Assault charges in Florida (FL)

Florida law classifies Simple Assault as a second degree misdemeanor, with penalties of up to 60 days in jail or 6 months probation, and a $500.00 fine. By contrast, the crime of Aggravated Assault is classified as a third degree felony, punishable by up to 5 years of imprisonment.

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Arrested for assault - Duval County, Florida


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Shane Lamar Oquinn
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Arrest Age 54
Jacksonville, Duval, FL
Arrested Dec 29, 2010
• assault / agg / with a deadly weapon without intent to kill
Travis Powell Oquinn
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Arrest Age 30
Jacksonville, Duval, FL
Arrested Jul 02, 2009
• burglary / structure not occupied (no assault / battery - no weapon)
Johnny Sokchietta Or
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Bond: $2508
Arrest Age 17
Jacksonville, Duval, FL
Arrested Feb 25, 2011
• assault/simple elected official, school employee, hrs investigator [pers/spec weapon & no/minor inju $2508
Hasan Jonathan Oracus
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Bond: $50003
Arrest Age 32
Jacksonville, Duval, FL
Arrested Aug 13, 2013
• assault / agg / with intent to commit a felony - personal/special weapon $50003
• resisting officer without violence to his or her person $2508
Kenneth Michael Orand
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Arrest Age 44
Arrested Mar 11, 2021
• assault / agg / with a deadly weapon without intent to kill
Jacob Andrew Orange
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Bond: $25003
Arrest Age 17
Jacksonville, Duval, FL
Arrested Sep 30, 2007
• assault / agg $25003
Victor Anthony Orantes
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Bond: $50003
Arrest Age 54
Neptune Beach, Duval, FL
Arrested Dec 15, 2003
• assault / agg / with an intent to commit a felony $50003
• resisting officer without violence to his person $50003
Louis Paul Orantez
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Arrest Age 20
Jacksonville, Duval, FL
Arrested Nov 04, 2008
• vop-felony
• burglary / dwelling not occupied (no assault / battery - no weapon)
Alejandro Ordanes
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Arrest Age 20
Jacksonville, Duval, FL
Arrested Dec 16, 2011
• assault/agg; leo/firefighter/emt/nonsworn or licensed security officer/etc; any other weapon
• resisting officer without violence to his or her person
Martin T Orduna
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Arrest Age 47
Jacksonville, Duval, FL
Arrested Oct 24, 2009
• burglary / dwelling - armed-becomes armed with dangerous weapon
• violation of parole
• burglary / dwelling occupied (no assault / battery - no weapon)
Sandra Lee Orduna
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Bond: $1503
Arrest Age 47
Jacksonville, Duval, FL
Arrested Jun 20, 2008
• assault / agg / domestic $1503
Richard Dean Oreilly
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Arrest Age 23
Arrested Aug 14, 2012
• burglary / dwelling - not occupied - no assault / battery - no weapon
Appollos C Orelien
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Arrest Age 63
Arrested Jun 21, 2018
• burglary / curtilage of dwelling - no assault / battery - no weapon - theft of 300 or greater
Allan Orient
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Bond: $2503
Arrest Age 19
Jacksonville, Duval, FL
Arrested Oct 01, 2011
• assault / agg / with intent to commit a felony - personal/special weapon $2503
Pedro Francisco Orona
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Bond: $15003
Arrest Age 37
Arrested Sep 26, 2011
• burglary/conveyance; not occupied (no assault / batt - no weapon) > $300 theft
• arson / all other structures (incl. vessle, vehicle, watercraft, aircraft)
• arson / all other structures (incl. vessle, vehicle, watercraft, aircraft)
• burglary / conveyance not occupied (no weapon) > $300 theft; veh accessory
• fraudulent use of credit cards / more than 2 times in 6 mos or $100 or more $15003
Christopher Lee Oros
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Arrest Age 24
Jacksonville, Duval, FL
Arrested Jul 25, 2010
• burglary / structure not occupied (no assault / battery - no weapon)
Amber Lorraine Orr
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Arrest Age 28
Arrested Aug 30, 2018
• burglary / conveyance not occupied (no weapon) > $300 theft; veh accessory
• burglary / structure not occupied (no assault / battery - no weapon)
John Paul Orr
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Bond: $15003
Arrest Age 20
Jacksonville Beach, Duval, FL
Arrested Feb 12, 2014
• burglary / conveyance - makes an assault or battery upon any person - no theft involved $15003
Mshawntis Maria Orr
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Bond: $15003
Arrest Age 34
Arrested May 30, 2016
• assault / agg / with intent to commit a felony - personal/special weapon $15003
• knowingly drive while license suspended, cancelled or revoked $5003
Travis Joshua Orr
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Arrest Age 35
Arrested Nov 02, 2015
• assault / agg / with a deadly weapon without intent to kill
• possession of weapon or ammunition by convicted florida felon
• felony domestic battery by strangulation [no or minor injury]
Walter Joseph Ortega
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Arrest Age 51
Jacksonville, Duval, FL
Arrested Jun 18, 2009
• criminal mischief (over $200 less than $1000)
• burglary / structure occupied (no assault / battery - no weapon)
Walter J Ortega
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Bond: $5003
Arrest Age 33
Jacksonville, Duval, FL
Arrested Mar 21, 2008
• dui - causes damage to person or property $5003
• disorderly intoxication - endangering property/others $5003
• resisting officer without violence to his person $5003
• assault / simple $5003
• driving under the influence of alcohol or chemical substance; faculties impaired $5003
• trespass on property / defies order to leave or endangers property
Capri Zaquan Ortiz
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Bond: $100003
Arrested Jun 27, 2021
• burglary / dwelling - makes an assault or battery upon any person $100003
Derek Ortiz
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Bond: $5003
Arrest Age 18
Jacksonville, Duval, FL
Arrested Dec 10, 2003
• burglary / structure not occupied (no assault / battery - no weapon) $5003
Edward Joseph Ortiz
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Bond: $5003
Arrest Age 20
Jacksonville, Duval, FL
Arrested Jul 02, 2005
• assault / agg $5003
Felix Parchero Ortiz
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Arrest Age 40
Jacksonville, Duval, FL
Arrested Jul 16, 2006
• burglary / structure not occupied (no assault / battery - no weapon)
• criminal mischief (over $200 less than $1000)
• possession of burglary tools
Fernando Roman Ortiz
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Arrested Apr 01, 2022
• fleeing / attempting to elude leo after crash - aggravated - propery damage or injury
• assault/agg; leo/firefighter/emt/nonsworn or licensed security officer/etc; any other weapon
• possess, sell, deliver firearm with altered or removed serial number
• murder / dangerous act evincing a depraved mind w/o premed / 2nd deg.
• possession of weapon or ammunition by convicted florida felon
• harass/tease/
Jose E Ortiz
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Arrest Age 17
Jacksonville, Duval, FL
Arrested Dec 08, 2005
• burglary/conveyance; not occupied (no assault / batt - no weapon)
• burglary/conveyance; not occupied (no assault / batt - no weapon)
• burglary/conveyance; not occupied (no assault / batt - no weapon)
• burglary/conveyance; not occupied (no assault / batt - no weapon)
• burglary/conveyance; not occupied (no assault / batt - no weapon)
• fraud use of credit cards; 2 times or less in 6 mos; or less t
Juan Felipe Ortiz
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Arrest Age 18
Jacksonville, Duval, FL
Arrested Jan 26, 2004
• murder
• shooting/throwing deadly missiles into dwelling, public/private bldg/vehicle - u
• murder
• evidence - tampering with or fabricating
• murder
• assault / agg
• evidence - tampering with or fabricating
• assault / agg
• assault / agg
• assault / agg / with a deadl
Nicholas D Ortiz
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Bond: $50003
Arrest Age 47
Jacksonville, Duval, FL
Arrested Jul 04, 2011
• assault / agg / with a deadly weapon without intent to kill $50003
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