery
• criminal mischief ( $200 or less)
• hold hold for another agency (detention only)
Stephen Michael Suggs
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Arrest Age 18
Arrested May 12, 2001
• kidnap-false imprisonment-child lewd lascivious indecent a
• robbery-with weapon
• burgl-dwelling structure or conveyance armed
• probation violation or community control for an unspecified misdemeanor or felony
Joseph Jean Sugne
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Arrest Age 40
Arrested Feb 21, 1995
• agg assault
Jean Robert Sugrin
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Arrest Age 27
Arrested Sep 02, 2002
• probation violation or community control for an unspecified misdemeanor or felony
• probation violation or community control for an unspecified misdemeanor or felony
• probation violation or community control for an unspecified misdemeanor or felony
George O Sulfridge
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Arrest Age 52
Arrested Mar 24, 2005
• lewd lascv behavior-molest vic less 12yoa offender 18 yoa o
• battery-2nd or subsq off
• battery-2nd or subsq off
Anthony Sullivan
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Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 23
Arrested Jan 12, 2001
• possess of weapon-by delinquent act felon firearm or concea $5000 notes: poss firearm by convicted felon
• larc-grand of firearm $1000 notes: grand theft of firearm
• asslt $1000 notes: assault w/deadly weapon dv
• asslt $1000 notes: agg assault w/deadly weapon
• asslt $1000 notes: agg assault w/deadly weapon
Bradley Scott Sullivan
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Arrest Age 20
Arrested Feb 19, 2010
• burgl-with assault or battery
• public order crimes-criminal attempt solicit conspire 1st d
Dean Sullivan
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Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 35
Arrested Jul 08, 1994
• ordinance $1000 notes: open container
• assault/battery on law enforcement officer
James Sullivan
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Bond: $250
Arrest Age 59
Arrested Nov 01, 2021
• negligent child abuse wo bodily harm
• culpable negligence expose to harm $250 notes: culpable negligence expose to harm
• dom viol-agg assault deadly wo inten
• improper exhibit.firearm/dangerous w $500 notes: improper exhibit.firearm/dangerous w
• agg asslt w/deadly wpn w/o intent to
James Anthony Sullivan
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Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 19
Arrested Jul 23, 1997
• agg assault $1000 notes: agg asslt w/firearm
• possession, sell, manufacture or deliver of controlled substance $1000 notes: poss marij o/20 grms
James Clay Sullivan
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Arrest Age 58
Arrested Feb 19, 2015
• assault-on person 65 years of age or older
• crimes against person-corrupt by threat public ser
Jeffery Sullivan
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Bond: $250
Arrest Age 32
Arrested Feb 18, 1995
• agg assault $250 notes: agg asslt
• concealed weapon $150 notes: carry concealed weapon
John Pierre Sullivan
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Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 25
Arrested Sep 18, 1996
• agg battery $10000 notes: aggr batt dv
• shoot/throw missile into dwell/veh $5000 notes: shoot or throw deadly miss dv
• agg assault $5000 notes: aggr asslt m/v dv
Lenorris J Sullivan
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Arrest Age 29
Arrested Jun 16, 2007
• battery to touch or strike
• battery to touch or strike
• simple asslt-intent threat to do violence
Tony Sullivan
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Bond: $250
Arrest Age 34
Arrested Nov 10, 1995
• assault/battery on persons 65 or older $250 notes: batt elderly
Arthur Summage
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Arrest Age 20
Arrested Jun 21, 1997
• violation of probation or community control
• violation of probation or community control
Autumn Ciara Summage
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Bond: $2500
Arrest Age 29
Arrested Aug 26, 2017
• dom viol-battery touch or strike $2500 notes: dv-battery touch/strike
• dom viol-agg assault deadly wo intent $5000 notes: dv-agg assault deadly w/o intent
• dom viol-simple assault $1000 notes: dv-simple assault
• false info to leo during investigation $500 notes: false info to leo during investigati
• (1)(a)5 smuggle contraband prison-f/arm/weapon/exp $5000 notes: smuggle contraband prison-f/a
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